Learning Target- Students can analyze parenting roles and the importance of establishing paternity for a child if needed.
Paternity lesson Minnesota
Using the above handout develop an info-graphic flyer of information using pictures, symbols, clip art to portray the issue of paternity and how it relates to young teens.
Work individually to create an info-graphic that covers the main issues in paternity.
Also example on my web page.
Include the following in your info graphic:
· 10 Facts or situations that might be true or challenge a teen dad.
· 5 Facts from the Paternity lesson Minnesota handout . Handed out in class.
· http://www.dshs.wa.gov/dcs/services/parents.asp Good link for basics in our state.
· Prepare a script explaining your 15 facts and why you think they are important.
· If you have a partner(s) each must have an equal share.
· Reference APA three references and include it as an extra page.
Steps to making an info graphic flyer:
1. Decide on facts you want to present.
2. You may use Publisher or Word to create a one page poster or do a Prezi presentation- http://prezi.com/ . You will need to create an account, but it is free. Site has some good examples.
3. When finished you have a “techy” Poster that is informational, fun to
create and does the job of a power point.
4. Check rubric below to be sure that you are on target with the assignment.
5. Examples, last page.
Criteria / Comments / PointsInfo graphic had 10 major facts on paternity gleaned from reputable internet research. / _____/40
5 additional facts came from Minnesota handout / _____/20
Visuals were fact loaded or adequately transmitted information important to understand the Paternity challenges of teen Dads. / _____/10
Background and graphics moved the eye to engage learning. / _____/5
Project was done on time / _____/10
3 APA references were listed from reputable sources / _____/15
Total / _____/100
E 1.1.1Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools.SL4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives are addressed, and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range of formal and informal tasks. / 6.1 FCS 15.1.1 Analyze parenting roles across the life span.
6.2 FCS 15.1.2 Analyze expectations and responsibilities of parenting.
6.3 FCS 15.1.3 Analyze consequences of parenting practices to the individual, family, and society.
Dr. Vivian G. Baglien November 7, 2013