Press Release

For Immediate Release September 7, 2011

Cass Elias McCarter Guardian ad Litem Program, Darlington County

For more information contact Lyrae Rogers at 383-2333


Are you active duty military looking for a volunteer opportunity in your new community? The Cass Elias McCarter Guardian ad Litem Program may be the opportunity for you! Consider TSgt. Shadrine Jackson, who in 2008 found herself looking for a way to serve her new community. Through an ad in a magazine in a gift basket, Shadrine became aware of volunteer guardians ad litem. A guardian ad litem (GAL) is a specially trained volunteer who advocates for children who enter DSS protection. . Shadrine called her local GAL county coordinator and made an appointment to come in to talk more specifically about the program, particularly in light of her family and military responsibilities. In addition to working full-time in the Air Force, she and her husband, TSgt. Clifford Jackson, were the parents of 3 young children.

Three years later, Shadrine has made a huge impact helping to secure permanent outcomes for 11 children in 9 cases. Along the way, she has had her 4th child, became a MSgt. and earned the Air Force Volunteer Ribbon. And her husband Clifford became a GAL too! Granted it was not always easy: Shadrine attended Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) Academy for 6 weeks in another state and Clifford was deployed. Through it all, she served her guardian children well.

And while Clifford was available for only one case before being deployed, his influence was felt by the 2 little girls he served. When the new GAL met the sisters, the older child asked: “Do you work for us?” “Excuse me?” replied the volunteer. “Mr. Clifford said he worked for us. Do you work for us?” “Yes” she replied, “I work for you.”

Consider working for a child. No matter how long you are part of a community the difference you can make in the life of an abused or neglected child will live on long after your military service has taken you to a new community.

Get involved in your community today! Call the Cass Elias McCarter Guardian ad Litem Program at (864) 878-0861, or visit our website at Our next free training session starts soon.