MEMBERS PRESENT: Pam, Rachel and Karen. Greg and Steve had to work late.
BILLS: Pam turned in bills for reimbursement. Wal-Mart $5.00, Dollar Tree $4.00 and Columbia Mkt. $2.98 Karen made the motion to pay the bills, and Rachel seconded. Motion carried. Greg and Steve each gave a yes vote by phone. Special Events 1-409-620-18 Total $12.95 to be paid to Pam.
BUSINESS:1. Report from youth director, Pam: Pam reported an average of 30 kids, mostly elementary, attending the recreation center in February. We need new basket balls and a volley ball. Ours are well used. Pam would like to have a scrimmage game between the Port, City and the older kids. We have several of good players at the center. She would also like to have a donkey basket ball game. Pam will check into the possibility of a donkey game. Our volunteer, Dominique Horn has moved. She has been gone 1 week and we miss her. We could use a 3rd. person, on call. Karen was sick one night last week and we needed help. Pre-scanned volunteers would be very helpful. We don’t want to advertise for volunteers because occasionally the volunteers are more trouble than the kids. The library will be hosting some special programs during the summer months on Thursdays 6-7 p.m. We will be glad to include their activities with our program. We would like to have the small meeting room tiled or linoleum. Maybe a few volunteers would do the work if we purchased the floor covering-not carpet! The kids are enjoying karaoke.
- Summer Recreation: Pam, Rachel and Karen approve the suggestion of using the summer recreation money to help finace an extended RecreationCenter program. The Council has a copy of the suggestions that Karen presented to them last month.
First choice: 3 nights a week, 2 hrs. 2 people 5-7 p.m. and hire a 3 person.
Second choice: 2 nights, 2 hrs. 2 people on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Saturday night 2 hrs. 1 person for middle school and high school only.
Third choice: Winter months, 2 nights, 2 hrs. 2 people.
Summer months, 3 nights, 2 hrs. 2 people.
- Plans for Easter Egg Hunt April 7th. 2 p.m. at the school: Ages Toddlers on play ground, grades k-1st. & 2nd. Behind school. 3rd-5th. Grades: Soccer field unless it’s a swamp. Finalize plans at the April meeting.
- Raise increase: Rachel made the motion and Pam seconded to ask for a $2.00 raise for the youth recreation directors. Greg and Steve voted yes by phone. Motion carried. That would be $12.00 an hr. If that won’t work they are requesting a 10% wage increase each year.
Reported by Karen Peck