Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust
Permanent Supportive Housing, Permanent Housing Homeless Set-Asideand Rapid Re-Housing
Required Document List
The following documentsmust be retained in client files by the sponsoring permanent supportive housing or rapid-rehousingagency. The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust and the HUD Field Office may review documentation as part of monitoring.All CoC PSH and RRH programs are required to participate in the Coordinated Entry system, obtaining referrals from the Homeless Trust Housing Coordinator.
Name of HoH:______Date: _____/_____/______
Program/Project:______Name of Representative: ______
Project Type (check all that apply): USHUD CoC Program Food and Beverage Program Tax Credit Program Homeless set-aside
PSH or PH with home-less set-aside / PSH F&B / PSH or PH-Tax Credits / CoCRRH / FORM
apply / ALL
apply / ALL
apply / ALL
apply / Verification of Homelessness
HMIS referral issued by Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust Housing Coordinator
Homeless Trust Housing Coordinator Written Verification of Homeless Status or, in the case of placement into a Chronic Homeless unit, chronically homeless status.
Any one applies / Any one applies / Any one applies / N/A / Current Disability Verification Form
Preferably certification completed by a professional licensed by the state to
diagnose and treat the disability and his or her certification that the disability is expected to be long-continuing or of indefinite duration and substantially impedes the individual’s ability to live independently
Evidence of the receipt of a disability check
- Written verification from Social Security
- Disability Check
Intake staff observations along with one of the forms of documentation above demonstrating the household is disabled and the disability is expected to be of long duration no later than 45 days of program entry
Any one of the first three ’s
Applies / Any one applies / Any one of the first two ’s
applies / Any one of the first three ’s
Applies / Identification Form
Preferably Government-issued photo identification for all applicants 18 years of age or older.
Birth certificate (requires Government-issued photo identification within 45 days of admission)
Third-Party verification (TPV) is the process of getting an independent party to confirm that the consumer is actually who they say they are. TPV must be provided on agency stationary, signed and dated by the third party. Examples of allowable TPV are (1) VA form DD-214, (2) verification of legal employment, (3) verification of enrollment in school, and (4) law enforcement verification. Providers must obtain written authorization from Miami-Dade Homeless Trust to accept additional forms of TPV
HMIS service record
Apply / ALL
apply / ALL
apply / N/A / Social security cards within 45 days of admission; or phone logs, emails, correspondence, copies of certified letters describing efforts to obtain social security card; or phone logs, emails, correspondence, copies of certified letters describing efforts to obtain social security card
N/A / N/A / ALL
apply / N/A / If applicable, Medicaid/Medicare card for all household members within 45 days of admission; or phone logs, emails, correspondence, copies of certified letters describing efforts to obtain Medicaid/Medicare card
Apply / N/A / ALL
apply / ALL
Apply / Immigration documents demonstrating proof of lawful presence / Alien registration card / nationalization papers
Apply / ALL
apply / ALL
apply / ALL
Apply / Documentation of legal custody for all children in care of household member
If birth parent, original or certified birth certificate for all minor household members within 45 days of admission
If legal guardian, copy of court order granting legal custody for all minor household members within 45 days of admission
Income/Asset documents (as applicable to sources of income) for ALL household members who will reside in the PSH housing unit must be obtained within 30 days of admission to program as part of calculating rent.
PSH or PH with home-less set-aside / PSH F&B / PSH or PH-Tax Credits / CoCRRH / FORM
ALL apply / N/A / ALL
apply / ALL apply / SSI/SSDI benefit statement (TPQY)
ALL apply / ALL apply / ALL
apply / ALL apply / Unemployment Benefits Statement
ALL apply / ALL apply / ALL
apply / ALL apply / Veterans Benefits statement (if applicable)
ALL apply / ALL apply / ALL
apply / ALL apply / Pension Annuities statement (if applicable)
ALL apply / ALL apply / ALL
apply / ALL apply / Child Support Assistance print out
ALL apply / ALL apply / ALL
apply / ALL apply / Employment Verification Form completed by employer if employed
Copies of all payroll check stubs generated from employment within the past six weeks
(must be submitted at time of application or interview to document employment pending receipt of Employment Verification Form).
ALL apply / ALL apply / ALL
apply / ALL apply / Affidavit of Non-Employment if not employed
ALL apply / ALL apply / ALL
apply / ALL apply / IRS tax returns for most recent two (2) years. If you did not file with the IRS, please call 1-800-829-1040 and ask for FORM 4506-T to be sent to you
ALL apply / ALL apply / ALL
apply / ALL apply / Most recent bank statements (if one exists) for two consecutive months (or - since the account was opened if less than two months) to verify income and assets
ALL apply / ALL apply / ALL
apply / ALL apply / Asset Verification Form