December 13, 2007
The Board of Directors meeting of Deer Lake Homeowners Association, Inc. (a.k.a. Casa Del Lago) was held on December 13, 2007 at the Casa Del Lago clubhouse.
Board Members Present: George Boyer
Ed Zeglarski
Bob Golden
Rob Cooper
Jeff Holiman
In attendance by invitation of the Board: Bob Gelles, Schoo Management.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by George Boyer who presided.
Proof of Notice: A copy of the Proof of Notice of the meeting was posted in accordance with Florida Statutes.
Determination of Quorum: The Board acknowledged that a quorum was present to conduct business.
Minutes of Prior Meetings: A motion was made by Ed Zeglarski to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of October 11, 2007. The motion was seconded by Jeff Holiman and passed unanimously.
Opening Remarks: George Boyer opened the meeting by introducing each member of the Board to the residents in attendance. George Boyer introduced Bob Gelles, Schoo Management, as the management company for the Association.
George Boyer then providing several updates to the members of the Board of Directors and the residents in attendance:
1. The lake fountain was repaired and is now working.
2. Thank you to all the volunteers that decorated the clubhouse for the holiday season.
3. Thank you to all the volunteers that assisted in the repair of the mailboxes, flood lights and other repairs in the community.
4. October, 2007 financial statement summary (year to date) was provided by George Boyer.
Old Business:
Final Board of Approval of the 2008 Budget:
A motion was made by Jeff Holiman to approve the 2008 Budget as presented to the Board of Directors at the meeting. The motion was seconded by Ed Zeglarski and it passed unanimously.
New Irrigation Pump and Well Monitoring Contract:
Engle Homes installed a new irrigation well and pump as required by the Association’s SFWMD irrigation permit. Per the Association’s SFWMD irrigation permit, the Association will need to monitor and report data to SFWMD. Water Resources Solution, a company specializing in such work, has agreed to provide such services to the Association.
A motion was made by Ed Zeglarski to enter into a contract with Water Resources Solution to provide monitoring and reporting data to SFWMD per the Association’s SFWMD irrigation permit. The motion was seconded by Bob Golden and passed unanimously.
Turnover - Developer Claims Against Engle Homes:
George Boyer discussed the status of the claims against Engle Homes regarding developer turnover defects. The Board of Directors discussed the matter in detail. The Board of Directors decided to stay the course and continue to pursue the claims against Engle Homes. The Association will continue to work with its Attorney on the matter.
SFWMD Approval of Final Permit for the Association:
Rob Cooper reported that he received a copy of the final SFWMD permit approval from Banks Engineering. The turnover of the Master Property Association to the residents of the Association should occur shortly.
New Business:
Collection Activities for Unpaid Assessments:
George Boyer reported that due to a back-log of collection work by the Association’s current Attorney, it is recommended that the Association consider hiring Roetzel & Andress LPA to represent the Association in new collection matters.
A motion was made by Rob Cooper for the Association to hire the law firm of Roetzel & Andress LPA to represent the Association in collection of new unpaid assessments. The motion was seconded by Bob Golden and it passed unanimously.
George Boyer reported that there are 8 homes in foreclosures in the community. The 8 homes represent approximately $32,297 in uncollected assessments for 2007 and previous years. George Boyer suggested that we accrue approximately $32,297 as a bad debt expense in 2007 (accounting adjustment). A motion was made by Jeff Holiman to accrue approximately $32,297 as a bad debt expense in 2007 (accounting adjustment). The motion was seconded by Ed Zeglarski and it passed unanimously.
Fitness Room – New Equipment:
George Boyer reported that many residents in the community have suggested that the Association purchase new fitness room equipment. Several members of the Board of Directors researched fitness equipment for use by the Association. George Boyer suggested that the Association purchase a commercial-grade elliptical trainer, exercise bike and miscellaneous exercise equipment for the Association for a cost not to exceed $7,000. The Association will pay for the equipment from the Association’s unallocated reserve account.
A motion was made by Rob Cooper to purchase an elliptical trainer, exercise bike and miscellaneous exercise equipment for the Association for a cost not to exceed $7,000, which cost shall be paid from the Association’s unallocated reserve account. The motion was seconded by Ed Zeglarski and it passed unanimously.
Annual Meeting of Residents:
George Boyer reported that the notice of the annual meeting of the Association will be mailed to the residents shortly.
New Candidates for the Open Seat on the Board of Directors:
Bob Schoo reported that the Association did not receive any written request to fill the open seat on the Board of Directors. At the meeting Joe Hosfeld offered to be a candidate for the open seat on the Board of Directors. Joe Hosfeld’s name will be included on the ballot for the Annual Meeting on January 24, 2008.
Joe Hosfeld then addressed the residents in attendance regarding his experiences and qualifications.
Letter from Resident in Community (vacant lot):
George Boyer read a letter from a resident that owns a vacant lot in the community regarding a reduction in the assessments for the lot, an explanation of why plantings were made on her property and the removal of the for sale sign.
Discussions were had among the members of the Board. The Board will not agree to any reduction in assessments for the lot.
The Board of Directors instructed Bob Gelles to respond to each of the concerns raised by the resident by phone with a follow-up written letter.
Pool Violation:
Bob Gelles stated that the Association received a violation notice from Lee County regarding lack of pool readings. Joe Hosfeld agreed to take the necessary pool readings to correct the violation and to prevent future violations. Thank you to Joe Hosfeld.
New Lounge Chairs for the Pool:
George Boyer stated that there has been a request for new lounge chairs for the pool. Given the fact that lounge chairs for the pool are not available at this time, the matter was tabled.
New Member of ARB:
Susan Juncal, chairperson of the ARB, requested (1) the approval of a new voting member, Joe Hosfeld. Joe Hosfeld will fill an open seat due to a resignation; and (2) the removal of Cathy Camp as a member of the ARB.
A motion was made by Rob Cooper to approve Joe Hosfeld as a voting member of the ARB, and to remove Cathy Camp as a member of the ARB. The motion was seconded by Ed Zeglarski and it passed unanimously.
The Board of Directors and the residents in attendance engaged in discussions regarding various topics concerning business of the Association.
ADJOURNMENT: At 9:20 PM Ed Zeglarski made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jeff Holiman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.