Why learn CPR

Going to CPR Class

What to do




Definitions: apnea, bradycardia, cyanosis

Quick review

A note


1.It is important for all parents to learn Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in the event their own infant or another infant stops breathing.

2.Accidents and illness occur in childhood and we believe parents feel more confident when prepared to deal with emergencies.

3.In any situation when a baby is not breathing and/or the heart rate is low (less than 80 bpm) you will need to start CPR.


1.We suggest all parents attend aCPR class while their baby is in the hospital.

2.Family members and other adults who will be caring for your baby are encouraged to take the infant CPR class.

3.It is helpful to read a CPR handout or view a CPR film before going to class.

4.Try to attend class before you room-in with your baby.

5.Please contact your local American Red Cross office to learn about offered CPR classes.; nearby chapters are:

a.American Red Cross, Highlands Chapter, Fayetteville, NC

b.American Red Cross, MooreCounty Chapter, Southern Pines, NC

c.If you live in another county, contact your county’s local American Red Cross chapter.


1.Call for help! Someone may be home or around who can call for additional help or relieve you if you get tired.

2.Call 911

3.Stimulate the baby. Gently rock him on a firm surface and flick his foot. Do Not shake your baby. Shaking him could seriously injure his neck. (See Figure A & B)

Figure AFigure B


Suction the baby with the bulb syringe.

1.Suction his mouth first and then the nose. The mouth is suctioned first to prevent the baby from breathing mucus or formula into the lungs as the baby begins to gasp when breathing resumes.

2.Suction as far back in the throat as the bulb syringe will easily reach.

3.If a bulb syringe is not available, use your finger to wipe away any milk, mucus or other material you see in his mouth. (See Figure C & D)

Figure CFigure D

Position the baby on his back on a hard flat surface.

  1. Hold the baby’s head with your hand around the jaw with the tip of his nose pointed straight up. (see Figure E & F)
  1. Hold the jaw forward with the fingers of one hand. Bending the head forward or too far back blocks air from entering the lungs.
  1. You may use a diaper or blanket under the shoulders to raise the shoulders up about 1 inch.

Figure EFigure F


  1. Give the baby two (2) slow breaths (1-1½ seconds each). Place your mouth over the baby’s nose and mouth.
  1. Give him 2 slow soft puffs with the air in your mouth to fill his lungs (see Figure G)
  2. Look out of the corner of your eye to see the baby’s chest rise like an “easy breath” when you breathe into the baby.

Figure G

  1. If you did not see the chest move, the breathing passage is blocked. To remove an object blocking the windpipe:
  1. Turn the baby across your arm in a head-down position. The baby’s head is lower than his bottom
  2. Give 5 brisk blows between the shoulder blades. (see Figure H)

Figure H

  1. Turn the baby over (onto his back) and give 5 chest thrusts (position your fingers like for chest compressions (see Figure I)

Figure I

  1. Look in his mouth. If you see the object, remove it with your finger. Do not put your finger in his mouth unless you see the object.
  1. Position the baby on his back and give him 2 more quick puffs. If the chest still does not move after the puffs, repeat the procedure (turn the baby over and give 5 back blows; turn the baby over and give him 5 chest thrusts; etc) until the chest rises.
  1. Ask yourself two important questions:

Is the baby breathing?

Is there a heart rate?

  1. Ask these two questions about every minute and then do only what the baby is not doing.
  1. Check for breathing by watching or feeling the chest move or listening and feeling the baby’s breath over his nose and mouth. (Figure J)

Figure J

  1. Check the heart rate by feeling the pulse inside his arm opposite the elbow. (see Figure K & L)
  1. Feel for the pulse for 5 seconds.

Figure KFigure L

  1. If you feel a heart beat but the baby is not breathing:
  1. Place your mouth over the baby’s nose and mouth. Give him 1 quick puff with the air in your mouth to fill his lungs. Look out of the corner of your eye to see the baby’s chest rise like an “easy breath” when you breathe into the baby
  2. Count to 2: then give the baby another breath
  3. Count and breathe for 1 minute:

1-2-breathe; 1-2-breathe.

(about 20 breaths a minute)

  1. Ask the two questions again
  2. Do what the baby is not doing.


  1. If the heart rate is low (less than 80 bpm) or if there is no heart rate, press on the chest and breathe for the baby. A simple way to count the heart rate is to feel the pulse for 6 seconds and multiply the number of beats you count by 10.
  1. Place your fingers one finger width below the nipple line on the breastbone

Figure M

  1. Press down ½ to 1 inch with the tips of your middle finger and ring finger with your hand straight up. It is easier to use your right hand if you are right-handed; the left hand if you are left-handed. The tips of the two fingers should remain on the breastbone. Do not lift your fingers up after pressing and releasing (see Figure N)

Figure N




  1. This is about 100 times a minute. The breath is about 1-1½ seconds long.
  1. Stop and ask the two questions each minute.

Is the baby breathing?

Is there a heart rate?

Do only what the baby is not doing.

3.Continue CPR until your baby responds or help arrives. Always call the doctor if your baby has a breathing problem or turns blue.


1.Apnea: Lack of breathing for 15—20 seconds.

2.Bradycardia: Slowing of the heart rate, usually less than 80-100 beats in a minute in the newborn.

3.Cyanosis: A blue or blue/gray color. Most easily seen on the tongue, lips, and inside the baby's mouth.

4.CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.


  1. Stimulate—Rub the baby’s back or slap the baby’s heels
  1. Suction—mouth then nose (may use your finger to clear the mouth).
  1. Position—nose straight up.
  1. Breathe—2 slow breaths.
  1. If chest does not move—reposition your baby’s head and try to give breaths again.
  1. If chest does not move—give 5 back blows; then 5 chest thrusts.

Give 2 slow breaths to check if windpipe is clear. Repeat until object comes out and windpipe clears.

  1. ASK:Is the baby breathing?

Is there a heart rate?

  1. If there is a heart rate: breathe for the baby. Count: 1-2-breathe
  1. If the heart rate is low (less than 80 bpm) or if there is not a heart rate: breathe & press on the chest.




(press=½ to 1 inch)

  1. Continue CPR until help arrives or baby begins to breathe and he has a heart rate.

A NOTE: This is not a “certified” CPR course. It simply and clearly teaches you to resuscitate your baby. If you wish further training, please contact the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association.

Reviewed/Revised: 04/98…..06/13