Women’s Unity for Rehabilitation (WUR)is a non- governmental, non-political and non-partisan women NGO serving in welfare related projects to the development of women conditions in Afghanistan.Women’s Unity for Rehabilitation (WUR) is registered with Ministry of Economy (MoE), Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA), Afghan Women Network (AWN) and Afghan NGOs Coordination Beru(ANCB).
The aim of the organization is to assist, contribute, facilitate,utilize humanitarian, social, technical and economical assistance for the purposes of uplifting and improving the economic and social conditions of Afghan women.
To assist the war affected women by providing technical, social and vocational training.
To participate actively in implementing of projects for the welfare and well being of Afghan women folk.
To identify and survey the most important projects with consolation of the local authority, elders and specially women of each area.
To have close and good relation with other NGOs working for the welfare of Afghans and rehabilitation of Afghanistan.
To expand the range of its services with collaboration of donors and work in all parts of Afghanistan. And work to the best of satisfaction of the Afghans and the donors.
No. / Project Title / Province / Date / Donor / BudgetStart / End
1. / Literacy Course for 50 Women / Nangarhar / 08/09/1995 / 08/12/1995 / Private Canada / USD 2,200.00
2. / Tailoring Course for 30 Women / Kabul / 10/11/1995 / 10/02/1996 / Private USA / USD 3,900.00
3. / Fruit & Vegetable Preservation Training forWomen / Khost / 10/04/1996 / 15/05/1996 / UNWFP / 48MT Wheat
4. / Fruit & Vegetable Preservation Training for Women / Laghman / 01/04/1996 / 15/05/1996 / UNWFP / 48MT Wheat
5. / Fruit & Vegetable Preservation Training for Women / Nangarhar / 01/05/1996 / 15/06/1996 / UNWFP / 49MT Wheat
6. / Bead Work Training (Embroidery) Project for Women / Khost / 20/09/1996 / 19/11/1996 / UNWFP / 36MT WheatUSD575.00
7. / Embroidery Training for Women / Paktia / 10/09/1996 / 19/11/1996 / UNWFP / 101MT Wheat USD 4,140.00
8. / Woolen Sweater Knitting Training Project for Women / Kabul / 01/10/1997 / 31/12/1997 / IRC/RAP / USD 8,662.00
9. / Leather Work Training Project for 40 Women / NWFP / 01/06/1998 / 30/09/1998 / CanadaFund / Rs.397,074.00
10. / Leather work Training Project for 40 Women / NWFP / 15/05/1999 / 15/09/1999 / CanadaFund / Rs.504,930.00
11 / School Construction / Laghman / 01/06/1999 / 30/09/1999 / AAA / USD 44,219.00
12 / Clinic Construction / Paktia / 01/07/2003 / 30/10/2003 / UNOPS / USD 59,890.00
13 / Latrine Construction / NWFP / 01/05/1997 / 30/08/1997 / UNHCR / USD 23,125.00
14 / School Construction / Nangarhar / 01/07/1997 / 30/11/1997 / AAA / USD 36,866.00
15 / Irrigation / Ghazni / 01/10/2004 / 10/02/2004 / UNWFP / USD 2,322.00
212MT Wheat
16 / Tailoring Training Literacy / Wardak / 16/02/2002 / 20/09/2002 / CARE/RAP / USD10,050.00
17 / Emergency Assistance for Vulnerable Afghan Refugee Women / NWFP / 05/10/2000 / 31/12/2000 / CARE /CANADA FUND / Rs.19,000.00
18 / Leatherwork Training Health Education Project For Poor Women / Kabul / 10/10/2002 / 09/03/2003 / CARE/CANADA FUND / Rs.135,0226.00
19 / Tailoring Training Health Education Project / Kabul / 01/05/2003 / 30/09/2003 / GTZ / USD 14,692.00
20 / Tailoring Training Literacy Project / Kabul / 01/06/2002 / 30/10/2002 / UNDP/REAP / USD 25,543.00
21 / Tailoring Training & Health Education / Khost / 01/08/2003 / 31/12/2003 / UNAMA/CARE / USD 18,682.00
22 / Tailoring Training Health Education / Nooristan / 15/05/2003 / 30/10/2003 / JSDF/CARE / USD 32,257.00
23 / Cheese Making, Literacy Health Project / Kandahar / 01/09/2003 / 30/11/2003 / GTZ / USD 17,774.00
24 / Fruit/Forestry Nursery Project / Laghman / 01/11/2001 / 01/11/2002 / AAA / USD 8,200.00
25 / Cheese Making, Literacy & Health Education / Logar / 01/10/2004 / 31/12/2004 / IOM / USD 16,344.00
With the financial assistance of UN and other funding agencies a number of very beneficial projects have been implemented in deferent parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
In addition to this, a number of projects proposals aimed at improvement and uplift of Afghan women’ economic and social condition have been submitted to a number of UN and other funding agencies such as UNWFP, UNOPS, UNOMA, CARE, IOM, GTZ, Canada fund, UNHCR and UNIFEM We hope to hear positively from these agencies.
S.No. / Name / Position / Address1. / Nadira Popal / Director / Dan-e-Bahg, Kabul
2. / Khairia Omer / Deputy Director / Kart-e-Say, Kabul
3. / Nasima / Assistant Director / Kolola Pushta, Kabul
4. / Dr. Salema / Health Incharge / Khair Khana, Kabul
5. / Noorullah Zarabi / Admin Officer / 3rd Macroyan, Kabul
6. / Mahmood / Logistic Officer / Kart-e-Say, Kabul
7. / Sayed Mahmood / Accountant / Dar-ul-Aman, Kabul
8. / Rehana / Professional Trainer / Chilsatoon, Kabul
9. / Nelofar / Computer Operator / Qali Fatullah, Kabul
Address:House# 102, Street.2, Kart-e-Mamorin, Kabul City, Afghanistan.
Mobile:0093(0)700-247 891
1-Address:House # 9, Street 2, Charahi Marastoon, Jalalabad City, Afghanistan.
Contact Person: Sayed Abdul Haq
2- Address:Pul-e-Alam Bazar Logar Province, Afghanistan.
Contact Person:Abdul Saboor
Women’s Unity for Rehabilitation (WUR) has accounts with the banks as follow:
Account in US$
A/C No: 01000-0226
Account Name: Women’s Unity for Rehabilitation (WUR)
Bank Name: The Bank of Khyber
Bank Address: Peshawar, Pakistan
A/C No: 113-15-36281-001
Account Name: Women’s Unity for Rehabilitation (WUR)
Bank Name: Standard Chartered Grind lays Bank
Bank Address: Peshawar, Pakistan
A/C No: 26305
Account Name: Women’s Unity for Rehabilitation (WUR)
Bank Name: Da Afghanistan Bank
Bank Address: Kabul, Afghanistan