Patricia Webb Boyd

Department of English

Arizona State University23009 N. 25th Place

P. O. Box 870302Phoenix, AZ 85024

Tempe, AZ

(602) 965-2503 (602) 319-9301


Ph.D. in English

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, 1998

Dissertation: Computing Cultures: Information Technologies and Narratives of Self


Professor Gail E. Hawisher, Department of English, University of Illinois, Chair

Professor Paul Prior, Department of English, University of Illinois

Professor Amanda Anderson, Department of English, University of Illinois

Master of Arts in English, Summa Cum Laude

IllinoisStateUniversity, Normal, IL, 1994

Bachelor of Science in English, Summa Cum Laude

IllinoisStateUniversity, Normal, IL, 1992



Associate Professor2004-present

Interim Associate Chair, Fall 2007

Designed and delivered training for new teaching assistants in Department of English

Collaboratively designed new course assignments/framework for English 101 and 102 with Camille Newton

Developed new graduate-level courses: Rhetorics of the Environment (co-developed and taught with Dr. Peter Goggin); Composition Theory and Cultural Studies; Feminism and Composition Theory

Implemented Service Learning Project in Feminism and Composition graduate seminar

Assistant Professor1998-1994

Developed new graduate courses: Computers and Composition and Writing in the Virtual Age.

Developed the first graduate-level online course and developed undergraduate-level hybrid and online courses.

Redesigned graduate-level courses: Composition Theory, and undergraduate-level courses: First Year Composition I and II.

Redesigned the programmatic curriculum for First Year Composition I and II with Sharon Crowley and Katherine Heenan.

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,IL

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English, 1994-1998

Taught First year Composition I and II in computer-mediated classrooms.

Assistant to the Director of Writing Studies, 1996-1998

Facilitated and planned colloquium, served as Associate Editor for Computers and Composition , and presented university-wide Writing Across the Curriculum seminars for faculty and graduate students

IllinoisStateUniversity, Normal, IL

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English 1992-94

Taught First Year Writing I and II in computer-mediated classrooms.

Graduate Research Assistant,

Professor Ronald Strickland1994

Researched Marxist theories of production.


Articles: Refereed Scholarly Journals:

Boyd, Patricia Webb. “Pulling the Difference: Re-envisioning Journals’ Negotiations of New Media Scholarship.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 13.1 (2008). [Refereed]

Boyd, Patricia Webb. “Analyzing Students’ Perceptions of their Learning in Online and Hybrid First-Year Composition Courses.” Computers and Composition 25.2 (2008): 224-243. [Refereed]

Webb, Patricia, Kirsti Cole, and Thomas Skeen. “Feminist Social Practices: Building Bridges between Communities and Universities.” College English 69.3 (Jan. 2007). 238-259. [Refereed 50%]

Webb, Patricia. “Reconceptualizing Research in Computers and Composition.” Computers and Composition 23.2 (2006). 462-476. [Refereed]

Webb, Patricia, and Zachary Waggoner. “Re-membering Our Spirit in a Technological Age: A Study of Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning (An NCTE Assembly) 11 (Winter 2004-2005). 37-51. [Refereed, 50% contribution].

Webb, Patricia. “Technologies of Difference: Reading the Virtual Age through Sexual (In)Difference” Computers and Composition 20:2 (2003). 151-167. [Refereed]

Webb, Patricia, Cheryl Greene, Teryl Sands-Herz, and Zachary Waggoner. “Who Wrote This

Course? Professors and Graduate Students as Co-Conspirators.” Kairos 7.3 (2002) 40 pages. [Refereed. 65%]

Webb, Patricia. “Writing and Publishing in the Boundaries: Academic Writing in/through the Virtual Age.” Writing Instructor (July 2002). 15 pages. [Refereed]

Webb, Patricia. "The Debate about On-line Learning: Key Issues for Writing Teachers." Computers and Composition 18 (2002): 359-70. [Refereed]

Webb, Patricia. "Whose Stories? Whose Realities? The Materiality of Narratives in the Electronic Writing Classroom." Works and Days17/18 (1999-2000): 145-167. [Invited]

Webb, Patricia. "Telling Stories in/out of Class: Writing Narratives about Writing." Composition Forum 11:1 (Summer 1999): 30-53. [Refereed]

