Personal Data:
Name: Mihaela Lidia IRIMIA (n. Anghelescu)
Birth: 15 January 1951, Bucharest
Citizenship: Romanian
Str. Logofăt Udrişte, no.1, et.I, ap.2, sect. III, 030655
Faculty of Foreign Languages & Literatures:
English Department
British Cultural Studies Centre (BCSC)
Centre of Excellence for the Study of Cultural Identity (CESIC)
Literary-Cultural Studies Doctoral School (SDSLC)
Str. Pitar Moş, no. 7-11, sect. I
New Europe College
Str. Plantelor, no. 21, sector III
Phone: 004021-327-6080 (h)
0040-742-096020 (mobile)
004021-318-1580 / ext. 114 (BCSC)
004021-327-0035 (New EuropeCollege)
Fax: 004021-327-0774 (New EuropeCollege)
Title: Professor, Ph.D, English Department, University of Bucharest, Romania
Position: Director of Studies, British Cultural Studies Centre
Director, Centre of Excellence for the Study of Cultural Identity
(University of Bucharest, Romania)
Director, Literary-Cultural Studies Doctoral School
(University of Bucharest, Romania)
Degrees: BA in English (1973)
Ph.D. in Philology (1983): Tradition and Experiment in Modern American
Poetry – A Study in Elizabeth Bishop’s Poetry
Literature & Arts Translator Certificate (1978)
Translator-Interpreter Certificate (1979)
British Council Seminar Graduate (1983)
UNESCO Expert (1986)
Languages (spoken & written):
English – excellent
French – excellent
Italian – excellent
Portuguese – excellent
Scholarships, Fellowships & Visiting Professorships:
Summer School (Oslo University, Norway, 1975)
British Council Summer Course in English Literature (Cambridge, UK, 1983)
Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Scholarship (Harvard University, USA, 1993-4)
NEC Relink Fellowship (Bucharest, Romania, 1997-2000)
Bolsa de Estudo ‘Fernando Pessoa’, Instituto Camões (Lisbon, July-August 2002)
Research Fellowship (St. John’sCollege, Oxford, October 2002)
Research Fellowship (Lewis-Walpole Library, YaleUniversity, February 2003)
Research Fellowship (Armstrong-Browning Library, BaylorUniversity, January-February, 2006)
Research Scholarship, Bodleian Library, Oxford (July-August 2006)
Visiting Professorship (CentralEuropeanUniversity, Budapest, June 2007)
Visiting Professor (Faculté des Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines, Université d’Orléans, 5 June - 4 July 2008)
Areas of Specialization:
Philology: English 18th-Century & Romantic Literature
Literary-Cultural Theory
Comparative Literature
Cultural Studies: British Cultural Studies
Cultural Identity
History of Ideas
Cultural History
Memory Studies
Current Research Interests:
Cultural Identity & Comparative Studies
18th-Century British Culture
Revisitations and Revisions of the Enlightenment Paradigm
Memory and/in Literature
The ‘Long Modernity’
Teaching Experience:
Junior Lecturer – Eng. Dept., University of Bucharest, Romania (1973-91)
Senior Lecturer – Eng. Dept., University of Bucharest, Romania (1991-6)
Reader – Eng. Dept., University of Bucharest, Romania (1996-2000)
Professor – Eng. Dept., University of Bucharest, Romania (2000-present day)
Director of Studies – British Cultural Studies Centre – University of Bucharest (1996-present day)
Professor, Director – Literary-Cultural Studies Doctoral School (2005; 2011 – present day)
Research Experience:
Literary History (1973 – present day)
English Literary History (1973 – present day)
Literary Theory (1973 – present day)
18th-Century & Romantic Literature (1973 – present day)
English Poetry & Poetics (1976 – 1986)
American Poetry (1978 – 1985)
Renaissance Poetics (1985 – 1986)
Cultural Identity & Comparative Studies (1993 – present day)
British Cultural Identity (1996 – present day)
Irish Cultural Identity (1994 – present day)
The Canon and Canonicity (1997 – present day)
Postmodern Thinking (1993 – present day)
