Northumberland County

Scout Council

Adult Training

Adult Leader Training Award (Wood Badge)

By completing the following questionnaires and providing the evidence required under Candidate Information in the module Summary Sheets you will be able to validate your Wood Badge




Please ensure any witness testimonies are given by someone who has a working knowledge of your Section AND holds a Wood Badge and explained EXACTLY what was witnessed ,for which module(s)where and for how long. Please give as much detail as possible. If there is not enough detail you may be asked to provide a further explanation. Please use the form that is attached at the end of this booklet.


The following pages contain knowledge questionnaires for the majority of the modules.

Please ensure your answers are your own and free from plagiarism and you may be asked additional questions by your training advisor to support your answers

Please type your answers between the questions and use as much space as you require. An online version can be down loaded from adult support pages.

Please see the module summary sheets in this document for the requirements to validate each module.


Once you have completed all the activities outlined in this document please pass your file to your training advisor for final validation by the County Training Manager.

We recommend when you complete each module you speak to your training advisor to validate as soon as possible. If you haven’t been assigned a training advisor please contact the County training Manager at and she can arrange validation for you

Module Summary Sheet

Wood Badge Module 1: Essential Information

Candidate Name: ______

Training Adviser Information


Candidate information

Learning outcome /

Assessment criteria

/ To complete this unit you must:
  1. Complete a risk assessment for a Scouting activity, write it down and place it in your portfolio behind this page.
  1. Complete the e-learning and place a copy of your certificate behind this page.

1Understand the Purpose, Principles and Methods of The Scout Association. / 1.1State the Promise & Law and explain how they relate to the Fundamentals of The Scout Association.
1.2Explain that Scouting is open to all young people and operates an Equal Opportunities Policy.
2Understand the importance of the Scout Association’s Child Protection
Policy and their role
in protecting young
people from harm. / 2.1Explain how both they and other adults involved in Scouting should implement the Code of Behaviour ‘Young People First’.
2.2Explain the steps to take where child abuse is
suspected or alleged.
3Identify the main methods of preventing and reporting accidents during Scouting activities. / 3.1Explain and apply the Scout Association’s method of Risk Assessment to Scouting activities.
3.2Explain how to find out about the relevant rules/guidance for Scouting activities.
3.3Describe the actions to take following an accident/incident (or the reporting of an accident/incident) during a Scouting activity.
4 Identify the support
available to help
them in their
Scouting role. / 4.1Describe the structure of their Group and District and identify the support available.
4.2Explain how the Scout Information Centre may be contacted and the type of support and information that is available.
4.3Describe the training process and other development opportunities for adults in Scouting.

Module Summary Sheet

Wood Badge Module 3: Tools for the Job – Section Leaders

Candidate Name: ______

Assessor information /

Candidate information

Learning outcome / Assessment criteria / To complete this unit you must:
  1. Be observed by your Training Adviser or a leader who has completed their training and has a Wood Badgeand provide a witness testimony:
  1. Running the main ceremonies in your Section and
  2. Running a game or an activity for your Section.
  1. Complete the e-learning and place a copy of your certificate behind this page.

1Understand their role in Scouting. / 1.1Describe the principal duties, functions and responsibilities of the role they have taken on in Scouting.
2Recognise the main features of their Section. / 2.1Describe the age range, theme, groupings of young people in their Section.
2.2Outline the decision making and programme planning processes used in their Section.
2.3Demonstrate the main ceremonies used in their Section.
2.4Explain the roles and responsibilities that different people (adults and young people) undertake during a Section Meeting.
3Participate in the planning and implementation of Section meetings. / 3.1List sources of ‘ready made’ programme ideas.
3.2Explain why different types of games are an important part of the programme.
3.3Outline the important criteria for games in Scouting.
3.4Introduce and run a game or activity to their

Module Summary Sheet

Wood Badge Module 5: The Fundamental Values of Scouting

Wood Badge Module 6: Changes in Scouting

Candidate Name: ______

Assessor information /

Candidate information

Learning outcome / Assessment criteria / To complete this unit you must:
  1. Mod 5 - Complete the e-learning and place a copy of your certificate behind this page.
  1. Mod 5 – Deliver an activity to demonstrate the integration of spiritual development of young people. Provide practical examples of how you explore faith/beliefs and attitudes in your section
  1. Mod 6 - Complete the pdf quiz within the e-learning and place a copy behind this page.

1Understand the Values of Scouting as incorporated into the Fundamentals. / 1.1Explain that the values of Scouting are expressed in the Purpose, Principles and Method.
1.2Explain how a Balanced Programme
incorporates the values of Scouting.
2Understand the role of faith and beliefs in Scouting. / 2.1Give practical examples of how faith and beliefs
can be incorporated into a Balanced
2.2Outline the religious policy of The Scout
Association and their role in implementing that
3Outline the Scout Movement’s history focusing on its development to meet the changing needs of society. / 3.1Explain how Scouting started.
3.2Describe how Scouting has adapted to changing social needs whilst maintaining its fundamental principles.

