Fiona Watson Memorial Fund

Small Grants Programme for Humanitarian Trips 2017


Applicationsshouldclearlydemonstrate thebenefitwhichwillbedelivered bytheproject, totheapplicant,andthebeneficiaries of their chosen project.

Intheevaluationofapplications, theCommittee willtakeaccount,whereappropriate, ofthe extenttowhichapplicantshavegainedsupportfromothersources(fundraising activities, self-funding etc).

Applicantsarerequired tosupporttheproposed costswithprintedevidence, e.g. from websites acting as travel agents for their proposed projects.

Applicationsaredependentonreferences. Students'applicationsmustbeapprovedand signed byamemberofacademicstaff.


The Fund will support Humanitarian Trips in the UK and abroad which it deems appropriate for the Fiona Watson Memorial Fund.

The Committee defines 'Humanitarian' as:

"relating to efforts to promote or enhance human welfare and social reform, caused by short or long-term adversity."

The Committee will only consider Humanitarian Trips organised and run by officially recognised agencies which specialise in the provision of such trips.



Paymentof grantswillbe madeinadvanceof theactivityorproject.

Applicants musttakeuptheirawardand have carried out the project by Monday 11th September 2017orelseforfeitthe award. Failure to carry out the specific project for which funding has been granted will result in the applicant being required to refund the full sum.

Awardeesmustprovideashortreport,photographsandreceiptsfortherelevantexpensesfollowingsuccessfulcompletionof theactivityorproject. These must be submitted to the Development and Alumni Office by Friday 27th October 2017. Reports and photographs may be used in promotional materials to raise the profile of fundraising and on our webpages.

Awardeesmust,whereappropriate,giveduerecognitiontotheFiona Watson Memorial Fund,forexamplein anypromotionalmaterialorexternallyaccessiblereporting.


TheFiona Watson MemorialFundwillnotsupportprojects which receive funding from the Annual Fund or the Allen McTernan Fund.

The Fund will not accept applications for grants which exceed £1,000.

The Fund will not accept applications in support of humanitarian trips which are not organised by an accredited agency (e.g. a trip organised entirely by the applicant).

The Fund will not support projects where the humanitarian benefit of the project is not clear.


Students must be matriculated students of Heriot-Watt University at the time the activity funding is being requested or takes place and studying at Edinburgh, Galashiels, Orkney, Dubai or Malaysia Campus. Students studying with an Approved Learning Partner and distance learning students are not eligible for support.

Students requesting funds for activities taking place after their graduation are normally not eligible. However, the Fiona Watson Memorial Fund Committee may consider exceptions to this.

The student must be in good standing with the University and must not be in debt to the University, the Students' Union, the Sports Union or any other organisation affiliated to the University.

Example Organisations

The following organisations provide the kinds of humanitarian trips the Fund will support. These are provided as a guide for applicants, are not exhaustive, and are not cited as favoured organisations. Applicants are free to seek out their own organised trips but may find the list helpful in their research:

(Mental Health Placements)

(mainly gap year projects)

Fiona Watson Memorial Fund

Small Grants Application for Humanitarian Trips 2017

1.Project Title and Name of Voluntary Organisation





Tel (home):Email (HWU):

Tel (mobile):Email (home):

3.Project Details

Please describe the natureand scope of the plannedactivity, emphasising the benefit which you believeit willbringto those involved. State how the project meets the criteria outlinedin the applicationguidelines.

4.Project Budget

Project StartDate:Project End Date:

Please provide estimates ofall costs involved in yourproject and indicatewhichelements youseek supportfor.


To be completed by a member of academic staff known to the applicant: Please supply a short statement of support forthis project.


Position: Date:


I certify that Ihave read and understoodthe application conditions and guidelines. I declare that, to the best of myknowledge, the information I have suppliedis correct.If myapplicationis successful I am preparedto be featured in future promotional material for theFund.


Course ofStudy:Year: Date:


Please ensure you have answered all questions andsubmitted your application by the deadline. This deadline isstrictly enforced and late or incompleteapplicationscannot be accepted. It is the
applicant’s responsibilityto ensureit is received before the deadline.


Sunday 30th April 2017

Pleasereturnyour completed form to the address below:

Dawn Doran

Developmentand AlumniOffice

Room 2.06, Scott Russell Building

Heriot–Watt University


EH14 4AS

•Faxed or emailed copieswill not be accepted. All applications must be a hard copy to verify authorisation of referee

•Applicationswithout the necessary referee’s authorisation will notbe accepted

•Applicationsreceived after the deadlinewill not be accepted


Resultswill be communicated by Monday15thMay 2017.The successful applicants will receivewritten confirmation of the outcome by thisdate. The decisions reached by theCommittee are final and under nocircumstances will decisionsbe changed.

Further Assistance Required

If you needany further information or assistance please contact Dawn Doran in the Development &


•Phone 0131-451-3498