Webb, Patricia. "Collaborating with On-line Technologies: Lessons from Writing Composition." Peer Review 1:4 (Summer 1999): 10-11. [Invited]

Webb, Patricia. "Narratives of Networked Subjectivities" Computers and Composition 14:1 (1997): 73-90. Reprinted in Bedford/St. Martin's Guide to Teaching. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 1999: 180-95. [Refereed]

Chapters: Refereed Chapters

Webb, Patricia Rose. “’The 21st Century to Meet and Socialize’: Discursive Constructions of Black Heterosexual Male Identities in Online Personal Ads.” Ed. Neal Lester and Maureen Daly Goggin. Racialized Politics of Desire in Personal Ads. Rowan and Littlefield, 2007. 28 pages. [Refereed]

Webb, Patricia. “Changing Praxis/Changing Students: Online Graduate Education.” Culture Shock and the Practice of the Profession Ed. Susan Romano and Virginia Anderson. Hampton Press. 28 pages. (2005) [Refereed]

Webb, Patricia. "Changing Research/Changing Writing: Using the World Wide Web in Writing Classrooms." Weaving a Virtual Web. Ed. Sibylle Gruber. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1999: 123-36. [Refereed]

Manuscripts Accepted/Forthcoming:

Boyd, Patricia Webb. “Twenty-First Century Lore: Discursive Ecologies as Practice of Inquiry.” Accepted for Revisiting Making Knowledge in Composition: Perspectives on an Evolving Field Ed. Richard Gebhardt and Lance Massey. Under contract at Utah State UP. Expected publication date Fall 2009.

Manuscripts under Review/In Preparation

Boyd, Patricia Webb, with Riki Meier. Reading and Writing Women’s Lives Online: Feminist Analysis of Representations in Weight Watchers Discussion Boards. In preparation. Will submit proposal and 3 chapters December 2008 to Computers and Writing book series (Gail Hawisher and Cynthia Selfe, editors), Hampton Press.


Webb, Patricia. “4Cs Experiences.” Kairos 3:1 (1998). [Invited]


Webb, Patricia. “Glossary.” Electronic Communication Across the Curriculm. Ed. Donna Reiss and Art Young. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1998. [Refereed]

Technical Writing Publications:

Webb. Patricia. Facilitating Peer Response. (booklet) Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1996: 1-12.


Webb, Patricia. "Book Review: CyberSociety: Computer-Mediated Communication and Community. Jones, Steven G. (Ed.). (1995). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 241 pp." Computers and Composition 13:1 (1996): 109-116. [Refereed]

Webb, Patricia. "Book Review: Rosemary Hennessy, Materialist Feminism and the Politics of Discourse. (New York: Routledge, 1993) xxviii, 177 pages." Mediations 17:2 (November 1993): 57-61. [Refereed]


National Conferences:

2007“Nature Goes Digital: Environmental Education on YellowstoneNational Park’s Website” Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. Tempe, Arizona. October 2007.

2006“Responding to Student Writing.” Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference.

Salt Lake City, Utah. October 17, 2006.

2005“Assessing Student Learning in Online and Hybrid English 101 Courses.” Conference on

College Composition and Communication. San Francisco, CA. March 2005.

2003“Engaging Students’ Multiple Intelligences.” Western States Literacy Conference.

Salt Lake City, Utah. October 22, 2003.

2002“Who Wrote This Course Anyway? Teachers and Students as Co-Authors of Online Courses.” Computers and Writing Conference. Normal, IL. May 22, 2002.

2002“Takin’ It to the Streets: Online Learning and Alternative School Populations.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. March 2002.

1999“Beyond the Bean: Studying Place in Composition Courses.” Conference on College

Composition and Communication. Minneapolis, MN. March 1999.

1998“Academic MOO-ing and the Need To Be Heard: The Language of MOOs and Their Effects on Scholarly Publications.” Modern Language Association Conference. San Francisco, CA. December1998.

1998"E-mail Mixing of Personal and Professional Lives." Modern Language Association

Conference. San Francisco, CA. December 1998.

1998“A Community of Differences: Narratives of Local Technologies and their Place in an Activist’s History.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. March 1998.

1996"Writing in the Gaps: Women, Postcolonial Migrancy, and Composition," Conference on College Composition and Communication. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. March 1996.

