Ruth S. Barton Food Fund
Kroger Cares Fundraising Program
Support our Ladies Auxiliary in this worthy cause!
As of November 21st, the Kroger Cares cards for "The Ruth S. Barton Food Fund" became available to purchase at $5.00 each. This amount is pre-loaded on each card.
The Kroger Cares cards look like and work like a gift card. Money can be added at any time and at any Kroger store with cash, check, or debit cards. There is no minimum. Kroger credits 5% of all money to the Ladies Auxiliary/Ruth S. Barton Fund. The cards are available and can be purchased at the synagogue office or by contacting Linda Toborowsky at .
Ted & Shelley Kanner in honor of the 40th anniversary of Barbie & Rick Sadolf.
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Talent Show
Sunday - October 27th / more information on Web sites or
To show the world your talents and be in our show
Call Millie: 304-541-6146 304-346-4972
Promises to be a GREAT EVENING with wonderful talent,
lots of laughter, lots of music,
and some fine eating available along with the SHOW….
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Forms from the Auxiliary -
For Book of Remembrance, Yearbook and Yearbook Ads, – Please fill them out and send them back asap to get your information into the Yearbook
Members: Millie Snyder –Chairperson
Ellyn Goldberg, Margot Jogwick, Kathie Kommer, Lynn Meyer,
Barbara Rubin, Betty Stern, Debbie Victorson, Janet Victorson
Care Committee / Committed with Love to the Members of our Jewish Community
April thru August 2013, our newly formed Care Committee provided the following help and love:
Various members of the Care Committee caringly and lovingly provided and delivered meals to Debbie Victorson during her illness in the Spring. In April, ‘Thinking of You’ and ‘Best Wishes’ cards were sent to Ruby Newman Peck. Kathie Kommer sent special get-well cards to Lynn Meyer during her time of healing. Flowers were sent to Barbie Sadolf during her recuperation.
On July 1st, Shiva baskets were made and delivered by Millie Snyder to the out-of town families coming to Charleston for the July 2nd funerals of Gerald Feinberg and Thelma Seltzer.
The Care Committee continues to be there for people in need of comfort, help, and to have someone with an outstretched hand and heart. The Auxiliary takes donations to support this new and growing Committee. Please let us know if you would like to make a special contribution.
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Malcolm Silverberg on the birth of a great-granddaughter Aliza Suffin, daughter of Nathan & Tamar Suffin, granddaughter of Jeff & Mindy Silverberg
Barry & Eileen Ogrin on the birth of a grandson, Cy Gabriel, son of Cindy & Greg Concodora of Chicago, great-grandson of Mel & Rita Ogrin.
Sandy & David Cohen on the engagement of their daughter Susan Cohen & Jeremy McDaniel.
Phyllis Sopher, Steve & Lynn Meyer on their son David Meyer who has been inducted as President of the Ohio Association of Justice.
Jennifer & Howard Mize, Brian Briant and Millie Snyder on the Bar Mitzvah of son and grandson, Jack Briant.
Brian & Lena Glasser, Cookie & Marty Glasser on the Bat Mitzvah of daughter and granddaughter, Emma Glasser.
Mrs. Lynn Meyer for her 2013 National Leadership Award from Hadassah.
Dr. Aaron & Brooke Masters Bloom on their recent marriage. Aaron is the son of Dr. Stewart & Dolores Bloom, grandson of Mrs. Ruth Bloom.
Steve & Sharon Rubin on the engagement of their son Bradley to Leah Mutnick. Bradley is the grandson of Mrs. Aggie Rubin and Mrs. Sylvia Kozlove.
Pam & Fred Waybright in recognition of the birth of Sylvia Redmond
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Dr. Donald and Janine Rosenberg on the passing of her beloved mother, Elise Badan and his brother Ricahrd Rosenberg.
Mrs. Linda Rubin on the passing of her beloved husband Dr. Phil Rubin, father of Jodi (Richard) Katz, and Dr. Mark Rubin, grandfather of Ava Katz
We regret to learn of the passing of Mrs. Thelma (Dr. Leo) Seltzer, mother of Joanne Seltzer and
Mrs. Joanne Carp Feinberg on the passing of her beloved husband Gerald Feinberg of Charleston, SC.
Mrs. Lynne Clarke & Family on the passing of her mother Mildred Saltzman.
Dr. Martin & Kathie Kommor and Dr. Skip & Joan Palmanteir on the passing of their son Captain Benjamin Kommor.
A special bequest has been made by Rabbi Samuel & Lillian Cooper to the B’nai Jacob Trust Fund. Their names will be engraved on the pages of our Golden Book. Rabbi and Mrs. Cooper also made a special bequest to our Ladies’ Auxiliary.
