711 N. Carancahua Suite 1660

Corpus Christi, Texas78401

(361) 825-2417, office

(361) 729-5314, home



Doctor of Education, Educational Leadership, TexasA&MUniversity - Corpus Christi,


Dissertation Title: A Mixed Methods Investigation of the Effects of Literature-Enhanced Mathematics Instruction on Student Achievement, Attitudes, and Instructor Implemented Pedagogy in Selected South Texas Sixth Grades

Master of Science, Curriculum & Instruction, Cognate: Mathematics Education, TexasA&MUniversity-Corpus Christi, 1995

Bachelor of Arts, Sociology, University of Texas at Austin, 1974


August 2012-presentDirector, College and Career Readiness Initiative’s Science Faculty Collaborative

August 2012-presentDirector, Coastal Bend Regional Science Fair

September 2008-presentAssistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, Teach graduate mathematics education courses and C&I courses

July 2007 – December 2008Faculty Fellow in Mathematics, GEAR UP/STAR Grant

September 2007-August 2008Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, Teach graduate mathematics education courses.

September 2006-August 2007Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, Teach three courses in a sequence exploring mathematical concepts required of EC-4 and 4-8 Education Majors.

August 2005–August 2006Adjunct Professor, Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi SMTE 3352 “Fundamentals of Math III” Fall 2005 and Spring 2006, SMTE 1350 “Fundamentals of Math I” Summer II, 2006.

August 2004-August 2006University Liaison, P-16 Partnerships for Student Success,Assist in the improvement of student achievement by providing a series of critical mathematics interventions to address needs of low performing public schools.

Spring, 2006Teaching Assistant, EDCE 5315 “Methods of Teaching Mathematics” – Directed Individual Study under the direction of Dr. Nancy Reynolds, entitled “Designing Curriculum for Student-Centered Mathematics Classroom” Duties included conducting lectures and lessons with activities for the graduate level teacher participants in the Masters And Certificate (MAC) program.

Spring, 2003Teaching Assistant, EDCI 5321 “Mathematics Through Children’s Literature” - Directed Individual Study under the direction of Dr. Randy Drum, entitled “College Teaching of Mathematics Education” Duties included conducting lectures and lessons with activities for the graduate level teacher-participants.

August 1993 – May 2003St. James Episcopal School,Corpus Christi, TX

Classroom Teacher

2001-20038th Grade Algebra

1997-2001Middle School Mathematics

1993-19974th Grade

June 1974 – April 1978Texas Department of Human Services,Houston, TX

1977-1978Section Director

1976-1977Contract Manager

1974-1976Social Services Worker


Mathematics And ScienceTeacherAcademy

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


1 September 2010 – 31 August 2011

Project director: Denise Hill; Co-director: Faye Bruun

Mathematics And ScienceTeacherAcademy

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


1 January 2009 – 31 August 2010

Project director: Denise Hill; Co-director: Faye Bruun

School Mathematics Project

Teacher Quality Grant

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


1 May 2009- present

Project director: Elaine Young; Co-directors- George Tintera and Faye Bruun

Problem Solving: Discrete to Continuous Mathematics

Teacher Quality Grant

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


1 May 2008 – 30 June 2009

Project director: Elaine Young; Co-directors: George Tintera and Faye Bruun

Conceptual Development of Rational Numbers

Teacher Quality Grant

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


1 May 2007 – 31 May 2008

Project director: Faye Bruun; Co-director: Elaine Young

Geometry, Problem Solving & Assessment

Teacher Quality Grant

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


1 May 2007 – 31 May 2008

Project director: Elaine Young; Co-director: Faye Bruun

Problem Solving with Numbers and Algebra

Teacher Quality Grant

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


1 May 2006 – 31 May 2007

Project director: Elaine Young; Co-director: Faye Bruun


Elementary Mathematics and Earth Science Project

Teacher Quality Grant

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


1 April 2012 – 31 March 2013

Project director: Faye Bruun

Advancement of the College and Career Readiness Standards in Teacher-Preparation Programs

College and Career Readiness Initiative-Mathematics Faculty Collaborative


Project director: Sarah Ives; Co-directors: Faye Bruun and Joe Champion

Math Camp

Center Point Energy


1 June 2012 – 30 June 2013

Project director: Faye Bruun


National:Bruun, F., Salinas, S. (2012, February). What’s Hot in Literature Enhanced Mathematics. Literacy Summit: What’s Hot in Literacy for 2012, Specialized Literacy Professionals. San Antonio, TX.