Figura & Figurality (2000 – present day)
The ‘Long Modernity’ (2002 – present day)
Memory and/in Literature (2007 – present day)
Additional Professional Activities:
Current Graduation Paper supervision (1973 – present day)
Teaching Italian and Portuguese at the Open University, Bucharest(1974 – 1984)
Director of the Cultural Identity Debate Society – Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literatures, Bucharest (1999 – present
Guiding English Students’ Debating Society – Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literatures, Bucharest (1976 – 1993,
1993 – present day)
English Languages Course on Romanian TV (1991 – 1993, 1994 – 1996)
Presenting British & American literature and culture in the Romanian media (1983 –
present day)
Joint Romanian-British cultural programmes, activities, events (1996 – present day)
Joint NEC-British Cultural Studies seminars (1997 – present day)
CESIC International Conferences (2007 – present day)
Joint CESIC – NewEuropeCollege (NEC) – Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) International Conferences (2004 – present day)
Professional Membership:
Founding member of the “Dante” Society of Romania (since 1969)
Member of the Romanian Society for Philological Studies (SSFR) (since 1977)
Member of the Romanian Association for English & American Studies (ARSSA) (since
Member of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BSECS) (since 1991)
Member of the German Society for English Romanticism (Gesellschaft für Englische
Romantik) (since 1992)
Member of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) (since 1994)
Member of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS) (since
Member of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) (since 2004)
Member of the Romanian Fulbright Association (since 1994)
New EuropeCollege Fellow (1997–2000)
New EuropeCollege Alumna (since 2000)
Member of the Romanian Comparative Literature Association (since 1999)
EES Fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford (2002)
Research Fellow, YaleUniversity (2003)
Research Fellow, Baylor University, Texas (2006)
Research Scholar, Bodleian Library, Oxford (2006)
1. Individual Volumes and Volumes in Co-Authorship
1. Tradition and Experiment in Modern American Poetry, Bucharest: BucharestUniversity Press, 1984 (256 pp.)
2. Arte poetice – Renaşterea: Arte poetice şi retorice ale Renaşterii în Anglia (Renaissance Poetic Arts: Poetic and Rhetoric Arts in England), Bucharest: ‘Univers’ Publishers, 1986 (pp. 439-530)
3. ‘Oscar Wilde - A Case Study of the Personality Cult in Romanian Criticism (1900-1918)’, in Peter Dávidhazy (ed.), Literature and Its Cults, An Anthropological Approach, Budapest: Argumentum, 1994 (12 pp.)
4. The Stimulating Difference: Avatars of a Concept, Bucharest: BucharestUniversity Press, 1995 (358 pp.)
5. William Butler Yeats: Poezii (Verse), edited, preface, chronology, and notes, Bucharest: ‘Univers - Orfeu’ Publishers, 1996 (224 pp.)
6. Irlanda (Ireland), edited, translations, presentations, ‘Secolul 20’ Magazine, Bucharest: Romanian Writers’ Union & The 21st-Century Cultural Foundation Publishers, No. 373-375, 4-6/1996, (320 pp.)
7. Dicţionarul universului britanic (A Dictionary of Britishness), Bucharest: ‘Humanitas’ Publishers, 1999 (316 pp.)
8. Dialoguri postmoderne (Postmodern Dialogues), Bucharest: ‘Romanian Cultural Foundation’ Publishers, 1999 (356 pp.)
9. The Rise of Modern Evaluation, Bucharest: BucharestUniversity Press, 1999 (288 pp.)
10. Postmodern Revaluations, Bucharest: BucharestUniversity Press, 1999 (172 pp.)
11. ‘From Finite to Infinite London: London and the Long Eighteenth Century’, in Adriana Neagu & Eric Gilder (eds), Infinite Londons, LondonSibiu: The British Council & ‘Lucian Blaga’ University, 2001 (16 pp.)
