Cast Responsibilites for Tech/Production Weeks

February 20-March 6

The schedule below has the information members of the cast need for Tech/Production Week, broken down by day. This information will also be on the website.The call times will not be changed unless absolutely necessary. If you have any questions, please direct them to the Directors or the Producer.

Saturday, February 19 – Put in

Put in – the moving and assembly of set pieces, props, costumes, etc. into the high school auditorium

9:00am: Cast Call. Put in will begin at Hawes Hall. The operation is under the direction of the Technical Director. Many hands make light work and a great portion of the time is spent simply moving things from Hawes Hall to the high school. Attendance is mandatory. Although under the discretion of the Tech Director, it is likely that many people will be dismissed by early afternoon.

Sunday, February 20 – Monster/Marathon Sunday

Monster Sunday – The Sunday prior to opening night in which we complete two full rehearsals from start to finish, including orchestra and tech crew.

1:00pm: Cast Call. Please check yourself in on the attendance sheets. There will be no orchestra for the first run-through. We will start doing a full run-through at 2:00pm, stopping where necessary to fix traffic accidents and stage pictures. These will be kept to a minimum. This rehearsal will stop at 5:00pm, regardless of where we are.

At 5:00, the pot-luck dinner will begin. Cast: please let the tech crew eat first! They traditionally use most of the dinner hour to make adjustments learned from the first rehearsal. They must have their fixes done and the stage re-set for Act I in time for the second run.

Orchestra call is 6:30 with a 7:00 downbeat.

Cast: “A 7:00 downbeat” means exactly that. The second run-through of the day will begin at 7:00. For the second run, full costumes will be worn. Jewelry and eyeglasses are still acceptable at this rehearsal. There may be some makeup; only as a test or characters with special needs. This rehearsal will end at 10:15 at the latest – all personnel must have completely vacated the building by 10:45pm. During this rehearsal, the cast is permitted to watch the show from the auditorium, but it is your responsibility to be backstage in time for your next entrance.

Monday, February 21 – Tech Rehearsal

6:30pm: Cast Call. This rehearsal is primarily devoted to working out any outstanding technical issues, such as light cues, set changes, etc. It is traditionally known as a “cue-to-cue” rehearsal; not all numbers may be run, and some numbers may be repeated. We will try as much as possible to do a full run. There is no orchestra at this rehearsal. Full costumes are to be worn. Cast is encouraged, though not required to remove eyeglasses. Cast is permitted to watch the show from the house, but it is your responsibility to be backstage in time for your next entrance. Run through will be begin as soon as possible, but no later than 7:30. All personnel must evacuate the building by 10:45pm

Tuesday, February 22 – Tech Rehearsal

6:00pm: Cast Call. This rehearsal is primarily devoted to working out any outstanding technical issues, such as light cues, set changes, etc.. We will try as much as possible to do a full run. There is no orchestra at this rehearsal. Full costumes and makeup for this rehearsal. Cast is encouraged, though not required to remove eyeglasses. Cast is permitted to watch the show from the house, but it is your responsibility to be backstage in time for your next entrance. Run through will be begin as soon as possible, but no later than 7:00.

The cast photo will be taken tonight after the conclusion of Act II – do not move after the bows are complete. All personnel must evacuate the building by 10:45pm

Wednesday, February 23 – Dress Rehearsal

6:00pm: Cast Call. This is a full dress rehearsal – last chance before performance. Everyone in full costume and makeup. Orchestra is called for this rehearsal at 7:00pm. Downbeat will be at 7:30. No one is permitted to wear eyeglasses on stage. There will be tables on each side of the backstage doors to hold eyeglasses. Cast is NOT permitted in the house for this rehearsal. All personnel must evacuate the building by 10:45pm.

Friday, February 25 – Opening Night

6:30pm: Cast Call. Downbeat is at 8:00pm. Cast will be permitted to greet their public after the performance – exact location is still to be determined. Friends and relatives are NOT permitted in any area backstage at any time.All personnel must evacuate the building by 11:45pm

Saturday, February 26 – 2nd performance

6:30pm: Cast Call. Downbeat is at 8:00pm. Cast will be permitted to greet their public after the performance – exact location is still to be determined. Friends and relatives are NOT permitted in any area backstage at any time.All personnel must evacuate the building by 11:45pm

Sunday, February 27 – Matinee

12:30pm: Cast Call. Downbeat is at 2:00pm. Cast will be permitted to greet their public after the performance – exact location is still to be determined. Friends and relatives are NOT permitted in any area backstage at any time.We will need to strike all movable items from the stage and lobby area to be ready for school the next day – please pitch in. All personnel must evacuate the building by 5:45pm

Wednesday, March 2

6:30pm: Cast Call. Downbeat is at 8:00pm. Cast will be permitted to greet their public after the performance – exact location is still to be determined. Friends and relatives are NOT permitted in any area backstage at any time.

We will need to strike all movable items from the stage and lobby area to be ready for school the next day – please pitch in. All personnel must evacuate the building by 11:45pm

Friday, March 4

6:30pm: Cast Call. Downbeat is at 8:00pm. Cast will be permitted to greet their public after the performance – exact location is still to be determined. Friends and relatives are NOT permitted in any area backstage at any time.All personnel must evacuate the building by 11:45pm

Saturday, March 5– Matinee

12:30pm: Cast Call. Downbeat is at 2:00pm. Cast will be permitted to greet their public after the performance – exact location is still to be determined. Friends and relatives are NOT permitted in any area backstage at any time.

Within a reasonable period of time, please change out of your costume (do not remove makeup) and leave the school for the church as soon as possible after the matinee for the Last/Cast Supper. During this time, there will be the annual meeting, election of new trustees to the Board and recognition of all persons involved in this year’s production. Dinner is expected to be between 5:00 and 6:30pm.

Saturday, March 5 – Evening Performance

6:45pm: Cast Call. All cast, crew and orchestra should be back at the high school by 6:45. Cast should put their costumes back on and touch up makeup. Downbeat is at 8:00pm. Cast will be permitted to greet their public after the performance – exact location is still to be determined. Friends and relatives are NOT permitted in any area backstage at any time. Please be aware that some aspects of the production are struck on Saturday night, primarily costumes and props. The Tech Director will supply more information on strike during the week.All personnel must evacuate the building by 11:45pm

Sunday, March 6 – Strike

Strike – the dismantling and removal of everything from the high school

This is the reverse of put in. Time of strike beginning will be announced at a later date, but likely to be ~10am. Everything must be removed from the high school and put away at the church. Attendance is mandatory, and it is at the discretion of the Tech Director to dismiss people as strike winds down. There will be a strike party, but the location is kept secret – you have to come to strike to find out where it is!