5th & 6th Grade Read 180 Grading Policies & Expectations
Grading Policies
ð R-Book
o During Read 180, students complete whole group and small group activities within their R-book. Students complete margin activities as dictated within the curriculum. Assignments during the second reading and third reading will be counted towards your grade as determined by the instructor.
ð Independent Reading
o During Read 180, students complete a 20-minute rotation that requires them to read an independent reading book on their Lexile. Students will be graded in class based on their reading comprehension questions. Students will answer between three to five questions. These comprehension sheets will be worth five points for each question. Students will also be required to read at least two independent reading books each quarter. Students will receive a grade for two of their Scholastic Reading Counts! quizzes equaling 25 points per book.
ð Software
o During Read 180, students will complete a 20-minute rotation that requires them to work on comprehension skills, vocabulary skills, and spelling skills. Students will receive a grade for their software performance at the end of each quarter based on the software data. Students will receive 50 points for each software component.
ð Homework
o Homework is expected to be complete on the assigned date. Late work will only be excepted the following school day. If absent from school, students can obtain their school work by contacting the school office or by collecting their school work within their student absent file the following day. It is the student’s responsibility to collect their missed work from their student file. This work must be made up within two days unless the teacher tells you differently. Additionally, any work that was due the day you were out needs to be turned in the day you return to school.
Homework Assignments & Policies
ð Reading Log
o Each student is required to read for a minimum of 100 minutes each week (Friday to Friday). Each quarter the number of required minutes will increase 20 minutes. For the second quarter students will be required to read 120 minutes, for the third quarter students will be required to read 140 minutes, and for the fourth quarter students will be required to read 160 minutes.
o Reading logs will be collected and distributed on Fridays.
o The weekly reading logs are worth 10-16 points (each quarter the point value will increase). In order to earn full credit, parent initials must accompany each entry and the number of minutes recorded must equal or exceed the requirement for the quarter.
o Students may select reading material of their choice to read for their Reading Log. Reading materials could include: newspapers, magazines, comic books, instruction manuals, fiction texts, non-fiction texts, etc. I will be encouraging the students to read a variety of genres over the course of a marking period for their Reading Logs as well. I may have students bring in their selected reading materials to share with the class periodically.
o The first Reading Log will be due on Thursday, September 9th.
ð Written Responses to Reading Log Texts
o For the first marking period students will be required to complete two written responses, which are referred to as a “Book Response” for a text they have recorded in their Reading Logs. They will need to complete a Book Response for a fiction and non-fiction text.
o The Book Responses will be collected on the following dates:
§ September 30th
§ October 28th
o On the due dates listed above, the students are expected to bring a rough draft of their Book Response and the book they are writing about to class. During class on the September 30th and October 28th, the students will be revising and editing their Book Responses to produce a final draft for grading.
o Each book response will receive a writing grade worth 10 points and a reading grade worth 26 points.
o Students do not have to be finished with a book/text in order to write a written response.
o For fictional text, the students will select one of the following questions and write a paragraph (approximately 8-10 sentences) as their written response:
§ Describe 3 main events.
§ Describe the relationship between two characters.
§ If you could be a character in the book, which one would you be and why?
§ Describe the most exciting part of the book.
o For nonfiction text, the students will select one of the following questions and write a paragraph (approximately 8-10 sentences) as their written response:
§ What is the main idea discussed in the book? What issues or ideas does the author explore?
§ What was the most memorable idea from the text? Talk about how this idea was interesting, amusing, sad, or another emotion you were left feeling.
§ What have you learned from reading this book?
§ Describe the purpose of this text.
§ Describe 6 facts and 2 opinions from the text.
o Copies of the Book Response rubrics are attached.
ð Spelling
o Students will receive a differentiated spelling packet based on their individual needs. Students will receive their packet on a Monday and the packet is due on a Friday. Spelling tests will be given every Friday. Please student your child’s spelling words weekly with them.
ð Literature Circles
o Students will participate in literature circles. They will be provided time during school to read their books and work on literature circle paperwork. However, students may need to complete some of the reading and/or paperwork for homework.
o It is important for students to record their reading on the literature circle bookmark (this is worth 5 points). If the reading is done outside of school, the student can count the reading time towards their daily Reading Log time. Please remember to record this time on BOTH the Reading Log and the literature circle bookmark.
ð Miscellaneous Homework
o Periodically students may be asked to complete an assignment that was started in class. These assignments will ALWAYS be written in their agenda. If you are signed up for Remind 101 alerts, you will receive a text reminder for homework as well.
ð Extra Credit
o Students can earn extra credit by completing a Book Response for a text they recorded on their Reading Log. I have attached the extra credit forms students should use for the extra credit. If the student has an idea of their own, please check with the teacher to have the idea approved before completing the written response.
o Students may bring in an article and written summary of the article to share with the class regarding a topic we are discussing in class. Summaries should be 5-10 sentences long and make a connection to what we are learning about in class.
o Students can earn a maximum of 8 points for each extra credit assignment, not to exceed 16 points in a marking period.
*Please return the bottom signature page to Miss Mowrer by September 9, 2016. Please keep the grading expectations and homework policies for your reference at home.
My child’s name ______
I have reviewed my child’s reading expectations for the 2016-2017 school year.
Parent Signature ______Date:______
Student Signature______Date:______
I can be reached at the following email address: ______
I can be reached at the following phone number: ______