Regional Conferences:

1998“Web Assignments in Composition Classes: Possibilities and Suggestions.” Community College/University English Articulation Conference. Monticello, IL. April 1998.

1997“Consulting with CommonSpace: Collaborative Failures between Academics and

Corporations." Center for Writing Studies Colloquium. Urbana, IL. April 1997.

1997"The View from the Cat's Cradle: Situated Ethnographies of Embodied Writing Practices." PennState Conference. State College, Pennsylvania. July 1997.

1995"Writing between Two Worlds: Postcolonial Migrancy and Composition." Community College/University English Articulation Conference. Monticello, IL. April 1995.

1994"Student Subjectivity and Computer Technology." Allerton Conference, Monticello, IL

April 1994.


2007 New Teaching Assistant Summer Orientation, Department of English/Writing Programs.

Tempe, AZ, July 30-August 16, 2007.

2006 New Teaching Assistant Summer Orientation, Department of English/Writing Programs.

Tempe, AZ, July 31-August 18, 2006.

2005 New Teaching Assistant Summer Orientation, Department of English/Writing Programs. Tempe, AZ, August 1-August 19, 2005.

2004 “Graduate Work in English.” ASU Graduate Students in English Association series.

Tempe, AZ, Spring 2004.

2004“Assessing Online and Hybrid Writing in First-Year Composition Courses.” English Department Teaching with Technology Workshop. Tempe, AZ, Spring 2004.

2003 “Graduate Work in English.” ASU Graduate Students in English Association series.

Tempe, AZ, Fall 2003.

2002‘What to Do with Your Graduate Degree in English.” ASU Graduate Student Association series. Tempe, AZ, Fall 2002.

2002“New Faculty Seminar.” CLAS Development Series. Tempe, AZ, October 2002.

2002“Learner-Centered Education.” ASUCenter for Learning and Teaching Excellence’s Bits and Bytes series. Tempe, AZ, April 2002.

2001“Technological Rambunctious: Roundtable on Controversial Issues in Teaching and Learning with Technology.” ASUCenter for Learning and Teaching Excellence’s Bits

and Bytes series. December, 2001.

2000“Writing for/Publishing in Academic Journals: From Start to Finish.” ASU Graduate

Student Association series. Tempe, AZ, Spring 2000.

1999“Rhetoric, Literacy, and Culture Workshop.” ASU Writing Programs Returning Faculty

series. Tempe, AZ, Fall 1999.

1999“Current Topics in Computer-Mediated Composition.” ASU Writing Programs Electronic Classroom series. Tempe, AZ, Spring 1999.


2004“Assessing Online, Hybrid, and Traditional First-Year Composition Courses” grant awarded through Arizona Board of Regent’s Learner Centered Education Program. January 2004- January 2006. Principal Investigator. $25,000.

2004 “Re-Imaging Yellowstone: Evaluating Discursive Representations of National Identity” grant

awarded through ASU’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ Faculty Grant-in-Aid Program. January 2004-December 2004. Principal Investigator. $6000.

2002“Certificate in Technical Communication” grant awarded by ASU Access and Workforce

Development committee. Spring 2002. Collaboratively written. Principal

Investigator. $7,000.

2001“Developing and Assessing Hybrid Courses” collaboratively written and submitted to first and second round of FIPSE grant program. April 2001. Principal Investigator. $150,000.

2001Quality of Instruction Grant, CLAS, awarded 2001. $4000.


Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ1998-present
University and College Committees

General Studies Council Committee for Literacy (2007-present)

CLAS Quality of Instruction Review Committee (2007-present)

Presiding Chair of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ Senate (2003-2005)

Faculty Senator (2001-2005)

CLAS Senator-At-Large (2001-2005)

CLAS Standards Committee (1999-01)

Department Committees

Member, Search Committee for Writing Programs Administrator (2008-2009)

Member, Search Committee for Associate Professor in Rhetoric (2008-2009)

Chair, Search Committee for Asst. Professor in Community Literacy (2007-2008)

Chair, Search Committee for Asst. Professor in New Media (2007-2008)

Chair, Rhetoric and Composition Area Committee (2007-2008)

Personnel Committee (2005-2007)

Grants Committee (2005-2006)

Writing Programs Committee (2005-2006)