12. ‘Imagined Landscapes’, in Mariaconcetta Costantini & John Woolford (eds), Victorian Landscapes, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2002 (18 pp.)
13.Dicţionarul universului britanic (A Dictionary of Britishness), Bucharest: ‘Humanitas’ Publishers, second impression, 2002 (318 p.)
14. ‘What’s in a Word?’, in Matthews, Sean, Aura Taras Sibişan, Peter Barry, Mihaela Anghelescu Irimia, Adriana Neagu (eds), Theories: A Reader, Piteşti – Bucureşti: Editura Paralela 45, 2003 (8 pp.)
15. ‘Ideas Have a History’, in Vlad, Eduard (ed.), -ISMs and –NESSes, Constanţa: OvidiusUniversity Press, 2004 (14 p.)
16. ‘The Byron Phenomenon in Romanian Culture’, in Richard Cardwell (ed.), The Reception of Byron in Europe, LondonNew York: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004 (11 pp.)
17. ‘”Glocalization”, or Liminal Cultural Identity: Occident vs. Orient, Europe vs. Byzantium’, Euresis, Cahiers roumains d’études littéraires et culturelles, La globalisation et ses défis culturels, No. 1, Institutul Cultural Român, Bucharest, 2004: 45-52
18.The Stimulating Difference: Avatars of a Concept,Bucharest: Bucharest University Press, Second Impression, revised and updated, 2005 (350 pp.)
19. Mutual Understanding: 125 Years of Anglo-Romanian Diplomatic Relations (ed. Mihaela Irimia), Bucharest: ‘Humanitas’ Publishers, 2005 (72 p.)
20. ‘English Studies at the University of Bucharest since the Foundation of the English Department’, Irimia, Mihaela (ed.), Mutual Understanding: 125 Years of Anglo-Romanian Diplomatic Relation, Bucharest: ‘Humanitas’ Publishers, 2005 (72 p.)
21. ‘Landscape Gardening: A (Sub)Liminal Poetics’, in Dolores Toma (ed.), Paysages d’ici et d’auilleurs, Bucharest: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2005 (10 pp.)
22. ‘Balkan as Metaphor’, Euresis, Cahiers roumains d’études littéraires et culturelles: (Post)communisme et (post)colonialisme, No. 1, Institutul Cultural Român, Bucharest, 2005: 147-148
23. ‘English Studies at Bucharest University’, in Dennis Deletant (ed.), In and Out of Focus, Bucharest: Cavallioti, 2005 (6 pp.)
24. ‘Shakespeare and the ‘Long Modernity’’,in Shakespeareana 2004 (ed. Ţuchel, Daniela), Galaţi: Editura Europlus, 2005, 5-16.
25. ‘English Studies at the University of Bucharest Since the Foundation of the English Department in 1936’, in Deletant, Dennis & Anca Oroveanu (eds),Romania and Britain: Relations and Perspectives from 1930 to the Present, The British Council, Romania, New Europe College, Bucharest: Cavallioti, 2005 (7 pp.)
26. Balkan Cultural Identities: Second Balkan Conference, ‘Ovidius’ University, Constanţa, 14-16 October, 2004 (eds Ciugureanu, Adina, Mihaela Irimia, Eduard Vlad), Constanţa: ‘Ovidius’ University Press, 2006 (363pp.)
27. ‘It’s a Long Way to Cathay, where the Emperor is the “Sun of the Sky”’, Ciugureanu, Adina, Mihaela Irimia, Eduard Vlad (eds), Balkan Cultural Identities: Second Balkan Conference, ‘Ovidius’ University, Constanţa, 14-16 October, 2004 Constanţa: ‘Ovidius’ University Press, 2006 (363 pp.)
28. Modeleşi metamorfoze inter- şi intra-culturale / Inter- and Intra-Cultural Models and Metamorphoses (eds Irimia, Mihaela, Mihaela Voicu, Luminiţa Diaconu, Dragoş Ivana), Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2006 (390 pp.)
