Class: Environmental Science / Period:2, 6 / Date:1/30-2/3
Guiding Questions:What are 1 or 2 guiding questions that directly address the big ideas/key understandings?
What are some solutions to these horrific environmental challenges that humans have created?
HS-ESS2-5.Plan and conduct an investigation of the properties of water and its effects on Earth materials and surface processes. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on mechanical and chemical investigations with water and a variety of solid materials to provide the evidence for connections between the hydrologic cycle and system interactions commonly known as the rock cycle. Examples of mechanical investigations include stream transportation and deposition using a stream table, erosion using variations in soil moisture content, or frost wedging by the expansion of water as it freezes. Examples of chemical investigations include chemical weathering and recrystallization (by testing the solubility of different materials) or melt generation (by examining how water lowers the melting temperature of most solids).]
Week Theme: Liquid water shapes the earth.
ELD Standards:
A. C.1 Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social and academic topic
C. P.9 Justifying own arguments and evaluating others’ arguments in writing
In the boxes below, please add the activity your students will be engaging with and links or items they may need in order to access that activity.
Introduction/Do Now and AnnouncementsActivity:Current Event led by student + Announcements + Interactive Word Wall
Time: 15minutes
●Student facilitates beginning of class via Current Event
●T puts up Instructions for Interactive Word Wall Activity “engage” 10 minutes
●Teacher goes over agenda for the day; time is fluid students stay as long as they need to at each station; teacher will call groups at various times to see demonstration in “small group”
Learning Segment 1: Intro LA River
Activity: Teacher presentation – all visuals, to introduce new topic for the week
Time: 10 min
- Intro objective
Learning Segment 2: Independent Station
Activity: LA River Online Gallery Walk
Time: 30 minutes
●Students choose resources that appeal to them and fill out Metacognitive Double Entry Journal using metacognitive bookmark
●Station prepares them for upcoming Claim Evidence Reasoning Argumentation Essay
●At the end of class, students will share out key findings (academic discourse)
Learning Segment 3: Collaborative Station
Activity: History of LA River w/Reading Partners
Time: 35-40 minutes
History of the LA River Reading Apprenticeship with Timeline Graphic Organizer
Learning Segment 4: Small Group Demonstration
Activity: Watershed Urban Water Cycle Demonstration
Time: 25 min
●Teacher calls two groups at a time to see a demonstration of Urban Water Cycle
●Students fill in graphic organizer and answer questions
●Groups that do not see demo will see it Wednesday
Closure with Assessment
Activity: Draft of CER Paragraph (some students have a GO and sentence starters)
Time: 10 minutes
Wednesday Agenda
In the boxes below, please add the activity your students will be engaging with and links or items they may need in order to access that activity.
Introduction/Do NowActivity: Announcements
Time 3 minutes
Learning Segment 1
Activity: LA River Gallery Walk and MDEJ Share Out
Time: 35minutes
Exit Slip: Draft of CER Paragraph (some students to have a GO and sentence starters); finishing from yesterday
Time: 6 minutes
In the boxes below, please add the activity your students will be engaging with and links or items they may need in order to access that activity.
Introduction/Do NowActivity: Current Event led by Student + Announcements
●5 min
Learning Segment 1
Activity: Stream Table Lab
Time: 60 minutes
- Materials needed:
- 6 stream table set ups
- 6 buckets
- 18+ towels
- sand
- normal, flood, and water tubs
- stones
- plants
- dinosaurs
- little houses
- blocks
- lab handouts
Learning Segment 2:
Activity: Stream Table Lab write up OR Finishing LA River OR Finishing Oxbow Lake (student choice)
Time: 50minutes
Closure with Assessment
Activity: Shout Outs
Time: 5 minutes