Rhetoric and Composition Ph.D. and MA Admissions Committees (2003-present)

Elections Committee (2004-2005)

Rhetoric and Composition Lecturer Search (2004-2005)

Web Development Committee (2001-2003)

Curriculum Committee, Writing Programs (2000-2001)

Computer-Mediated Composition Committee (1999)

Curriculum Review Committee (1999)

Rhetoric and Composition Board (1998-1999)

University of Illinois, Champaign, IL1994-1998

University Committees

Composition across the Campus Committee (1996-98)

Department Service

Graduate Studies Committee (1996-97)

Grade Review Committee (1995-96)

Introductory Writing Textbook Review Committee (1994-95)

Graduate Student Committees

Dissertation Committees:


Thomas Skeen (finished portfolio, Spring 06; defended prospectus, Fall 06)

Hedra Bledsoe (finished portfolio, Spring 07)

Barbara Kirchmeier (finishing coursework Fall 07)

Paul Walker (defended April 2007)


Allison Parker (current)

Kelly Adams (current)

Angela Clark-Coats (Comps Spring 2007)

Alicia Skipper (current)

Ebru Erdem (current)

Veronica Pantoja (Colloquy Fall 2006)

Peter Wegner (portfolio stage)

Mike Will (portfolio stage)

Candace Collins (on leave)

Cynthia Roses-Thema (defended April 2007)

Zach Waggoner (defended March 2007)

Teryl Sands Herz (completed Spring 2005)

Donna Benson (completed Spring 2005)

Jeff Andelora (completed Spring 2005)

Mi Lim Ryoo (completed Spring 2003)

Susan Miller (completed Fall 2002)

Viktorija Todorovska (completed Spring 2000)

MA Thesis Committees


Maren Buchanan (current, finishing coursework)

Patricia O’Shae (current, drafting thesis)

Steve Puklin (completed June 2008)

Irving Gleason (completed August 2006)

Brandy Pfalmer (completed Spring 2004)

Molly Manglesdorf (completed Spring 2003)


James Palazzalo (current)

Sarah Lawrence (current)

Kristi Van Stechelman (completed Spring 2004)

C. Paul Fuhr (completed Spring 2003)

Lisa Ricker (completed Spring 2003)

Mark Hara (completed Spring 2000)

Anna Dolgina (completed Spring 2001)

Undergraduate Honors Students Mentored

Riki Meier (Fall 2007-present)

Diane Elam (Fall 2007)


Editing/Editorial Boards:

Editorial Board Member, Computers and Composition, 1998-present

Co-editor Special issue of Computers and Composition2007-2008

Best Weblog, Judge for Kairos: 2008

Ellen Nold Best Article, Judge for Computers and Composition1999

Book Manuscript Reviewer

National Council of Teachers of English 1997-present

Addison Wesley Longman1998-present

Prentice Hall1998-present

Bedford/St. Martin’s2004-present

Routledge Press2007-present

Academic Consulting

Online Course Developer, Chico StateCA 2003-2004

Online Course Developer, Harcourt Higher Education, 1999-2001

Educational Software Consultant, Houghton Mifflin 1995-1997

Academic Consultant, Harper Collins, Textbook Division, 1995

Reviewer of Conference Proposals:

Western States Composition Conference2001-present

Community Service

DesertBotanical Gardens, Phoenix, AZ2008

Leader of Community Writing Group, Writing Workshops Presenter2004-2005

Fresh Start Women’s ResourceCenter, Phoenix, AZ

Board Member, Literacy Volunteers, Phoenix, AZ2003-2004

Professional Memberships

Conference on College Composition and Communication

National Council of Teachers of English

Modern Language Association

Association of Teachers of Advanced Composition

Faculty Women's Association, ArizonaStateUniversity


Dr. Keith Miller

Department of English


P.O. Box 870302

Tempe, AZ85287-0302

(480) 965-7893

Dr. Duane Roen, Head of Humanities and Arts

School of Applied Arts and Sciences

ArizonaStateUniversity @ the Polytechnic Campus

7001 E. Williams Field Road, Building 140

Mesa, AZ85212-6032

(480) 727-1415

Dr. Gail Hawisher, Full Professor and Director

Center for Writing Studies

Department of English

University of Illinois

608 S. Wright St.

Urbana, IL 61801

(217) 333-3251