Cash for Kids is a national children’s charity, founded and hosted by Bauer Radio, part of the Bauer Media group, and owning 21 radio stations up and down the UK.

The charity works wholly locallysupporting disadvantaged children within the broadcast area of each individual station. That means that every penny raised in the Radio Borders area stays in the Radio Borders area to help children across the Scottish Borders and North Northumberland. Costs are kept to an absolute minimum with only one part-time member of staff and the radio station covering administrative expenses.

Cash for Kids is a grant-giving charity. Applications, supported by a teacher, health professional or social worker are processed by a Board of Executives four times a year. Our criteria is very wide: we support individuals aged 0-18 who are living in poverty, with illness or disability, or going through a traumatic time in their lives. Cash for Kids is also there for schools, clubs and other children’s charities in the area. We also grant emergency funding.

Radio is a wonderful mouthpiece for Cash for Kids. It allows us to feature forthcoming events, thank our kind donors and sponsors and (providing it is not confidential) give details of exactly where their hard raised funds have gone. Thanks to the generosity of our listeners, in 2014 we were able to raise £115,117which in turn allowed us to help 1,802 children.

Among the many, many ways that we have been able to do this includes laying on transport for children to attend Riding for the Disabled sessions, providing trips for children who never have a day out and paying£1,000 to help maintain a holiday caravan to give respite holidays to a family with an autistic child. Two families with children in hospital in Edinburgh have been helped to meet the costs of transport and other expenses. A grant of £1,900 was given to Penumbra to provide warm winter clothing for the children in their care.Our Mission Christmas appeal, which aims to ensure that every child in the broadcast area wakes up to Christmas presents, last yearensured 703 childrenreceived a massive red sack full of gifts. Just one of the many messages of thanks we received said: “After having the worst year of their lives, my children have just had sacks full of gifts for Christmas delivered from our family support worker. THANK YOU SO MUCH, it has reduced me to tears. The amazing work you guys do never fails to surprise me. This will make tomorrow so special for them.”

However, we also attract a huge number of applications. In June this year alone, our grant round had a value of over £28,000. Basic items such as flooring, beds, bedding and clothing are constantly applied for. Every penny we receive is appreciated and means that we can continue to help vulnerable children across the Borders. All donations that we are given by being part of the return of theBorders Railway commemorations will be used to make a difference to the lives of children in your local community and we will be grateful for all your contributions.

Charity Manager: Candy Rafferty

Radio Borders Cash for Kids

Tel: 01896 759444
