Gleason Public Library

In attendance:

BRIC: Elizabeth DeMille Barnett, Neal Emmer, Robert Hilton, Angela Mollet, Priscilla Stevens

Other: Drayton Fair, Architect and Steve Webster, Associate

Priscilla Stevens called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. The Architect and Associate presented the further documentation received regarding the basic qualifications of the sub bidders.

In the Masonry sub category all bidders were found to meet the qualifications outlined in the specifications and were qualified by the BRIC.

In the roofing sub category one firm did not respond to the request for more information so the decision was based on the initial sub bid packet, which did not provide sufficient detail to qualify. Two other bidders did not show the required amount of experience with historic buildings of similar age and material or slate experience to meet the qualifications outlined in the specs. In total, three sub bidders were not qualified from the final roofing sub bid list:

Belcour Corp. of Woonsocket RI did not demonstrate that they had the experience / qualifications as required by Section 07500 Paragraph 1.5.

Glibert & Becker Roofing did not respond to the request and requirement for submission of the documentation of the experience / qualifications within 5 business days following the opening of bids as noted in Section 07500 Paragraph 1.5 and did not demonstrate that they had the experience/qualifications as required by Section 07500 Paragraph 1.5.

Eagle Restoration and Contracting Company sis not demonstrate that they had the experience / qualifications as required by Section 07500 Paragraph 1.5.

The BRIC approved the sub bidder lists with these changes. The qualified list will be posted Friday on project Correspondence will be sent to those not qualified and the town counsel will be notified of the same.

The qualified sub bid list for roofing 07500 is:

Murphy Specialty, Inc $119,000

Stanley Roofing Company, Inc. 123,000

Crocker Architectural Sheet Metal Co., Inc. $143,800

Rockwell Roofing, Inc. $171,000

Greenwood Industries, Inc. $172,000

The qualified sub bid list for masonry 04200 is:

Thompson Waterproofing, Inc $113,806

NER Construction Management Corp $166,245

Chapman Waterproofing Company $170,000

Costa Brothers Masonry, Inc. $177,000

Riggs Contracting, Inc. $203,520

Folan Waterproofing & Construction Co., Inc. $219,000

Contracting Specialist, Inc. $256,000

Capital Masonry Corp. $269,000

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM.

22 Bedford Road, Carlisle, MA 01746978-369-4898