Please delete these instructions after filling out the form (on page 3 of this document) and before saving it as instructed below.
- Completeone Master Course Template for each course in your program(s).
- Section H:Complete the Course Student Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives that have been previously approved and/or are the most current for the course. If the latter, this form becomes an official course modification and the Course Student Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives become official, superseding any previous Course Student Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives for the course. As your program works to produce Course Student Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives for a particular course, it may be helpful to refer back to your Program Goals and Baccalaureate Goals(attached on this email). All Course Student Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives should map to Program Goals, which themselves map to Baccalaureate Goals.
- Once completed, departments/programs should submit Master Course Templates to theirChair/Coordinator and/or Program Assessment Coordinators, who will fill out section I of the form. Please note that Program Assessment Maps cannot be updated or revised at this time. If, while filling out this form, programs realize they need to revise or update Assessment Maps, we strongly encourage them to take good notes on the needed revisions. At a later date, we will be giving programs a chance to update/revise Assessment Maps.
- Save eachMasterCourseTemplate file for your program(s) as a pdf file labeling it using the following file-naming convention: CoursePrefix/Subject CourseNumberMasterCourseFile (e.g., BIO 305 MasterCourseFile.pdf). Please remember to delete these instructions before saving the file.
- Chairs/Coordinators submit Master Course Template pdf files to the College Academic Affairs Committee to initiate the approval route via 10-day challenge; the College Academic Affairs Committee will then forward them to the Faculty Council for Academic Affairs (FCAA) for final approval. NOTE: Master Course Templates will only be checked for form completion; there will be no evaluation of their content.
- Programs will be notified of approval of all Master Course Templates by the end of the semester after FCAA approves them. All courses being taught in Spring 2017 and for which Master Course Templates have been approved by the end of Fall 2016 should have the approved Course Student Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives included in their syllabi. In addition, all sections of the same course should have the same Course Student Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives for all their syllabi.
- If some courseshave not been taught in a long time and there are no plans to offer them any time soon, programs can inactivate them. This means acoursecomes OUT of the catalog BUT REMAINS in theMasterCourseList. For courses that will be inactivated, DO NOT complete a MasterCourseTemplate, AND instead write an e-mail memo to Ana Villate () copying the Chair of FCAA, Pam Geddes (), listing the course prefix/subject, number, and full title of ALL courses that will be inactivated (ONLY ONE MEMO PER PROGRAM PLEASE). IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to re-activate inactivated courses, programs MUST put them through the full governance process.
Workflow and timeline for Master Course Templates
A. Program Name:
B. Department:
C. Course Prefix/Subject, Number, and Full Title:
D. Credit Hours:
E. Course Description as it appears in the current (2016-2017) online catalog:
F. Pre-requisite/s and/or Co-requisite/s as they appear in the current (2016-2017) online catalog:
G. Major Topics to be covered in the course as a numbered or bulleted list (if course is a Special Topics course or a Topics Vary course, just state that the major topics will vary):
H. CourseStudent Learning Outcomes / Course Objectives (as a numbered or bulleted list):
I. Chair/Coordinator and/orAssessment Coordinators ONLY:
-Is this course included in the Program’s Assessment Map? (Please underlinethe selected option) Y N
-If Yes, which Program Goals are met? (indicate using numbers):
-If Yes, which Baccalaureate Goals are met? (indicateusing numbers):
FCAA revision 10/6/16