Module Summary Sheet

Wood Badge Module 8: Skills of Leadership

Wood Badge Module 9: Working with Adults

Wood Badge Module 13: Growing the Section

Candidate Name: ______

Training Adviser Information


Candidate information

Learning outcome / Assessment criteria / To complete this unit you must:
  1. Provide an example of a time when you have systematically planned something.
  1. Be observed by your Training Adviser or leader who has completed their training and holds a Wood Badge demonstrating effective verbal and non-verbal communication and effective listening and provide a witness testimony.
  1. Include your Group/Unit development plan in your portfolio and discuss with your Training Advisor, outlining the benefits of having one.
  1. Complete the unit questionnaire and place it in your portfolio behind this page.
  1. Be observed by your training advisor or leader with a woodbadge and has knowledge of your section running a game or activity to develop leadership skills in young people

  1. Plan systematically
/ 1.1Use a systematic approach to planning activities.
  1. Understand the Hersey model of Situational Leadership.
/ 2.1Explain simply the functions of leadership in terms of: the task to be done and actions to assist it, actions to assist group cohesion and actions required to meet the needs of individuals within the group.
  1. Use different leadership styles.
/ 3.1Explain the different leadership styles and outline situations in which they might be appropriate.
3.2Describe their own predominant or preferred style of leadership.
4Communicate effectively with adults and young people . / 4.1 Describe the main features of effective communication.
1.2Demonstrate different aspects of verbal and non-verbal
communication and appropriate responses.
5Use listening skills to help other people solve their own problems. / 5.1Identify situations when listening skills are particularly important.
5.2Demonstrate the techniques of effective listening.
6Understand how Scouting attempts to encourage young people to progress through the movement. / 6.1Explain the progressive nature of the programme from 6-25 and detail the role of the Moving on, Membership awards and age range flexibility in supporting the transfer between Sections.
6.2Describe and implement practical methods of encouraging the successful transfer of young people from one Section to the next.
6.3Describe ways that waiting lists can be managed effectively.
6.4Describe ways of recruiting and retaining young people.
7Undertake their responsibilities in accordance with the Adults in Scouting Model. / 7.1Describe the Six Step approach to the recruitment of adults.
7.2Describe the key stages in the induction of adults into Scouting.
7.3Plan and implement their responsibilities within the Adults in Scouting Model.
8Understand and implement development planning within their sphere of responsibility. / 8.1 Explain the benefit of having and using development plans.
8.2Work with others to create and implement an ongoing development plan for their Group/Unit.

Wood Badge Module 8: Skills of Leadership

Wood Badge Module 9: Working with Adults

Wood Badge Module 13: Growing the Section

Module 8

  1. Explain the different leadership styles and give examples of the situations where each might be appropriate.
  2. Describe your own predominant or preferred style of leadership.

Module 9

  1. What are the main features of effective communication?
  1. When are listening skills particularly important?

Module 13

  1. Explain the progressive nature of the programme from 6-25 and details the roles of Moving On, Membership awards and age range flexibility in supporting the transfer between sections.
  2. Describe practical methods for transferring young people from one Section to the next.
  3. How can you effectively manage waiting lists?
  1. Describe the role you play in the recruitment and retention of young people and adults
  1. Describe the different ways of recruiting and retaining young people.
  2. Explain ways in which new adults to scouting can be supported in their role
  3. What are the key stages in the induction of adults into Scouting?
  4. Explain the benefit of having and using development plans.

Module Summary Sheet

Wood Badge Module 11: Administration

Candidate Name: ______

Training Adviser Information


Candidate information

Learning outcome / Assessment criteria / To complete this unit you must:
  1. Discuss with your Training Advisor how records are kept and used in your Section.
  1. Complete the unit questionnaire and place it in your portfolio behind this page.

1Keep accurate and appropriate records for their Section and role. / 1.1List the records that need to be maintained within their Section and Group.
1.2Demonstrate accurate and appropriate
maintenance of records for their Section.
1.3Outline the financial responsibilities and procedures of their Section and Group.
1.4Outline the provisions of the Data Protection Act as they affect record keeping in their Section.
2Understand the value of effective communication with parents and other members of the Group Council. / 2.1Explain the benefits and methods for effective communication with parents and other members of the Group Council.
3Understand the insurance arrangements for Section activities. / 3.1Outline the insurance arrangements for Sectionactivities.

Wood Badge Module 11: Administration

  1. List the records that need to be maintained within your Section and Group.
  1. Outline the financial responsibilities and procedures of your Section and Group.
  1. Outline the provisions of the Data Protection Act in relation to the record keeping within your Section.
  1. What are the benefits and methods of effective communication with parents and other members of the Group Council?
  1. Outline the insurance arrangements for Section activities.