Bruun, F. (2009, April). Best Practices and Reasoning Strategies through Students’ Interactive Journals. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, WashingtonD.C.

Bruun, F., Abudiab, M. & Ramon, B. (2008, July). Engaging Parents and Students through Family Math Night. NCCEP/GEAR UP National Conference, Washington, D.C.

Abudiab, M., Bruun, F., & Ray, B. (2008, July). GEAR UP/STAR Faculty Fellow Teacher Connection. NCCEP/GEAR UP National Conference, Washington, D.C.

Regional:Bruun, F. (2011, October). Leonardo da Vinci Wants to Know: Are You a Square? Learning Applying Teaching Mathematics, Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Monroe, LA.

Bruun, F., Ogden, K. Martinez, D. (2011, July). Early Number Concepts and Number Sense. South by Southwest, Head Start & Early Head Start. Corpus Christi, TX.

Bruun, F. (2007, November). Geometry and Measurement using Literature, Manipulatives, and Mathematicians. Southern Regional Conference, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), Houston, Texas.

Bruun, F. (2004, November). Literature Makes the Real World Connection for Middle School Mathematics. Southern Regional Conference, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), New Orleans, LA.

State: Bruun, F. (2012, July). Teachers’ Perceptions of Problem-Solving Strategies. Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching. Houston, TX.

Bruun, F. (2012, July). Leonardo da Vinci Wants to Know: Are You Ideal? Conference for the Advancement of Math Teaching, Houston, TX.

Bruun, F.& Roehl, S. (2011, March) Technology Use in STEM Education. Math, Science and Technology Teacher Preparation Academies Leaders Collaboration Conference and Technical Workshop, University of Texas at Arlington, TX.

Bruun, F. (2010, July) Literature + Activities = (Engaged Students)^2. Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX.

Hill, D. & Bruun, F. (2010, February). Research-based best practices in science & technology teacher prep. Math, Science and Technology Teacher Preparation Academies Leaders Collaboration Conference and Technical Workshop, San Marcos, TX.

Bruun, F. (2009, July). GEAR UP Summer Bridge Program: Building a mathematical foundation. Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Houston, TX.

Bruun, F., Abudiab, M. & Ramon, B. (2008, May). Engaging Students through Saturday Math Academies. Texas Sate GEAR UP Conference. McAllen, Texas.

Bruun, F. (2007, June). From “Math Curse” to “Number Devil”: Linking Math and Children’s Literature. Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, Texas.

Bruun, F. & Tejeda-Delgado, C. (2006, July). Navigating Through Middle School Geometry and Measurement. Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Houston, Texas.

Tejeda-Delgado, C. & Bruun, F. (2006, July) The Overt Solution to Problem Solving—A Reading Comprehensive Response to Problem Solving. Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Houston, Texas.

Bruun, F. & Tejeda-Delgado, C. (2005, July). Literature-Enhanced Mathematics Engages Hearts and Minds. Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Dallas, Texas.


Bruun, F. (2010, April) Literacy Coaching + Middle School Mathematics.

2nd International Literacy Coaching Summit, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi

Bruun, F. (2009, January). What your professional learning community should know about Elementary Mathematics, with Teacher Quality Grant students, Sixth Annual CEDER Conference, Texas A&M Corpus Christi.

Ogden, K. & Bruun, F. (2008, June). 7/5 of All People Don’t Understand Fractions. (ME)^2 By the Sea. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Bruun, F., Ogden, K., & Perales, L. (2008, April). Mathematics and the literature of Jerry Pallota. 12th Annual Reading Conference. Texas A&M-Corpus Christi.

Bruun, F. (2007, December). Middle School Mathematics for a Changing World. Fifth Annual CEDER Conference, Texas A&M Corpus Christi.

Bruun, F. (2007, June). From “Math Curse” to “Number Devil”. (ME)^2 By the Sea. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Bruun, F. (2006, November). Incorporating Manipulatives into the Math Program. Diocesan Catholic Educators Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Bruun, F. & Horne, C. (2006, June). All you need to know about the Texas Mathematics/Science Diagnostic System, (ME)^2 By the Sea. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Bruun, F. & Tejeda-Delgado, C. (2006, February) Supporting Student Success in Mathematics through a Professional Development Partnership Grant, Fourth Annual CEDER Conference, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi.

