Freshman Seminar Syllabus

St. Pauls High School
Spring 2014

The teachers of Freshman Seminar here at St. Pauls High Schoolwelcomeyou!! Freshman Seminar will follow the Career Choices curriculum. This curriculum is academically based with career guidance and a self-discovery experience. Through this course, students will have the opportunity to discover the answers to three important questions: Who am I? What do I want? How do I get it? Students explore their own unique abilities, ambitions, and dreams. They learn that knowledge can help them plan for the future and enjoy a successful life.
The materials used in Freshman Seminar are based on the idea that everyone has strengths and should be given a chance to use them to succeed. These materials encourage group input and hands-on learning and foster relationships within the class.
The curriculum promotes a high level of self-reflection, which is critical to the successful transition from child to adult, student to worker. During the process of self-discovery, students develop a vision for their future and begin developing realistic life plans. Current social and economic conditions force young people to make important life decisions at an earlier age. This class will benefit all students when making these decisions.
The Career Choices curriculum offers an effective and creative way to promote authentic learning. It offers students a fresh perspective on literature and comfort when using computers and navigating the internet for information useful in daily life. Career Choices allows the teacher to integrate a variety of subjects to support learning in other classes, such as math.
Freshman Seminar benefits not only the student, but also, the community. It offers students a chance to see how various subjects relate to them and to their place in the world. Students will understand the personal benefits of staying in school and putting forth their best effort. This will provide Robeson County with a better prepared workforce.

We will be following the guidelines set forth by the Public Schools of Robeson County’s Career Choices Curriculum.

Career Management Success Standards

Standard 1.0-Students will display attitudes necessary for achieving personal and academic success.

Standard 2.0-Students will demonstrate attitudes, skills, and strategies necessary for achieving workplace success.

Standard 3.0-Students will use teamwork skills to accomplish goals, solve problems, and manage conflict within groups.

Standard 4.0-Students will communicate effectively and comprehend oral and written communication.

Standard 5.0-Students will demonstrate job-seeking skills and exhibit employability characteristics required for employability and job retention in the workplace.

Standard 6.0-Students will adapt to the requirements of specific business or industry employability and job retention in the workplace.

Standard 7.0-Students will demonstrate leadership, citizenship, and teamwork skills required for success in the school, community, and workplace.

Standard 8.0-Students will integrate multiple roles and responsibilities in family, work, and community settings.

Standard 9.0-Students will perform basic PC operations and file management using appropriate software.

Standard 10.0-Students will explore career opportunities and career paths offered in the local education system.

Required materials:One 2“3-ring binder with three packs of loose-leaf paper

8 dividers are needed to separate material by topic with one divider being used solely for the journal

Pencils/Pens (Black or Blue ink only)

Maintaining a 3-ring Binder: Students are required to maintain a 3-ring binder to include class work, homework, handouts, and journal entries. The notebook will provide a basic source for reviewing and enhance student preparation for tests and quizzes. Maintaining a notebook promotes organization. It will be checked and reviewed periodically for grading purposes.

Daily Work, Homework, & Participation: Students are expected to complete all in-class assignments. If assignments are not completed in class, they must be completed for homework. Due dates for homework assignments, projects, and quizzes will be posted on the board as needed. Participation in class discussions is important to assess student learning and therefore may be included in grading.

Final Exam: All students will be required to take the mid-term and final exam.

Course Grading Criteria:

Grading is determined according to PowerSchool. Only number grades are issued. Every student was issued their information to access the gradebook.

  • 65 = lowest grade a student can receive for a failing grade

Classroom Behavior: The St. Pauls High SchoolRed Flag System Plan will be followed in the class. Refer to your Student Handbook for details of expectations for behavior. Students are expected to run errands, use the restroom, sharpen pencils, etc. between classes. My classroom rules are posted in the classroom and are as follows:

  1. Turn off cell phone when you enter the classroom.
  2. Be in your seat, working on your starter assignment, when the tardy bell rings.
  3. Come to class prepared each day (books, pencils, paper and homework) and ready to learn. Bring everything to class because students are not allowed to return to other classrooms or to lockers.
  4. Follow all rules and regulations specified in the Student Handbook.
  5. No talking while the teacher is talking. Additionally, raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking at all other times.
  6. Follow all directions the first time given.

All students are forewarned about cell phone disruptions during instruction. Phones will be handled in a proper manner according to administration. If, at any time, rules are broken the penalties will be as follows:

1st time—Teacher/Student Conference

2nd time—Documented classroom intervention

3rd time—Parent-Teacher conference either by phone or face-to-face

4th time—Referral to Administration

Additionally, severe offenses will be referred directly to the office.

Class Attendance, Tardies, and Leaving Class: Students are expected to attend class every day. Students will not be allowed to leave class, except for emergencies.

Missed Work: All work missed due to an absence must be made up. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange a time in which he/she can complete the missed work. The Power of I allows ninth graders to have more time to complete assignments regardless of why it was not completed on time.

Progress Reports: Progress reports will be sent home every four and one-half weeks. These are Interim Progress Reports and it is required for students to get these progress reports signed. Upon return of a signed progress report, students will receive a quiz grade of a “100.” If progress reports are not returned signed by the end of the nine weeks, students will receive a “0” quiz grade.

Students and Parents:

Please feel free to contact me when you have questions, concerns, or suggestions and comments. SPHS is dedicated to the success of all of our students and committed to the highest standards and expectations. Please know we need PARENTS AND STUDENTS to be involved and dedicated so we can achieve our school-wide goals. Messages may be left with Mrs. Hall, the secretary, at (910) 865-4177, or feel free to email me at the following address:



By signing below, I confirm that I have read this syllabus, understand the classroom rules and expectations, and am aware of the requirements to complete this course successfully.

Parent/Guardian PRINTED NAME: ______


Student PRINTED NAME:______


Phone Numbers of Parent/Guardian

Home: ______Cell:______

Work: ______EMERGENCY: ______

Special medical conditions: (ASTHMA, DIABETES, ALLERGIES)



PARENT/GUARDIAN Email address:



1ST / Mr./Ms.
2ND / Mr./Ms.
3RD / Mr./Ms. / LUNCH / 1 / 2
3 / 4
4TH / Mr./Ms.