Carlisle Cathedral
Cathedral Archaeologist
1.Terms of Reference
1.1N is appointed by the Chapter of Carlisle Cathedral as Cathedral Archaeologist as of (date)
1.2The contract is subject to the notice period stated within section 9 of this agreement. It will otherwisebe reviewed every 5 years.
1.3This contract embraces the CFCE Guidance Notes on the role and duties of the Cathedral Archaeologist together with the provisions of the Care of Cathedrals Measure 1990 and the Care of Cathedrals (Amendment) Measure 2005, which require consultation and co-operative working with the Cathedral Architect, notably in the preparation of the Quinquennial Report, but also in other relevant circumstances.
2.Duties and Responsibilities
2.1The duties and responsibilities of the post shall be consistent with the particulars issued as part of the recruitment process.
3Instruction on Programmes of Work
3.1The Archaeologist shall normally only take executive action on instruction issued by the Chapter through its nominated representative.
3.2No action involving Chapter financially shall be made without the knowledge and consent of Chapter.
3.3For each programme of work to be undertaken the Chapter, through the Cathedral Director of Strategic Operations, will detail in writing to the Archaeologist an agreed brief and programme for the work to be undertaken once an agreed fee for the proposed work is agreed and confirmed in writing between the Archaeologist and Chapter.
4.Services and Work to be Undertaken by the Post Holder
4.1Attendance at all FAC meetings (regularly three per year), to include preparation for these and travel costs.
4.2Consultations with the Cathedral Surveyor to the Fabric (Architect), the Dean and the Cathedral Director of Strategic Operations as required on matters relating to the Cathedral and the maintenance of proper contact with the Chairman of the FAC and Head of Maintenance.
4.3Provision of a brief statement to accompany every application made to FAC or the Commission which may have archaeological conditions, even if the Archaeologist’s advice is that no further action is required.
4.4Where archaeological investigation is required, to provide information and obtain estimates for Chapter and where permission to proceed is granted, to provide a brief for the work, check specifications and monitor the execution of the contract, which will be with Chapter.
4.5Recording of work as required under the Care of the Cathedrals Measure and in accordance with the recommendations of the CFCE guidance on The Role and Duties of the Cathedral Archaeologist, together with appropriate archiving.
4.6To advise Chapter on the appropriate manner, timing and cost of publication and to ensure that the budget figure for archaeological investigation includes an appropriate amount for this work.
4.7To maintain working records in good order and, at the termination of appointment, to return to the Chapter all digital and paper files, drawings, photographs and any other records produced as a result of this appointment.
5.Remuneration and Expenses
5.1The annual retainer covers ex officio attendance at and preparation for all meetings of the Fabric Advisory Committee (FAC). It includes travel costs for the three regular FAC meetings per annum.
5.2Work over and above that covered by the retainer (such as Quinquennial Reports, Conservation Statements, excavations and monitoring) will be separately remunerated. These fees may be subject to negotiation with Chapter but are currently payable at the rate of £250 per day, adjusted pro rata for part thereof.
5.3Travel expenses (over and above those included in 5.1 above) will be paid for rail travel at the standard fare and for a car at a rate of 45p per mile, subject to an annual reviewin January each year.
5.4For all other reasonable expenses that may be incurred, prior approval must be sought from the Cathedral Director of Strategic Operations.
6.Payment Schedule
6.1The Chapter agrees to pay the Archaeologist on a quarterly basis for programmes of work already agreed within the Terms & Conditions of Engagement.
7.Operational Arrangements
7.1The Archaeologist normally reports to Chapter through the Cathedral Director of Strategic Operations, who serves as the contact point.
7.2The Archaeologist will hold Professional Indemnity Insurance to the value of £250,000.
8.Consultants and Contractors
8.1The Archaeologist shall advise Chapter on the appointment of consultants and contractors for programmes of work, and may make recommendations. The Chapter retains the sole right to engage andinstruct consultants and contractors.
8.2The Archaeologist has the right to seek a second opinion if faced with a complex or difficult problem, as has Chapter, the cost (if any) to be mutually agreed prior to engagement.
8.3In the event of a legal dispute between the Chapter and any consultant or contractor, the matter will be dealt with between the two parties concerned and not through the Archaeologist, unless the Cathedral Archaeologist is directly involved in the dispute.
9.Length of Contract and Notice Periods
9.1The length of contract will be for an initial five year period, at the end of which the Terms and Conditions will be reviewed.
9.2This agreement can be terminated by either party if six months notice is given in writing.
9.3The Chapter reserves the right to dismiss without notice in the event of proved professional misconduct.
Signed:...... Date:
Signed:………………………………………………… Date:......
Dean of Carlisle