29. ‘Formarea canonului iluminist – model al modernităţii clasice’, Mihaela Irimia, Mihaela Voicu, Luminiţa Diaconu, Dragoş Ivana (eds), Modele şi metamorfoze inter- şi intra-culturale / Inter- and Intra-Cultural Models and Metamorphoses,Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2006, 192-201.
30. ‘Mémoire et récupération’, in Liens de mémoire – Genres, repères, imaginaires (ed. Laure Lévêque), Paris: l’Harmattan, 2006, (304 pp.), 291-301.
31. ‘Chronotopes of Post-Communist Times’, in Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, Carmen Andras & Magdalena Marsovszky (eds), The New Central and East European Culture, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2006 (385 pp.), 197-208.
32. ‘Shakespeare from Stage to Page’, inShakespeareana2006 (ed. Ţuchel, Daniela), Galaţi: Editura FundaţieiUniversitare ‘Dunărea de Jos’, 2006, 7-17.
33. ‘The Grand Grand Tour’, in Travel (of) Writing (eds Ciugureanu, Adina & Eduard Vlad), Constanţa: ‘Ovidius’ University Press, 2007 (359 pp.), 25-36.
34. ‘The Preposterous Head Dress: An Aesthetics of Prosthesis’, Du Corps (ed. Gheorghe Crăciun), Bucharest: Euresis, Cahiers roumains d’études littéraires et culturelles, No. 3-4, 2007, 327-337
35. ‘Some Chronotopes of Modernity: Romanian Romanticism and the Invention of the National Spirit’, inBritish and European Romanticisms, Selected Papers from the Munich Conference of the German Society for English Romanticism (eds Christoph Bode & Sebastian Domsch), Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2007 (283 pp.), 99-105.
36. ‘Colonial London in the Eighteenth Century’, inUrbs et Orbis: Métropoles et villes provinciales dans le monde Anglophone (ed. Hanquart-Turner; Évelyne), Paris & Ivry/Seine: Éditions A3, 2007, 11-19.
37. Lures and Ruses of Modernity / Leurres et ruses de la modernité, International Colloquium / Colloque international, New Europe College, 28-29 Nov., 2005 (ed. Mihaela Irimia), Bucureşti: Institutul Cultural Român, 2007 (211 pp.).
38. ‘Introduction’, Lures and Ruses of Modernity / Leurres et ruses de la modernité, International Colloquium / Colloque international, New Europe College, 28-29 Nov., 2005 (ed. Mihaela Irimia), Bucureşti: Institutul Cultural Român, 2007, 7-9.
39. ‘The Collapse of the Isomorphic Model’, inLures and Ruses of Modernity / Leurres et ruses de la modernité, International Colloquium / Colloque international, New Europe College, 28-29 Nov., 2005 (ed. Irimia,Mihaela), Bucureşti: Institutul Cultural Român, 2007, 30-39.
40. ‘A Walpolian Anecdote: The Garden of Alcinous’, in Anglo-American Perceptions of Hellenism (ed. Rapatzikou, Tatiani G.), Newcastle: Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007 (323 pp.), 2-14.
41.‘Venetian and Turkish Anecdotes, orto Be or not to Be a Moor in Venice’, Tolerance and Intolerance on the Triplex Confinium. Approaching the “Other” on the Borderlands. Eastern Adriatic and Beyond, 1500-1800 (eds Egidio Ivetic & Drago Roksandić), Padova: CLEUP (Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Storia), 2007, 81-96.
42. ‘Presentism: What Is It?’, Mapping the Future (ed. Odette Kaufmann), Iaşi: Editura Universitas XXI, 2007 ( 354 pp.), 5-19.
43. ‘The Ineffectual Angel of Political Hijacking’, in Michael Rossington & Susanne Schmid (eds), The Reception of Shelley in Europe, London & New York:Continuum International Publishing Group, 2008 (391 pp.), 127-145.
44. ‘Ubi Amor, ibi Roma’, in Adina Ciugureanu, Ludmila Martanovschi & Nicoleta Stanca (eds), (Ex)Patriation, Constanţa: ‘Ovidius’ University Press, 2008 (368 pp.), 235-240.