Module Summary Sheet

Wood Badge Module 12: Providing a Balanced Programme

Wood Badge Module 19: International

Optional Module 36: Special Needs

Candidate Name: ______

Training Adviser Information


Candidate information

Learning outcome / Assessment criteria / To complete this unit you must:
  1. Place a copy of your Sectional programmein your portfolio behind this page.
    Include a detailed evening programme, along with monthly, termly and annual programmes.
  1. Demonstrate that you have run an international activity for your Section.
  1. Establish a link with a group outside the UK
  1. Complete the unit questionnaire and place it in your portfolio behind this page.
  1. Increase awareness of special needs by running an activity/event for either young people or Adults

  1. Provide a balanced programme for their Section.
/ 1.1Explain how a balanced Programme meets The Scout Association’s educational objectives
1.2Describe how the Programme Zones, Methods and underlying ways of working for their Section help ensure the operation of a Balanced Programme
1.3Produce a Balanced Programme for their Section
1.4Outline various sources, methods and themes that can be used to generate exciting and relevant programme ideas
1.5Explain how the various Awards, Badges, and Challenges support the delivery of a Balanced Programme
1.6Explain how the self review process supports and enhances the programme planning process
  1. Involve young people in the decision making for the Section.
/ 2.1Explain how young people may be involved in planning and decision making through the use of Sectional, District and County/Area forums, conferences and committees
  1. Provide an international aspect to the Balanced Programme for their Section.
/ 3.1Explain the worldwide nature of Scouting and the role of the Membership Badge
3.2Explain how international aspects feature in the Association’s programme for young people
3.3List 4 ways of obtaining resources, ideas and material to support the international aspects of their Section’s programme
3.4Organise an international activity for young people
  1. Provide anunderstanding and knowledge of the Scout Association’s policy and practice for those with special needs.
/ 4.1. Explain the Scout Association’s policy on special

Wood Badge Module 12: Providing a Balanced Programme

Wood Badge Module 19: International

Optional Module 36: Special Needs

Module 12

  1. How does a Balanced Programme meet The Scout Association’s educational objectives?
  1. What is a quality checker and what is its purpose?
  2. Describe the 6 areas which are key to the development of young people
  1. Describe the underlying themes of the programme
  1. How do the various Awards, Badges and Challenges support the delivery of a Balanced Programme?
  1. Name the areas of a quality programme
  1. In what ways may young people be involved in planning and decision making through the use of Sectional, District and County/Area forums, conferences and committees?
  1. What are the key elements that make up the programme
  1. Identify 3 themes of the programme
  1. Explain the worldwide nature of Scouting and the role of the Membership Badge.
  1. What are the aims of the Young Leader Scheme

Module 19

  1. How do international aspects feature in the Association’s programme for young people?
  2. List four ways of obtaining resources, ideas and material to support the international aspects of their Section’s programme.
  3. Identify three things worldwide scouting shares
  4. Describe what the worldwide membership badge symbolises
  5. Identify opportunities for young people in your section to take part international activities and events and what are the benefits

Module 36

  1. Explain the Scout Association’s special needs policy.

Module Summary Sheet

Wood Badge Module 7: Scouting for All

Wood Badge Module 14: Young People Today

Wood Badge Module 15: Challenging Behaviour

Candidate Name: ______

Training Adviser Information


Candidate information

Learning outcome / Assessment criteria / To complete this unit you must:
  1. Place a copy of your Sectional ‘code of conduct’ in your portfolio behind this pageand discuss the benefits and how it was made with your training advisor.
  2. Complete the unit questionnaire and place it in your portfolio behind this page.

1Identify the policies of the Association that promote diversity and consider how the individual, in his/her role, can help to make Scouting available to all. / 1.1Explain The Scout Association’s Co-education policy.
1.2Explain practical methods to develop Co-educational and mixed Scouting.
1.3Explain The Scout Association’s Equal Opportunities policy.
1.4Explain that Scouting is available for all young people regardless of their needs.
1.5Describe how information, advice to support young people with Special Needs may be obtained.
1.6Explain how Scouting can meet the needs of diverse communities.
1.7Explain how they apply equal opportunities locally within their Group/District/County.
  1. Recognise the characteristics, needs and influences on young people in the age range with which they are working and those in older and younger Sections.
/ 2.1Describe how you would identify the characteristics and needs of young people in the age range with which they are working and
those in older and younger Sections.
2.2Outline the influences on young people in the age range with which they are working and those older and younger.
2.3Describe the Leader’s role in responding to the characteristics, influences and needs of young people in their age range.
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of how to prevent and manage challenging behaviour exhibited by young people.
/ 3.1Outline the types, causes and triggers of challenging behaviour that might be exhibited by young people.
3.2 Identify actions that could be taken to manage those triggers/causes which are within the leader’s control.
3.2Demonstrate how acceptable standards ofbehaviour may be agreed with both young people and the adult leadership team.
3.3Identify sources of additional help and support,in dealing with challenging behaviour.
3.4Explain the necessary procedures for dismissing a young person from the organisation.

Wood Badge Module 7: Scouting for all

Wood Badge Module 14: Young People Today

Wood Badge Module 15: Challenging Behaviour

Module 7

  1. Explain The Scout Association’s Co-education Policy.
  2. Explain the practical methods used to develop Co-educational and mixed Scouting.
  3. Explain The Scout Association’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
  4. In what ways is Scouting available for all young people regardless of their needs?
  5. Describe how information and advice to support young people with Special Needs may be obtained.
  6. Explain how Scouting can meet the needs of diverse communities.
  7. In what ways do you apply equal opportunities locally within your Group/District/County?

Module 14