College of Arts and Sciences.

Interdisciplinary Roundtable Initiative

In order to contribute to the understanding among scholars across disciplinary lines, CAS has launched an Interdisciplinary Roundtable Initiative. We are seeking proposals of ideas for discussion among faculty members of different academic units aimed at generating exchange of ideas that might produce specific proposals for interdisciplinary initiatives whether they are in the area of research, pedagogy, or outreach.

The group will meet regularly with each member of the group giving a presentation on his/her area of expertise. At the end of the semester the coordinator will write a brief report describing the topics covered and the possible outcomes in terms of scholarly collaboration generated by those discussions.

Each CAS participant will receive a stipend of $150 and the coordinator one of $250 [upon completion of involvement and the required report] in the form of professional development funds, i.e., money that can be used for professional travel, subscription to journals, purchasing of books, memberships to professional organizations, and the like.

A particular topic to be proposed by one or more faculty members including a list of up to 12 faculty participants. One of those faculty members will be the coordinator of the discussions.

Topic Title:



Coordinator: Department: E-mail:

Name: Department: E-mail:

Name: Department: E-mail:

Name: Department: E-mail:

Name: Department: E-mail:

Name: Department: E-mail:

Name: Department: E-mail:

Name: Department: E-mail:

Name: Department: E-mail:

Name: Department: E-mail:

Name: Department: E-mail:

Name: Department: E-mail:

Due date for Fall Roundtables is: 1 July

Due date for Spring Roundtables is 1 December


What is your anticipated schedule of meetings (minimum 8)? ______


What goals in terms of outcomes do you have? ______

Note: Initiatives generated by the roundtable (if any) will be considered by the College for further support.

Description of the Roundtable

Discuss the topics each participant will be discussing and why they are interested in participating in the roundtable.