45. ‘The Age of Shakespeare in the Age of Johnson: the Growth of a Shakespeare Vulgata’, in Gabriela Iuliana Colipca &Ligia Pirvu (eds), Shakespeareana 2008, Galaţi: Galaţi University Press, 2008, 41-55.
46. ‘The Enlightenment Canon and/as the Model of Classic Modernity and Its Aftermath’, in Alexandra Cornilescu, Coman Lupu, Andreea Vlădescu (eds), Études sur le XVIIIe siècle, Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2008.
47.ODISEI I: Trasee conceptuale, Interdisciplinary Conference, Centre of Excellence for the Study of Cultural Identity, 14-15 Dec., 2007, (ed. Mihaela Irimia), Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2008 (253 pp.)
48. ‘Introduction’, ODISEI I: Trasee conceptuale, Interdisciplinary Conference, Centre of Excellence for the Study of Cultural Identity, 14-15 Dec., 2007, (ed. Mihaela Irimia), Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2008 (253), 7-16.
49.‘A Late Modern View of Revolutionary Romanticisms’, Romanticism Today, Selected Papers from the Tübingen Conference of the German Society for English Romanticism (eds Lars Eckstein & Christoph Reinfandt), Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009 (226 pp.), 33-40.
50. ODISEI II: O cartografie identitară: studii de caz, International Interdisciplinary Conference, Centre of Excellence for the Study of Cultural Identity, 9-10 May, 2008, (ed. Mihaela Irimia), Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2009 (504 pp.)
51. ‘Introduction’, ODISEI II: O cartografie identitară: studii de caz, International Interdisciplinary Conference, Centre of Excellence for the Study of Cultural Identity, 9-10 May, 2008, (ed. Mihaela Irimia), Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2009 (504 pp.), 9-24.
52. ‘The Merchant Tourist: Defoe and the Case of London’, ODISEI II: O cartografie identitară: studii de caz, International Interdisciplinary Conference, Centre of Excellence for the Study of Cultural Identity, 9-10 May, 2008, (ed. Mihaela Irimia), Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2009, 172-179.
53. Centralitate şi marginalitate, Conferinţa Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, 2007, (eds Mihaela Irimia & Dragoş Ivana), Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2009 (225 pp.).
54. ‘Introduction’, Centralitate şi marginalitate, Conferinţa Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, 2007, (eds Mihaela Irimia & Dragoş Ivana), ), Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2009 (225 pp.), 7-9.
55.‘From the Sublime to the Comic: The Call of the Modern’, in Irimia, Mihaela şi Dragoş Ivana (eds),Centralitate şi marginalitate, Sesiunea Ştiinţifică a Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, ‘Literatură şi Studii Culturale’, 9-21, Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2009 (225 pp.), 9-21.
56. ‘Quijote en Inglaterra, o el saludo de la modernidad’, in Mianda Cioba & Anca Crivăţ (editores), Estudios hispánicos II Literatura (pp. 76-82), Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2008 /179 pp.), 76-84.
57. Literary into Cultural History / De l’histoire littéraire à l’histoire culturelle, International Conference / Conférence Internationale, New Europe College, 25-26 May, 2007 (eds Mihaela Irimia & Dragoş Ivana), Bucureşti: Institutul Cultural Român, 2009 (262 pp.).
58. ‘Introduction’, Literary into Cultural History / De l’histoire littéraire à l’histoire culturelle, International Conference / Conférence Internationale, New Europe College, 25-26 May, 2007 (eds Mihaela Irimia & Dragoş Ivana), Bucureşti: Institutul Cultural Român, 2009, 9-10.
59.‘English Studies in Romanian Higher Education: A Diachronic View’, in Gupta, Suman & Milena Katsarska (eds), English Studies on This Side: Post-2007 Reckonings, Plovdiv University Press, 2009 (328 pp.), 61-74.