A special bequest was made by the late Sanford Lewis to our Trust Fund. His name will be engraved on the pages of our Golden Book.
We welcome Beth Emrick and Beth Steinberg Hudnall, as our new Life Members of Auxiliary.
We welcome, Carole Strickland and Brooke Bloom as new members of our Auxiliary.
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Vic & Ellen Kay Bastron for recovery of Al Peck and Debbie Victorson.
Ruth Bloom in honor of Betty Stern, recovery of Debbie Victorson.
Dr. Harold Blumenthal in loving memory of his father Irvin Blumenthal and in memory of Dr. Phil Rubin.
Gary Borstein, Karen Seim and Linda Toborowsky for the recovery of Debbie Victorson and in honor of the special Oneg given in honor of Betty Stern by Temple Israel, in honor of the marriage of Julie & Ran Stark, daughter of Joanie & David Marx, recovery of Ben Hark
Col. & Mrs. Lewis Brewer in memory of Dr. Phil Rubin.
Barbara Buchanan for the recovery of Barbie Sadolf.
Barbara Buchanan and Family in loving memory of son and brothers Steve and Craig Abshire.
Miki Cohn Caplan in memory of Ida Berman.
Sandy & David Cohen in loving memory of her parents Anna & Maurice Hartz, son Samuel Cohen, grandmother Lottie Kanner and uncle, Harry Kanner, in honor of the 4th birthday of their great-granddaughter Sophia Gocion, engagement of their daughter Susan Cohen to Jeremy McDaniel.
Natalie & Jerry Cowley in honor of the graduation of Chava Urecki birth of a grandson to Barry & Eileen Ogrin, recovery of Debbie Victorson, honor of engagement of Bradley Rubin & Leah Mulnick, marriage of Aaron & Brooke Bloom, in memory of Dr. Phil Rubin.
Marc & Barbara Fine and Debbie Fine in loving memory of their mother, Betty Fine.
Stephanie Cohn Goldberg in memory of Ida Berman.
Eileen, Todd and Matt Goldberg in honor of the birth of Sibbie Redmond, Bar Mitzvah of Jack Briant.
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Jack & Doris Goldfarb in appreciation for all the good wishes for Sarah Goldfarb & Jesse Thomas’s engagement, in memory of Steffi Harvit, Lillian Cooper, Billie Schwartz, Doris Lewis, Harriet Masinter, Congratulations for the birth of a new granddaughter to Jim & Deidre Doria, births of Andrew Paul Neurman, Aliza Suffin, birthdays of Florence Sheff, engagement of Dr. Josh Sadolf & Lisa Tarakji, Bar
Glenn & Pam Goldfarb in memory of Mary Hoffman, in honor of Stewart Bloom, Nancy Morton and Terry Cooper for a wonderful Shabbat Men’s Club Dinner, for the recovery of Nancy Morton, in honor of Millie Snyder’s article in the Gazette “Choosing Healthier Habits”.
Mr. Sherwin Goodman in memory of his mother Ella Goodman.
Kristie & John Gregory in memory of Sanford Lewis.
Ben & Jane Hark in loving memory of his mother Tessie Hark.
Dr. Steven & Sharon Jubelirer in memory of Sanford Lewis, in honor of the birth of a grandson to Donn & Randi Neurman, birth of a granddaughter to Ed & Ellyn Goldberg, anniversary of Roberto & Liliana Kusminsky, the graduation of Trish Weisberg and in memory of Arthur Weisberkg.
Ted & Shelley Kanner in honor of the graduation of Chava Urecki and the birthday of Bobby Peck, in memory of Dr. Phil Rubin, Gerald Feinberg.
Drs. Jon & Dorothy Kurland in honor of the birth of Spencer Peck, Sibbie Redmond, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Schlussel, graduation of Michelle Morton Ruppert, recovery of Debbie Victorson, in memory of Elise Badan, for the recovery of Dr. Joel Levien.
Cary & Rosemary, Samuel and Jacob Levenson in honor of the graduations of Chava Urecki, Nathan Cooper, Anna Rubenstein,
Michelle Morton Ruppert, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jack Briant, Bat Mitzvah of Emma Glasser, birth of a grandson to Barry & Eileen Ogrin and in memory of Sanford Lewis.
Mrs. Thelma Levine in loving memory of her husband Bob Levine, father Benjamin Levin.
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Roberta Levine & Richard Hess in honor of the graduation of Chava Urecki, in honor of the award to Dr. Bob Rubenstein and the award to Randy Selbe, Bar Mitzvah of Jack Briant, birth of Sibbie Goldberg.
