Carpe Diem Project
English 12 ERWC
“Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.”
The Latin phrase “Carpe Diem” translates to seize the day, meaning an individual should take an advantage of every minute they have the opportunity to enjoy. In other words, live life to the fullest - whether you are working, playing, or relating to those whom you respect and love - because that moment could be your last. It is not easy – some days it’s easy to stumble through without embracing the value of the moment, but we need to keep pushing the envelope to embrace and nurture the talents we have and those we have the ability to develop. The purpose of this project is to challenge you to seek outan extraordinary life; to take chances and challenges rather than pass them over.
Project Directions: Create a “Carpe diem” poster that highlights how you strive to seize the day.
Your poster must include the following:
(1)Three photographs – one must be a single photo of you; the other two can be you with family/friends/mentors or you involved in a significant/meaningful activity.
(2)Lyrics to a poem or song that conveys the “Carpe Diem” message.
(3)1-2 inspiring “Carpe Diem” quotes.
(4)Description of how you plan to “seize the day” professionally. *Minimum of 10 sentences
(5)Description of how to plan to “seize the day” personally. *Minimum of 10 sentences
Carpe Diem Project
English 12 ERWC
“Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.”
The Latin phrase “Carpe Diem” translates to seize the day, meaning an individual should take an advantage of every minute they have the opportunity to enjoy. In other words, live life to the fullest - whether you are working, playing, or relating to those whom you respect and love - because that moment could be your last. It is not easy – some days it’s easy to stumble through without embracing the value of the moment, but we need to keep pushing the envelope to embrace and nurture the talents we have and those we have the ability to develop. The purpose of this project is to challenge you to seek outan extraordinary life; to take chances and challenges rather than pass them over.
Project Directions:Create a “Carpe diem” poster that highlights how you strive to seize the day.
Your poster must include the following:
(1)Three photographs – one must be a single photo of you; the other two can be you with family/friends/mentors or you involved in a significant/meaningful activity.
(2)Lyrics to a poem or song that conveys the “Carpe Diem” message.
(3)1-2 inspiring “Carpe Diem” quotes.
(4)Description of how you plan to “seize the day” professionally. *Minimum of 10 sentences
(5)Description of how to plan to “seize the day” personally. *Minimum of 10 sentences