March 29, 2011

Career Center’s NTHS Will Induct 71 New Members

JACKSON, Mich. – Seventy-one students from 12 area school districts will be inducted into the Jackson Area Career Center’s National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) on Tuesday, March 29.

“I have never had a group that has such dedication to their community,” Rita Phipps, Career Center counselor and NTHS advisor, said about this year’s inductees. “Two of our students have logged in over 500 hours of volunteer hours. Three students were involved in preparing over 500 backpacks for Jackson County children, and our group raised over $950 for eight adopted families at Christmas.”

The NTHS officers for the 2010-2011 school year in the morning shift are co-presidents Danielle Colliau, a Health Sciences student from Michigan Center; and Taryn Goodge, a Visual Communications student from Grass Lake. The afternoon shift co-presidents are Zachery Anderson, enrolled in Army JROTC from Grass Lake; and Ashley Literski, enrolled in Cosmetology from Northwest. All are seniors in high school.

The Career Center’s chapter of NTHS now includes 518 inductees since its start nine years ago. To be eligible, a student must maintain a 3.2 minimum cumulative grade point average at their local high school and a 3.5 grade point average each semester at the Career Center. Being a member also brings a special opportunity to apply for a NTHS scholarship worth $1,000.


More on National Technical Honor Society:

The NTHS was established in 1984 by a group of educators and business people in South Carolina with the intent of recognizing the achievements of outstanding career and technical students. There are now 42 NTHS chapters in Michigan and thousands of chapters throughout the country. The organization encourages higher student achievement and success.. More information on this organization is available at



Rita Phipps

Counselor/NTHS Advisor

Jackson Area Career Center

(517) 768-5169

Cindy Lyons

Communications Specialist

Jackson Area Career Center

(517) 768-5211

Jackson Area Career Center

National Technical Honor Society

New Inductees for 2010-2011

Inductees are listed by school and in alphabetical order followed by their local high school and Career Center class:

Columbia Central

Zacary Garcia, Health Technician II

Jaysen Martin, Army JROTC

Taylor Morse, Health Technician I

Emily White, Health Technician I


Alexandria Justice, Health Technician I

Meghan Podlewski, Health Technician I

Matthew Thorrez, Precision Machining/CAM

East Jackson

Caitlin Chapman, Health Technician II

Grass Lake

Katherine Artz, Early Childhood Education

Lynette Degeorge, Visual Communications

Breanne Vosters, Law Enforcement


Cody Cochran, PLTW/Engineering

Kayla Kinch, Health Technician I

Kenneth Londos, PLTW/Engineering

Sarah Merrill, Agriscience

Rachael Schneider, Agriscience

Kali Stanton, Agriscience


Sylvia Barson, Cosmetology

Lisa Coleman, Health Technician I

Anna Hendrickson, Health Technician I

Joshua Miller, Firefighting/EMS

Leanna Miller, Cosmetology

Charles Robey, Law Enforcement

Jackson High

Ashley Corser, Health Technician I

Iesha Cox, Health Technician I

Ethen DeMarce, Computer Systems Technology

Ebonek Dentmond, Cosmetology

Courtney Hopkins, Health Technician I

Maricruz Maldonado, Health Technician I

Jessica Moss, Health Technician I

Charlicia Parker, Health Technician I

Marina Perrin, Visual Communications

Kaela Ramey, Army JROTC

Saaleha Roper, Sales and Marketing

Aaron Thomas, Automotive Technology I

Ollie Wilkie III, Army JROTC

Mia Anderson, Sales & Marketing

Kelli Babchook, Health Technician I


Rachel Benn, Health Technician I

Michigan Center

Terri Beauchamp, Agriscience

Tina Cloud, Agriscience

Zachary Fisher, Army JROTC

Sara Hintz, Law Enforcement

Spencer Lukasik, Computer Systems Technology

Joanne Wimple, Early Childhood Education


Cody Eddington, Firefighting/EMS

Zane Kemp, Agriscience

Ryan Martin, Precision Machining/CAM

Jordon Owens, Army JROTC

William Anthony Simon, Computer Systems Technology

Brandon Smith, Computer Systems Technology

Ajalon St Charles, Army JROTC

Kelly Sweet, Sales and Marketing


Kaycie Hill-Cassibo, Early Childhood Education

Janise Suddeth, Agriscience

Vandercook Lake

Tyler Bigford, Precision Machining/CAM

Sarah Bradshaw, Visual Communications

Somer Sheehan, Early Childhood Education


Benjamin Fellows, Automotive Technology II

Turner Lawson, Automotive Technology I


Kayla Coryell, Agriscience

Ashley Dubanik, Health Technician II

Erica Ford, Health Technician I

Kayla Jehnzen, Health Technician I

Jenna Rogers, Cosmetology

Terra Sassenger, Visual Communications

Charles Sisk, Computer Systems Technology

Stephanie Smith, Health Technician I

Kirsten Sponsler, Visual Communications

Lacee Stone, Health Technician II

Karissa Brown, Health Technician II