Step Up To Serve: Nominate an #iwill Ambassador

Step Up To Serve is a UK-wide campaign aimed at doubling the number of 10 to 20 year olds taking part in social action (such as volunteering or campaigning) by 2020. You can find out more here:

To mark our first year anniversary in November, we are recruiting a number of young people aged 10 to 20 years old to become #iwill Ambassadors, to recognise and celebratetheir commitment to social action.These young people will support ‘Youth Social Action Month’ throughout November in a range of ways from encouraging their friends to get involved to appearing in our new film.

When we talk about social action we mean practical action in the service of others to create positive change- such as volunteering for a charity, mentoring or fundraising. Examples include: raising awareness about climate change, caring for someone in your community, providing peer support online or taking part in a fun run.

Please nominate a young person in any of the four nations particularly those under sixteen who are taking part in social action.So we can celebrate with them the amazing work they have done so far and encourage others to follow in their footsteps.

Please download and send this form to

as soon as possible and no later than Monday 1st September

Nominator’s name and contact details:

About the Nominee


Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY):

County e.g. Essex:

Please double click and select as many of the below that apply to you:

At SchoolIn Training

At College Volunteering

At University In Work

Other (please specify):

Nominee’s Social Action Story:

1.Organisation (s) (if they have been supported by organisations to take part insocial action):

2.What kind of social action activities has the young person been involved in[Max. 200 words]

For example volunteering for a charity, mentoring, campaigning or fundraising

3.Was this as part of a group or on their own?

4.Approximately how much time does the young person dedicate to this social action?

For example: Is it a one-off action or regular? If regular, how often does the young person take action and for how long?

5.How have they benefitted the community? [Max 100 words]

6.How have they developed through their social action? [Max 100 words]

There may be opportunity for the nominee to share their story with the media. If they are happy to share their social action journey, then please note if they are successful they will be required to sign a media consent form.

Please return this form to: with the subject header: ‘Youth Social Action Story’ or post it to the below address.

Rebecca Page

Step Up To Serve

4th Floor Holborn Gate

26 Southampton Buildings