Bruun, F. (2005, June). Making Middle School Mathematics Engaging with Literature-Enhanced Mathematics, (ME)^2 By the Sea. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Bruun, F. (2005, April). Children’s Trade Books + Middle School Mathematics = Literacy + Learning. 9th Annual Reading Conference & 3rd Annual CEDER Conference, Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi.

Bruun, F. (2005, January). Item Analysis. Four-M (4M) Training-Algebra Focus. Corpus ChristiIndependentSchool District Wide Staff Development, GrantMiddle School.


Pearce, D., Bruun, F., Skinner, K., & Mohler, C. (2013). What Do Teachers Say? Student Difficulties Solving Mathematical Word Problems in Grades 2-5. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education.(accepted)

Bruun, F. (2012). Scavenger Hunt to Build a Mathematical Foundation. Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics Journal, 8, 12-18.

Bruun, F. (2010) Fibonacci = Numbers + Patterns. Texas Mathematics Teacher, Volume LVIII, Issue 1, 10-11.


Bruun, F. & Bankston, L. (2011). Using Real-Life Objects to Teach Double Facts. The Association of Mathematics Educators – Texas Newsletter, I (2).

Bruun, F. (2008). Mathematics + Literature = (StudentsEngaged)2. The Literacy Professional, XVII (3).


Bruun, F., Diaz, J., & Dykes, V. (2012).The Language of Mathematics. Teaching Children Mathematics. (submitted)

Bruun, F. (2012). Elementary Teachers’ Perspectives of Math Problem Solving Strategies. The Mathematics Educator. (submitted)


National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics

The Association of Mathematics Educators - Texas

Coastal Council of Teachers of Mathematics



Committee Chair

Masters of Curriculum & Instruction, August 2009-present

Doctoral Candidate Interviews, June 2009 – June 2012.

Committee Member

Search Committee Educational Administration Faculty, March 2012-July 2012.

Search Committee Science Education Faculty, July 2011-August 2011.

Search Committee Reading Faculty, January 2010-April 2010.

Search Committee Science Education Faculty, November 2012 to present


Committee Member

College Curriculum Committee, October 2011 – present

COE Enrollment Management Committee, September 2011-October 2011.


Committee Member

Library Committee, September 2011 – present.

Faculty Staff Campaign, 2009-2010.

Math Education Department Faculty Search, January 2010 – April 2010.

Faculty Advisor

Council of Teachers of Mathematics, September 2009-present


Officer, Secretary

Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics, September 2010 – present

Task Force Member

Advisor Council of the TAMU System Mid-Career STEM Recruitment Grant, August 2009-2010.

MemberTexasCollege and Career Readiness Initiative Mathematics Faculty Collaborative, November 2008-present.


Coastal Council of Teachers of Mathematics

(ME)^2 by the Sea Conference Committee, 2005-present

Treasurer, 2006-2008

President Elect 2008-2009

President, 2009-2011

Past, President, 2011-2012.

Treasurer, 2012-present


Academic – KingsvilleIndependentSchool District, Kingsville, TX. June 2011-August 2011.


Committee Member

Coastal Bend Regional Science Fair IRB Committee, January, 2012.

Guest Speaker

Smith Elementary Field Trip to TAMUCC, May, 2011.

Good Samaritan Field Trip to TAMUCC, July, 2012.

Science Fair Judge

Coastal Bend Science Fair, April, 2011.


Gina Stocks (Reading) "Prospective Teachers of Reading: Personal Literacies of First Generation and Continuing Generation Student” January 2011

Lisa McNair (Reading) "Split Notes: A Study of a Strategy's Effectiveness" April 2011

Debra D. Murphy “An Analysis of Non-Text Elements in Social Studies Textbooks” June 2012

Rachelle Fabela "The Use and Implementation of Interactive Writing as an Instructional Method for Primary Teachers in Texas Education Service Center 2” December 2012


Pamela Cordova, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, “Seventh Grade Mathematics: Incorporating Authentic Learning into Measurement” May 2010

Faydale E. Curtice, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, “Preservice Teachers: Fraction Operations and Error Patterns” May 2010

Harriett Diaz, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, “Seventh Grade Mathematics: Using FractionTowers and Other Representations to Enhance Learning of Rational Numbers” August 2010


Advisory Board to the TexasAcademy of Mathematics and Science, 2013-2018

Teaching Excellence Award, Fall 2010; TexasA&MUniversity System

State Review Panel of Mathematics, 2007; Texas Education Agency

Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 2002

Governor’s Advisory Council for Mathematics as part of the Governor’s Math Initiative, 2001