Zel Lewis in honor of the 95th birthday of Al Peck, recovery of Debbie Victorson
Susan & Stuart May in honor of Gabe Pollaock’s acceptance into the Anesthesia Residency Program at the University of Illionis in Chicago, engagement of Ryan Bloom & Valarie Wood, Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Schlussel, birth of Sibbie Redmond, Spencer Peck, Cy Gabriel Concodora, and Andrew Neurman, in honor of the graduation of Chava Urecki, Zahava Urecki for being on the President’s List for Roanoke College, marriage of Leslie Lopinsky Morton & Phil Young, Steve Max’s “Man of the Year” Award, graduation of Michelle Morton Ruppert from Marshall University Graduate School and acceptance into the doctoral program at Marshall University, Bob Rubenstein’s Distinguished Service Award from Marshall University, in memory of Sanford Lewis and Doris Lewis, in honor of the new home of Ben & Joy Redmond, marriage of Aaron & Brooke Bloom.
Lynn & Steve Meyer for the recovery of Debbie Victorson.
Nancy & Jack Messer in memory of Sanford Lewis.
Jeanie & Steve Messer in memory of Sanford Lewis.
Draza & Harry Peck in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary, birthdays of Allyson, Harper and Alexa Peck’s birthdays, birth of their grandson Spencer Maddux Peck.
Ruby & Al Peck in memory of Sanford Lewis.
Mrs. Ruby Newman-Peck in honor of the 95th birthday of her husband
Al Peck.
Don & Janine Rosenberg in honor of Steve Max’s “Man of the Year” Award.
Aggie Rubin in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Bloom, recovery of Michael Slotnick Page 8
Rick & Wendy Rubin and family in honor of the graduation of Chava Urecki, in honor of the National Leadership Award from Hadassah to Lynn Meyer.
Phyllis & Ronald Rubinstein in memory of Sanford Lewis.
Florence Sheff for the recovery of Debbie Victorson.
Judy & Joel Scheinbach for the recovery of Debbie Victorson.
Natalie & Milford Schneiderman in honor of the graduation of Trish Weisberg
Malcolm Silverberg & Family in honor of the marriage of Dr. Aaron Bloom & Brooke Masters, recovery of Ben Hark, honor of the birth of Sibbie Redmond, recovery of Debbie Victorson.
Millie Snyder in memory of Sanford Lewis, birth of a grandson to Barry & Eileen Ogrin, induction of David Meyer as President of the Ohio Association of Justice, birth of Sibbie Redmond, graduation of Chava Urecki, Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Schlessel, in honor of the engagements of Josh Sadolf & Lisa Tarakji, Sarah Goldfarb & Jesse Thomas, Sara Victorson & Adam Schneinbach,
Betty & David Stern in honor of Steve Max’s “Man of the Year” Award and for the recovery of Debbie Victorson.
Janet & Michael Victorson in honor of the birthday of Missy Rubin.
Mr. Bob Waterstone in thankfulness for the purchase of “chametz” during Passover.
Seth Weisberg in appreciation to B’nai Jacob Synagogue.
Mrs. Doris Zagon in memory of her brother Herman Waterstone.
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Mrs. Cindy Goodman Feltzin in loving memory of husband Bob Feltzin, grandmother Bessie Goldfarb Simon, in thankfulness for her father, Nate Goodman, who is still very active at 95+ and living in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. with Cindy, in honor of the engagement of her cousin Sarah Goldfarb & Jesse Thomas and congratulations to the WV Jewish Reunion Committee for their outstanding efforts for the forthcoming Simon Meyer Reunion.
Mr. Nate Goodman and Mrs. Cindy Goodman Feltzin in loving memory of wife and mother Evelyn Simon Goodman.
Bunker Carp Frank, Jerry Carp and Carolyn Carp Star in memory of Thelma Seltzer and Dr. Phil Rubin.
Books $15.00 – Cards $5.00 – call the Synagogue
Bobby & Robin Peck in honor of the graduation of Chava Urecki from Roanoke College and being inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, in honor of the birth of Cy Gabriel Concodora, Aliza Suffin, Bob Rubenstein being selected for the Distinguished Service Award at Marshall University, Bar Mitzah of Ethan Schlussel, in memory of Bobby’s uncle Morris Braum, grandparents Avram & Bessie Peck and Abraham & Dora Abromowitz.
Steve & Lynn Meyer in honor of Betty Stern (Library Book)
We welcome Russell & Beth Bloom Emrick and David Querry and Carol Strickland as new members of members of B’nai Jacob.
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ROB’S FUND Ellyn Goldberg, Chairperson 304-344-9444
(Minimum contribution $5.00)
Ed and Ellyn Goldberg in loving memory of Rob Goldberg and Harry Robbin, recovery of Debbie Victorson, Bar Mitzvah of Jack Briant, in honor of Lynn Meyer’s National Hadassah Leadership Award.