Career Prep I & II
Course Syllabus
Willis High School
Instructor: Craig Rex
Phone: 936-856-1308Room B201 next to DECA Store
Course Description: Career Preparation I provides opportunities for students to participate in a learning experience that combines classroom instruction with paid business and industry employment experiences and supports strong partnerships among school, business, and community stakeholders. The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a fast-changing workplace. This instructional arrangement should be an advanced component of a student's individual program of study. Students are taught employability skills, which include job-specific skills applicable to their training station, job interview techniques, communication skills, financial and budget activities, human relations, and portfolio development. Career preparation is relevant and rigorous, supports student attainment of academic standards, and effectively prepares students for college and career success.
Text: There will be a variety of text utilized, but the primary text will be Succeeding in the World of Workfrom Glencoe& the ICEV Career Success Program.
• Students will be assigned numbered textbooks that will be returned to the bookshelf at the conclusion of each class period. These textbooks will NOT be taken home.
Course Objectives: The goals of Career Prep I are to:
- develop skills for success in the workplace. The student is expected to:identify and model appropriate grooming and appearance for the workplace;
- demonstrate dependability, punctuality, and initiative;research positive interpersonal skills, including respect for diversity;model appropriate business and personal etiquette in the workplace;exhibit productive work habits, ethical practices, and a positive attitude;
- demonstrate the ability to work with the other employees to support the organization and complete assigned tasks;identify how to prioritize work to fulfill responsibilities and meet deadlines;
- evaluate the relationship of good physical and mental health to job success and personal achievement; and demonstrate effective methods to secure, maintain, and terminate employment.
- The student applies concepts and skills related to safety at the workplace. The student is expected to:
- (A)identify and apply safe working practices related to training station;
- (B)demonstrate knowledge of personal and occupational safety practices in the workplace;
- (C)offer solutions related to unsafe work practices and attitudes;
- (D)explain Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations in the workplace; and
- (E)determine health and wellness practices that influence job performance.
Requirements: Along with daily work, the student will be given various written tests and projects during the semester. If the student’s work is turned in past the due date and time, the CTE late work policy will apply (-15% 1day late, -30% 2 days late, -50% 3 days late and 0 credit after that point.). The student’s grade for each semester will be determined according to the grading criteria which follows.
• NOTEBOOK: Each student is required to have a 3-ring notebook/ binder to include 5-subject dividers with insertable tabs. The sections should be labeled as follows:
1. Vocabulary/ Notes
2. Projects
3. Worksheets/ Bookwork
4. Writing Assignments - Journals
5. Work Records
Students will be expected to keep their 3 Ring Binder in the class room. It is to be maintained and all daily work, projects, DECA club informationand quiz/test scores are to be kept in the journal in chronological order. It is this Journal that will be utilized to keep track of the main portion of daily work grades, along with class participation.
• INTERNET POLICY:Students are not to be on the Internet/Smart Phone unless instructed to do so by the teacher. The Internet will only be used for instructional purposes. THERE WILL BE NO E-MAIL, FACEBOOK, MYSPACE OR COMPUTER/ INTERNET GAMES PLAYED IN THIS CLASS. Not adhering to this policy will result in loss of participation points and on subsequentoccasion will result in referral to the appropriate administrator for disciplinary action.
To Be Successful In This Class: The student should remember the following:
• Be Honest.
• Respect others.
• No use of the Internet without teacher permission.
• No Internet/ Computer games will be played in this class.
• No food or drinks allowed in this classroom.
• No rolling around in chairs.
• No writing on computers, books, or tables.
• Do not unplug anything unless told otherwise.
• Do not “play” with computers or change settings or software in any way.
• Put trash in appropriate place.
• Keep your work area neat and clean.
• Keep all other supplies except for this class away from the work station.
• Not sitting on tables, desks, or countertops.
• Be prompt and regular in class attendance.
• Listen and follow directions the first time.
• DO NOT TALK WHEN THE TEACHER IS INSTRUCTING. (Listen when others are talking.)
• Adhere to all rules set forth by the teacher and the administration as listed in this course syllabus, state of Texas Career Prep regulations* and the student handbook.
*The Career Prep I course is regulated by strict State of Texas Guidelines. The student shall be
introduced to the guidelines in the course. Students must adhere to the guidelines or it will result in a
failing grade and/or removal from the course. Some examples are that the student must provide proof of
employment by a non member of their immediate family and that taxes are deducted per federal law
from their checks. Another example is that the students are required to not go to work at their job site if
they did not attend school on that date. Students in non compliance with receive a non-passing grade for
the three week section they are currently in and second offense will result in removal from the Career
Prep I class.
** NOTE: The teacher reserves the right to make changes in the course content and/or grading procedures as needed.
Grades will be determined as follows:: 60% Assessment (Test/Quiz/Proj. & Work Performance & File Maintenence), 40% Daily Work & Quizzes. The only extra credit points given out will be for participation in DECA projects and competitions.