60. ‘Romanian Romanticism’, in Stephen Prickett (ed), European Romanticism: A Reader, London & New York: Continuum, 2010, pp. 50-53, 226-251, 388-393, 530-534, 634-637, 728-729, 852-855, 922-925
61. ‘From London into the Wide World and Back: Guineaing It in Eighteenth-Century England’, Leonor Santa Bárbara (ed.), Identitdade e cidadania: Da antiguidade aos nossos dias, Porto: Papira Editora, 2010, pp.219-232,
62. ‘Traveling and the Grand Tour’, Carmen Andras (ed.), New Directions in Travel Writing and Travel Studies, Aachen; Shaker Verlag, 2010, pp. 17-27.
63. ‘Classic Modernity and the Shakespeare Vulgata: A Case in Cultural Translation’, Madalina Nicolaescu & Sorana Corneanu (eds), (In)Hospitable Translations: Fidelities, Betrayals, Rewritings, Bucharest: Bucharest University Press, 2010, pp. 203-220,
64. ODISEI III: Întoarcerea acasă, Interdisciplinary Conference, Centre of Excellence for the Study of Cultural Identity, 16-19 Oct., 2008 (ed. Mihaela Irimia), Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2010 (380 pp.),
65. Imitatio – Inventio: The Rise of ‘Literature’ from Early to Classic Modernity, International Interdisciplinary Conference, New Europe College, Bucharest, 13-14 November, 2009, (eds Mihaela Irimia & Dragoş Ivana), Bucureşti: Institutul Cultural Român, 2010, 423 pp.
66. ‘Some Literature of Alchemy and Some Alchemy of Literature: Gold and the First Golden Age of the English Novel’, in Imitatio – Inventio: The Rise of ‘Literature’ from Early to Classic Modernity, International Interdisciplinary Conference, New Europe College, Bucharest, 13-14 November, 2009, (eds Mihaela Irimia & Dragoş Ivana), Bucureşti: Institutul Cultural Român, 2010, pp. 260-274.
67. ‘The Classic Modern Canon and the Disciplinary Separation’, in Papadima, Liviu, David Damrosch and Theo D’haen (eds), The Canonical Debate Today: Crossing Disciplinary and Cultural Boundaries, Amsterdam: Rodopi; /New York, NY:Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft 149, 2011, pp. 205-210.
68. ‘Spaţio-timpul romanesc şi victoria modernităţii’, in Brînzeu, Pia (ed.), Spaţiul în romanul anglo-saxon contemporan – Heterocosmosuri / heterotopii, Bucureşti: Editura Art, 2011, pp. 52-70.
69. ‘Are these the Alps which I see before me, or are they but some mountains of the mind?’, in Romantic Explorations, Selected Papers from the Kobleny Conference of the German Society for English Romanticism, (ed. Michael Meyer), Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2011 (266 pp.), pp. 23-37.
70. Formal to Figural Shakespeare (Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press) (forthcoming)
71. Despre canon (The Canon and Canonicity), Bucharest: ‘Humanitas’ Publishers (250 pp.) (work in progress)
2. Anthologies, Selected Texts and Studies
1. An Anthology of English Literature: The Age of Sentiment and Sensibility, Bucharest: BucharestUniversity Press, 1987 (678 pp.)
2. An Anthology of English Literature: The Romantic Age, Bucharest: BucharestUniversity Press, 1989 (671 pp.)
3. Cultural Identity between Anchorage and Embeddedness, Bucharest: British Cultural Studies Centre, Editura Premier, 2003 (146 pp.)
4. Cultural Identity and Modernity’s (Dis)Contents, Bucharest: British Cultural Studies Centre, Editura Premier, 2003 (163 pp.)
5. Texte fundamentale al gândirii postmoderne (Basic Texts of Postmodern Thinking), Bucharest: ‘Humanitas’ Publishers, (work in progress)
3. Courses of Lectures, Textbooks, Manuals
1. A Collection of Version Texts, Bucharest: BucharestUniversity Press, 1976 (200 pp.)
2. English - Exercises for Entrance to Higher Education, Bucharest: Pedagogical Publishers, 1978 (392 pp.)
3. American Literature (chapters on Theodore Roethke, Allen Ginsberg, Elizabeth Bishop, Charles Olson), Bucharest: Bucharest University Press, (115 pp.)
