Cascade Crossfires
Board Tasks
Draft revised 1/6/15
Updated Treasurer section 1/14/15
- Call & preside over board meetings and elections as directed in the by-laws
- Assure that the board sets dates for board meetings and elections & carries out the election
- Set and announce the agenda for board meetings
- Notify board members and club members of meeting day, time & place [President or Secretary?]
- Makes arrangements for the board meeting location, including reservations, if necessary [President or person designated by the President--could be the VP or Secretary]
- Arrange for nominations for the next board [Cooperative effort by the entire board]
- Form a committee?
- Ask members for nominations (via contact at club functions, email and/or phone)
- Host & MC club activities
President [Club-to-Communitytasks that are often delegated]
- Represent the Cascade Crossfires to the Mt. Baker Council and the community
- Be the Mt. Baker Council Delegate or appoint one
- Appoint an alternate Mt. Baker Council Delegate
- Facilitate communication with the Grange/Maintain a good rapport with the grange master and other grange contacts [May require membership in the grange]
- Arrange for caravans with other clubs [currently delegated to the Caravan Chairman]
Mt Baker Council Delegate—reports to/coordinates with the board
- Attend Mt. Baker Council meetings
- Participate in the exchange of ideas
- Share what Crossfires is doing & state any need for information, assistance, collaboration
- Bring back info & ideas
President/Vice-President [Contracts tasks that are often delegated to the Vice-President]
- Coordinate all tasks involved with conducting lessons. [Lesson Coordinator] This might be a separate role if marketing, communicating with [prospective] students, negotiating contracts, and managing contracts, and hall setup tasks are implemented by a variety of people.
- Make arrangements (pre-contract) with the dance hall for:
- Lessons & workshops
- Dances
- Make arrangements (pre-contract) with callers & cuers for:
- Lessons & workshops
- Dances
- Coordinate with [Treasurer] to complete the written contract.
- Notify the board of the agreement and any variation on the “understood” parameters of the agreement (outside of price range or other unexpected arrangements)
- Manage contracts with dance hall agent
- Initiate & maintains written contracts with dance hall agent
- Notify board of booking status and changes/ future changes in booking rates or agreements
- Manage contracts with callers & cuers
- Initiate & maintains written contracts with callers and cuers
- Notify board of booking status and changes/ future changes in booking rates or agreements with callers & cuers
President/Vice-President/Treasurer [Contracts tasks that are often delegated to the Vice-President or Treasurer]
- Initiate & maintain written contracts with dance hall agent
- Notify board of booking status and changes/ future changes in booking rates or agreements
- Perform the President’s responsibilities when the President is his/her absent
- Perform duties delegated by the President. These duties often involve setting up contracts with callers, cuers, and dance halls.
- Maintain a table at dances & classes & collect dance, lesson, and membership fees
- Maintain attendance list during workshops/lessons/dances and keep them on file for possible future audit
- Collect receipt from raffle winners (e.g. Split The Pot) for the winning amount paid and keep on file
- Maintain bank account (checking, savings)
- Be the official signee for these accounts (on file with the bank – currently BECU)
- Keep debit card , online login credentials safe and secure
- Backup of login credentials must be in a closed envelope at the Club President (is currently with Cathy Bruhn)
- Pay dance hall rent monthly according to Club related dance hall usage
- Pay Callers and Cuers after each dance, or if agreed with Club Callers - monthly
- Deposit receipts into the club bank account
- Write checks for expenses approved by the board
- Keep an accounting of club income and expenditures, give a status report at every board meeting
- Keep all receipts and ATM slips incl. images of deposited checks on file
- Notify the board of financial concerns or changes in financial condition immediately
- Create & present financial reports:
- Cascade Crossfires board
- Year End summary – upon end of FY (Cascade Crossfires FY starts June 1st and ends May 31st – this is filed with the IRS !!! )
- Respond to inquiries from Mt. Baker Council or Washington State Square Dance Federation about Club’s financial status should such a request occur [Peter: Council / Federation never requested a report so far ]
- File Tax report with IRS – yearly within 90 days after end of FY
“Postcard” report 990N
- Maintain Board Meeting Minutes
- Take board minutes [assigned by the by-laws]
- Distribute board minutes to board members [and the membership?] [assigned by the by-laws]
- Maintain an updated set of officer tasks, as delegated by the President or determined by the board [not assigned by the by-laws, but makes sense to Diana]
Past President
- Offers advice to the board
- Attends board meetings
PRESIDENT OR BOARD TO DELEGATE these tasks to individuals, committees, or the board as a whole:
Membership, Marketing, & Publicity Tasks
These are functions not assigned by the by-laws that the President could delegate to a committee or non-officer of the club, but an officer or the board as a whole should oversee the function
- Maintain membership records
- Maintain membership roster & update contact information
- Verify dues status [Membership & Treasurer coord]
- Order member (and other)badges
- Head up recruitment & retention efforts to include:
- Design a plan for recruitment and retention
- Create & distributeads in appropriate publications for lessons & dances [delegated to the caller; coordinates with officer negotiating contracts]
- Create flyers and other materials/mediums to recruit members
- Maintain a list of venues and see that in-person and/or materials are made available for promoting the Crossfires
Suggestion: Share the list with officers and active members and ask them to add to the list of venues and to volunteer to “cover” certain venues. Include “Plus in a Week” at Circle 8, council, and state venues - Promote Angel participation at lessons and dances
- Maintain the Crossfire website on a regular basis [Currently delegated to the “Webmaster”]
- Take photos of club lessons, dances, activities to use on website and promotions [“Club Photographer”]
Social & Activities Tasks
- Plan club activities (with dates & venues)[currently delegated to the Vice-President]
- Present plans to the board for approval
- Arrange special dances and classes [currently delegated to the Vice-President]
- Arrange for caravans with other clubs [currently delegated to the Caravan Chairman]
- Plan social activities (campouts, picnics, unofficial caravans, joint activities with other clubs, etc)
- Set up dance hall for lessons & dances [This has been done as a board, whoever gets there first.]
- Open the hall
- Assure dance floor is clean
- Set up hall (chairs, help caller setup stage)
- Set up kitchen, including water, coffee, tea
- Decorate [could have a committee to decorate for special dances or the board itself can continue to plan this]
- Cleanup and lock the hall
- Monitor & replace supplies
- Cups, bowls, plastic silver, napkins
- Coffee, tea, sweetener, creamer