Carlby news

Carlby and District WI – the WI met on 10 February in the village hall.

Apologies:Mary Barlow, Linda Brooks, Cheryl Buckley, Betty Grindey, Linda I’Anson,

Kath Pollitt, Rhoda Mee, Sarah Milne, Janet Trestrail, Gail Usher, Anne Woolley.

Visitors Christine Wilson, Ryhall WI President, Pauline Crampin and Dan Pope were welcomed.

Minutes of the last meeting were signed as correct.

Matters arising from last meeting:

CENTENERARY SPRING COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday 10th March. Denman Dip – to take part let Margaret Hawkins or Sue Blessett have your envelope containing £1 with your name and Carlby WI written on it before that date. The prize is a Denman Voucher.

BOURNE HOME ECONOMICS MEETING Monday 30th March with ‘FLANDERS AND SWANN RECAPTURED’. A spare ticket is available from Margaret Hawkins. Carlby WI are ushers.

LINCS SOUTH FEDERATION CENTENARY CELEBRATION Rhoda Mee has offered two pieces of workmanship to be exhibited, which was shown to members, and Mary Barlow has agreed to do a floral arrangement for us.

THE ADDAMS FAMILY” production board was closed. The three members going to this agreed the date etc.

TOLETHORPE VISIT 2015 `Tom Jones` was the voted for play and the date selected Monday 13th July. Ticket money required at March meeting please, so we can have an early choice of seats. (Seniors £12).

JOINT CENTENARY CELEBRATION with Witham-on-the-Hill and Rhyall WIs. Two representatives from each WI will make a Committee to discuss the form it will take. It will

be a date in September 2015. More information later in the year.

MOSQUE VISIT Tuesday 14th April 2015. 12.55p.m. – 2.30 p.m. approx. Members £6 non-£7.

Outdoor shoes will need to be removed on entry and it is asked that visitors dress modestly –

no knees, elbows or low necklines on show please.


FEDERATION NEWS SHEET - February 2015 will have arrived in your Inbox under ‘Accounts’.

SEWING FOR PLEASURE at the NEC, Birmingham 19-22 March 2015. Tickets online or phone 01425 277988. Book up to a week before and get £2 off.

Seniors £9.50 which concession. Information tabled.

LINCS SOUTH FED. OF WIs Lincolnshire Show Schedule 24th and 25th June – Celebrating 100 years 1915-2015. Carlby WI are catering for this event. Tabled.

REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES and Unaudited Financial Statements for period 1 Dec 2013 to 31 October 2014 for Lincs. South Federation of Women’s Institutes was tabled.

PLUMAGE PATTERNS – Project ‘Plumage’ invites us to create hats and scarves that are inspired by bird plumage. CAMM Design was commissioned byTransported to work with RSPB Frampton Marsh to create a public art sculpture. Patterns are available or create your own.

QUIZ EVENING Friday 8th May 2015. Hale Magna V.Hall, Great Hale. £6 which includes refreshments. We would like to send a team – we have two volunteers – two more needed for a team. Speak to Margaret if you would like to join them.

‘OPEN DAY’ AT THE NEW FEDERATION OFFICES, SLEAFORD. Friday 20th March 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. There is a car going in the afternoon. If you would like to go speak to Sue Blessett at March meeting or ring her.

RESOLUTION EVENING at Cranwell Village Hall Monday 27th April. Informative evening for those interested the the WI Campaigns.

TALK, TEA & CAKE at North Kyme Village Hall Monday 11th May 2-4 p.m. £7/£8. Subject:

‘SEEING AND TREATING CANCER WITH PROTONS’. Board will go again next meeting.



The Carlby Village Hall Management Committee sent a letter of thanks to the WI for its appreciation of their efforts they make on behalf of the Village.


Birthdays: Betty Grindey 10th February and Janet Blacoe the 28th February.

Baton Relay DVD is now available to view.

Membership: Sadly, Margaret Anderson, Elaine Hawkins and Di Kennington will not be rejoining this year. Happily, Pauline Crampin has rejoined.


Knickers & Toiletries – items being collected and sent to a Women’s Refuge. This falls

in nicely with our campaign again Violence towards Women. Any items can be taken to the

Public Affairs Stand at the Spring Council Meeting or given to Margaret or Sue who are going.

21st February Pub Night at Carlby Village Hall – Chinese New Year Theme.

23rd February Breakthrough Cancer Coffee Morning 10 – 1 p.m. 32 Templeman Drive (Margaret Dair). Cakes or donations very welcome.

5th March Village Hall AGM.

Mission to Seafarers – men’s sweaters and bobble hats needed. Give to Jennifer Gralka.

Faster Broadband – to register interest google Gigaclear.

Speaker: Dr Chris Andrews from the RSPB. His talk ‘Birds in Myth & Folklore’. A very entertaining talk with marvellous photos of the birds in question. He encouraged members to join of course, as volunteers where a variety of jobs could be undertaken by bird lovers.

Sue Blessett gave the Vote of Thanks.

Competition: 1. Sue Blessett2. Judie Pope3. Jennifer Gralka

Raffle winners: 1. Yas Fairbairn2. Maureen Wood

Thanks to: Sarah Cardew & Judie Pope for Teas and Rhoda Mee & Yas Fairbairn for Raffle.