Carl V. Patton President’s Award
GeorgiaStateUniversity’s President Mark BeckerandtheCivic Engagement office invitenominationsfor theCarlPattonAwardforCommunityServiceand SocialJustice.Theawards will be presentedduring GeorgiaStateUniversity’s ServiceRecognitionCeremonyinApril.
TheCarlV.PattonPresident’s Awardfor CommunityService andSocial Justicewere establishedin2005 byFormer PresidentPattonandtheCivic Engagement office. In 2010, theawards were namedinhis honor.
OutstandingCommunityImpactAward,Student- Given to a GeorgiaStateUniversitystudentwho has exemplifiedoutstandingservice tothe community
OutstandingCommunityImpact Award,StudentOrganization- Awarded to acharteredGeorgiaStateUniversitystudentorganization that has providedexemplaryserviceto the community
OutstandingFacultyor StaffAward- Recognizes a GeorgiaStateUniversityfacultyor staffmember who has dedicatedhisor her timeinaddressinga needinthe Atlantacommunity
OutstandingUniversityProgramAward- Acknowledgestheeffortsofcampus programsthatare createdtoserve Atlanta’s needs
OutstandingCommunityPartnerAward-Highlightstherelationship between Georgia StateUniversity andanon-profitcommunityagencyto address communityneeds
Guidelinesfor Eligibility
Nomineesmustbefaculty, staff,or studentsofGeorgiaStateUniversity,UniversityProgramsand/or
Departments,or CommunityPartners.
Nomineesmusthaveperformedthe communityservice withinthelasttwocalendar years.
Anyprevious award recipientsare not eligibleto benominatedforthesameaward.
Eachaward recipientwillhave the opportunityto selectaGeorgiaStateUniversityprogramor scholarshiptoreceivea $500gift intheirname.
Nominationpacketsmust besubmittedno later thanFebruary 14,2017 by 5 p.m.
Nominationpacketsmust includethefollowing:
A completed nomination form.
Anarrative demonstratingsignificantachievement of theindividualor organizationin service.
Two lettersofsupportfromthoseserved and/oragencies inthe community
For studentnominations,pleaseincludearesumedetailingservice performedandnumberof hours completed.
Nomination packets should be submitted to the Civic Engagement office.
Carl V. Patton President’s Awards
Nominee Information
Name: Email:
Work Phone: Address:
Department: Organization:
Nomination Category
OutstandingCommunityImpactAward,Student- Given to aGeorgiaStateUniversitystudentwho has exemplifiedoutstandingservice tothe community
OutstandingCommunityImpact Award,StudentOrganization- Awarded to acharteredGeorgiaState
Universitystudentorganization that has providedexemplaryserviceto the community
OutstandingFacultyor StaffAward- Recognizes a GeorgiaStateUniversityfacultyor staffmember who has dedicatedhisor her timeinaddressinga needinthe Atlantacommunity
OutstandingUniversityProgramAward- Acknowledgestheeffortsofcampus programsthatarecreatedtoserve Atlanta’s needs
OutstandingCommunityPartnerAward-Highlightstherelationship between Georgia StateUniversity andanon-profitcommunityagencythataddresses communityneeds
Nominator Information
Name: Email:
Work Phone:Address:
Department: Organization:
The President’s Volunteer Service Award
The President’s Volunteer Service Award is a separate award that we will also be giving out at the award ceremony. This award will be coming from The President’s Council on Service and Civic Participationand President Barack Obama.
This award requires no nomination and will be given to any student, faculty or staff member who has completed over 100 hours of service between January 2016 and December 2016.
Those eligible to receive this award must complete the following:
- Log-in to the Georgia State UniversityOrgSync website.
- Follow this How-to Guide to log your service hours.
- The OrgSyncHelp Center provides steps on how to use various features within OrgSync.
All your hours must be logged into the system no later thanFebruary 14,2017by 5 p.m.
Civic Engagementwill then determine who meets the requirement to receive the award and will notify those individuals. Recipients will receive a signed certificate from the President of the United States and a pin of recognition.
For additional questions contact Civic Engagement via r phone404-413-1550.
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