][SOAR After School Program

Greetings Parents/Guardians!

Welcome back to another exciting year of SOAR, Capitol Heights Academy’s After School Program. We hope that you will encourage your child to benefit from this opportunity to receive the extra help she/he might need to SOAR through their academics as well as explore a range of enrichment activities.

This year, SOAR will work with grades 1 through 8 and will begin on Monday, August 27, 2007. The three parts of the program are as follows:

Part I: Reading /English as a Second Language Intervention

Part II: Math Intervention

Part III: Enrichment Activities (ranging from science to art to drama to sports and many more!)

During Parts I and II, a Homework Club will be available with tutors on-site to help the students with their work if they are not involved in any of the interventions. For students who are involved in both the Reading and Math Interventions and therefore have limited time spent on homework, modification to their SOAR schedule and homework expectations will be made.

For enrichment, there will be five to six options available for every four week term. NOTE: These options may change based on teacher availability and supplies. Enrichment choice is based on daily attendance and behavior in SOAR. Students will be allowed to participate in ONE enrichment activity per term. Many of the enrichments will be offered more than once.

The schedule on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays will be as follows:

3:15-3:25 Snack/ bathroom break/ announcements

3:25-4:45 Reading / English as a Second Language Intervention

4:45-4:55 Break

4:55-5:35 Math Intervention

5:35-6:00 Enrichment Activities

The schedule on Wednesdays will be different due to the Wednesday early dismissal schedule:

12:45-1:00 Bathroom break/ Group Games

1:00-2:00 Mad Science Time/ Community Building

2:00-3:00 Homework Club

3:00-3:30 Break/ Snack

3:30-5:30 Enrichment Activities

5:30-6:00 Community Service

Our program is open to all students (grades 1-8) at Capitol Heights Academy. There are specific attendance and behavior expectations for students to remain enrolled in SOAR. Please contact me for more information about our exciting year. Also, we will have a couple detailed information nights for families on Thursday and Friday, August 23 and 24 at 5:30 in the cafeteria. We hope to see you there!


Jen Hammel and the SOAR team

(916) 739-8520