Carlyle Elementary School SCC Minutes
Nov 4, 2015
Attendees: Kathy Tomaszewski, Tyler Fehrenbach, Tracy Procyk, Bobbi Wallbaum, Jerri Lenius, Justine Kyle, Colleen Getten, Danielle Benjamin, Ashley Lequyer, Krystal Fehrenbach, April Eaton, Whitney Rasmussen, Carrie Rutten, Amy Rutten
Regrets: Lanelle BigEagle, Jen Brady
Meeting was called to order by Chair – Kathy Tomaszewski
Minutes of last meeting were reviewed by council
1. Positions for the next 2 year term were determined:
Chair – Kathy Tomaszewski
Co Chair - Bobbi Wallbaum
Secretary – Jerri Lenius
2. Teacher meals for student Led Conference were discussed. Jenn Brady and Whitney Rasmussen will be organizing the meals for the upcoming student led conferences on Nov 17th & 18th
3. Play ground equipment – The SCC need to get the fundraising ball rolling to replace the unsafe equipment that will eventually be removed. We will be discussing it more in depth at our next meeting in January. Ideas tossed around were color or foam run, Jail and bail, magazine subscription, Bottle drive. SCC will invite former member Amber Morse to next meeting for she has expressed interest in helping with fundraising. We will also approach the Town of Carlyle to see if they can assist in our efforts in any way as well as other groups in town such as the Lions club etc. We will also ask support from local businesses.
4. Amy Rutten attended a reading summit and had a suggestion to improve literacy within the classrooms. Magazines were a topic at the summit. Not all children are interested in reading chapter books – magazines are an option to promote reading and writing. Perhaps the SCC could look into getting some subscriptions for the classroom. We will start off with sending a note out to the community to see if anyone has magazines at home that the school could have ( such as Chickadee, Highlights and Young national Geo) If we don’t get a good enough response then we will look at purchasing subscriptions in the new year.
5. Prinicipals Report:
SCC work shop in Wawota – Tyler and Maurice were the only ones able to attend from Carlyle. Division priorities were discussed. Early learning, Grade 3 reading levels (Sandy Klatt the Early Learning Coordinator would like to see children reading at their level by grade 3. From K-3 they are learning to read and grade 3-6 they are reading to learn.) Math and graduation rates, and roles of the SCC (support division initiatives, develop community based supports, act as an advisory role, and develop school goals to help achieve division goals) were discussed.
Internet Safety Night – Mr Fehrenbach will look into getting a speaker to come in for a presentation. Val Caldwell from Russell Man is an option, The RCMP have been contacted as well to see if they offer any information. Mr. Fehrenbach will have more information for the next meeting.
Buddy Benches – The Waugh family has so kindly offered to purchase and install a buddy bench in both Div1 and Div 2 playgrounds, Tyler will look into getting them before purchased and installed before winter.
Terry Fox – Students raised over $8500 and reached 3 of their goals – rewards were teacher swap, extended recess, and Dairy Queen donated 260 dilly bars for a treat for everyone!
Missoula Theatre was another huge success this year!
Art smart program for grades 3-6 – Kids had an amazing time – project turned out amazing! Perhaps we could do again for the K-2 students who really admire the outcome of this project?
Two guest authors came to read to the K-2 classes
One Book – One School program will be started in January. Joan Bue will be heading up this program – participants will get the book Because of Winn Dixie.
Behaviour Matrix – Respect, Responsibility and Excellence. We are looking at making some changes to the current matrix, is it too long??– Perhaps it needs simplifying to just Respect and Responsibility
Class room Libraries – looking at adding magazines to the classroom to spark interest in the children that don’t like to read novels/chapter books.
6. Community Education Liaison Report – Krystal Fehrenbach
Missoula Theatre was a huge success – we had some sponsors this year Enbridge helped with the cost of the Missoula, and The Ramada donated rooms for the 2 ladies – Big Thank you to both our sponsors!
Friendship Meal will be December 18th – Will ask the SCC to help Krystal with this meal again this year.
Looking at offering the Babysitting course – more details to follow
Girls club is going on with Grades 5 and 6 with mentors from the high school. This program being funded by The Canadian Women’s Foundation
7. Teachers Report – Carrie Rutten & Justine Kyle
Grade 2 class have their class room blog up and running, learning about being good citizens
Curling for grades 5 & 6 (possibly grade 4’s depending on numbers) will be starting
Jump Rope for Heart will start in Dec/Jan for grades 1&2
Meeting came to a close at 8:37 pm
Next Meeting Jan 13th 7:00 pm at CES