Care Giver Interview - Potential ASD
Name: ______DOB:______
Informant: ______Date: ______
Interviewer: ______
Chief concerns expressed by care giver at the time of interview are as follows:
Past acuity screenings for vision and hearing reported as:
Within Normal Limits Date(s): ______
Abnormal Date(s):______
First concerns noted at what age? ______
Current developmental status is reported care giver as follows:
Areas of Functional Impairment
School/Day Care
No reported concerns
Poor coordination, clumsy
Toe walking
Fine motor difficulty
General delay
No reported concerns
Inconsistent response to name
Inconsistent response to directions
Toilet training
Awareness of safety concerns
Personal care (other than toileting)
Verbal Communication
No reported concerns
Delayed Acquisition
Current Skills Delayed
Atypical speech only (echoing, scripting)
Spontaneous speech w/o communicative intent
Spontaneous speech limited to requesting, expression of needs/wants
Spontaneous speech not limited to requesting, expression of needs/wants
Verbalizes to be friendly, express interest in others
Difficulty with conversational turn taking
Difficulty engaging in sustained back and forth conversation
Non-Verbal Communicative Behavior
No reported concerns
Abnormal eye contact
Limited range of facial expressions
Absent or limited gestures
No reported concerns
Problems at Home
Problems at School
Problems at Day Care/ After School
Tantrums (Specify: severity, frequency)
Self-injurious behaviors (Specify)
No reported concerns
Disinterest in toys
Lack of normal, varied imaginative play
Repetitive routines/rituals
Preoccupation with parts of objects (e.g., wheels on toy)
No reported concerns
Withdrawn, aloof, avoids contact with others
Content in Solitary Play
Parallel play alongside, but not with peers
Difficulty establishing friendships
Self Absorption
Described as "in own world" (e.g. talks to self, engages in self-stimulatory behavior)
Oblivious or unresponsive to presence of others
Reciprocal Interaction
Limited sharing or showing (objects or experiences, also interests, emotions & affect)
Limited eye contact or social smiling
Needs prompting to make eye contact
Excessively rigid peer play or interactional routines
Enjoys physical play (e.g., tickling) but won't engage in social or turn taking games
Reduced frequency of initiating social interactions
Reduced frequency and/or quality of social responding
Social Understanding/Skills/Motivation
Lack of interest in peers
Does not appropriately initiate or sustain peer interaction
Difficulties in developing, maintaining relationships
Trouble understanding social cues/comments, reading faces/body language
Wants friends but trouble making or keeping
Problems adjusting behavior to different social contexts
Socially Discrimination
Inappropriately talks to or hugs strangers
Developmentally inappropriate absence of stranger and/or separation anxiety
Invades personal space (gets too close to or touches others)
Restricted, Repetitive Patterns of Behavior, Interests or Activities
No reported concerns
Stereotyped motor movements
Insistence on Sameness
Inflexible adherence to routine
Difficulty with transitions (one activity to another)
Rituals in verbal or nonverbal behavior
Extreme distress w/ small changes
Rigid thinking patterns
Rigid behavior patterns
Restricted, fixated interests (abnormal in intensity or focus)
Unusual attachments to objects
Unusual or extreme preoccupations/fixations
Narrow, circumscribed interests
Unusual sensory reactivity or interests
No reported concerns
Apparent indifference to pain/temperature
Bothered by specific sounds or textures
Excessive smelling or touching of objects
Prolonged visual inspection or fascination with light/movements
Community Services and Education
In School Not in School
Current Grade:
School Records:
Not applicable
Unavailable for review and requested
Services Received in Past:
Babies Can’t Wait
Private Therapies
Special Education
Private School/Program
Social Skills Group
Special Education
Currently Receiving:
Babies Can’t Wait
Private Therapies
Private School/Program
Social Skills Group
Special Education