4. Translations, Introductory Studies, Prefaces, Afterwords
1. Sociolingvistica (Sociolinguistics), translations and notes, Bucharest: Pedagogical Publishers, 1975 (294 pp.)
2. Abdur Rahman, Anatomia ştiinţei (Anatomy of Science), Bucharest: Political Publishers, 1987 (213 pp.)
3. Fernando Pessoa, poetry, essays, theoretical prose - translations, notes, commentaries, Bucharest: ‘Secolul 20’ (‘The 20th Century’), No. 334-336, 10-12/1988, (30 pp.)
4. Charles Morgan, Sparkenbroke, preface, Bucharest: ‘Univers’ Publishers, 1989 (21 pp.)
5. Lewis Carroll, parodies and letters - translations, notes, commentaries, Bucharest: ‘Secolul 20’ (‘The 20th Century’), No. 352-354, 7-12/1991, (22 pp.)
6. Daniel Defoe, Călătorie în întreaga Insulă a Marii Britanii (A Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britan), translation, notes, afterword, Bucharest: Editis Publishers, 1992 (206 pp.)
7. Dan Verona, The Herald’s Ballad, translation, Falls Church, VA, USA: Visions International, No. 46, Black Buzzard Press, Visions International Arts Synergy, 1993
8. John Fowles, Mantissa, afterword, Bucharest: ‘Univers’ Publishers, 1995 (11 pp.)
9. William Shakespeare, sonnets translated into Romanian, in William Shakespeare: Opere (The Works of William Shakespeare), vol. IX, Bucharest: ‘Univers’ Publishers, 1995 (30 pp.)
10. Seamus Heaney, poems, in Chimerical Flames: An Anthology of Contemporary Irish Poetry,Bucharest: ‘Univers’ Publishers, 1996 (12 pp.)
11. Michael Longley, poems, in Chimerical Flames: An Anthology of Contemporary Irish Poetry, Bucharest: ‘Univers’ Publishers, 1996 (10 pp.)
12. John Lucas, ‘Seamus Heaney and the Possibilities of Poetry’, Bucharest: ‘Secolul 20’ (‘The 20th Century’), No. 373-375, 4-6/1996, (4 pp.)
13. Andrew Sanders, Scurtă istorie Oxford a literaturii engleze (A Short Oxford History of English Literature), Bucharest: ‘Univers’ Publishers, 1997 (662 pp.)
- Harold Bloom, Canonul occidental (The Western Canon), Bucharest: ‘Univers’ Publishers, 1998, afterword (24 pp.)
- Sir Walter Scott, Temniţa din Edinburgh (The Heart of Midlothian), Bucharest: ‘Minerva’ Publishers, 1999, preface and chronology (24 pp.)
- ‘Against Hermeneutics, for an Erotic of Art ’, afterword to Susan Sontag, Împotriva interpretării (AgainstInterpretation), Bucharest: ‘Univers’ Publishers, 2000 (20 pp.)
17. ‘The Cool Tender Night’, afterword to Scott Fitzgerald, Blândeţea nopţii (Tender Is the Night), Iaşi: ‘Polirom’ Publishers, 2001 (16 pp.)
18. ‘London again, Dickens again’, afterword to Peter Ackroyd, Documentele Platon (The Plato Papers), Iaşi: ‘Polirom’ Publishers, 2002 (18 pp.)
19. ‘The Aristocratic Fire’, afterword to John Fowles, Aristos (The Aristos), Bucharest: Editura Univers, 2002 (17 pp.)
20. ‘The Praise of Imbecility’, preface to Olavo de Carvalho, Imbecilul colectiv (The Collective Imbecile), Bucharest: ‘Cultural Romanian Institute’ Publishers, (12 pp.) (forthcoming)