This Career and Course Planner is designed to complement the LINKS Student Advisement Program. You will use this tool to document your career plans, assessment results, experiential learning and course work to help you make meaningful plans for your future.

Student Identification

Name | / Year of Graduation |
Address | / Phone |
City, State, Zip | / Parent/Guardian |
E-mail | / Student Test Number |

Career Plan

Careers that interest me
My career interest inventory results*

* Career interest inventories are available online at or .

High School Academic/ Career Plan

My diploma goal ___College Readiness
___Work Readiness

Postsecondary* * Education Plan

What I want to
do after high school
Colleges or training
programs I want to
learn more about

**Four-Year University / Two-Year Community College / Apprenticeship / Proprietary School / Military / On-the-Job Training

Improvement Plan for Learning

Here are some of the skills and behaviors I’d like to improve to help me succeed and to support my learning. Here is a plan for how and when I will learn that new skill or behavior.

9TH Grade

Skill /Behavior / Improvement Plan / Evaluation Date

10TH Grade

Skill /Behavior / Improvement Plan / Evaluation Date

11TH Grade

Skill /Behavior / Improvement Plan / Evaluation Date

12TH Grade

Skill /Behavior / Improvement Plan / Evaluation Date

Extracurricular Activity Log

Extracurricular activities are a great way for me to explore career interests and prepare for future scholarships opportunities. Part-time jobs provide great work experience and help me save for college. Here’s a list of sports, clubs, church activities community service, work experience and so forth that I participate in throughout high school.

Activity Grade Levels Leadership Roles Awards

9th Grade

1st Semester / ECA* / Grade / 2nd Semester / ECA* / Grade
English / English
Math / Math
Science / Science
Social Studies / Social Studies
Total Credits / Cumulative Credits
Class Rank / Class Rank

10th Grade

1st Semester / ECA* / Grade / 2nd Semester / ECA* / Grade
English / English
Math / Math
Science / Science
Social Studies / Social Studies
Total Credits / Cumulative Credits
Class Rank / Class Rank

11th Grade

1st Semester / ECA* / Grade / 2nd Semester / ECA* / Grade
English / English
Math / Math
Science / Science
Social Studies / Social Studies
Total Credits / Cumulative Credits
Class Rank / Class Rank

12th Grade

1st Semester / ECA* / Grade / 2nd Semester / ECA* / Grade
English / English
Math / Math
Science / Science
Social Studies / Social Studies
Total Credits / Cumulative Credits
Class Rank / Class Rank

LINKS Checklist

Activities I need to complete each year to ensure that I am well-prepared for post-secondary success.

9th Grade/Freshman Year 11th Grade / Junior Year