Teacher directions: Copy one set of cards for each student. Cut out the top two squares for Muscular and Skeletal body systems. These will function as the students two categories under which they will stack the functions of each body system. Cut out the rest of the squares. Shuffle the function squares before giving them to students. Be sure to save one original copy and use it as a key to assess student answers.

This is the framework of your body and it has 5 major functions
This is a tough membrane called a periosteum and it provides nutrients to the organs of this system.
This type of organ is called “compact” and it is located under the periosteum.
This type of organ is called “spongy” and is located towards the end of long bones.
Cartilage covers the end of these organs and acts as a shock absorber.
Osteoblasts are cells that form these specialized organs.
Osteoclasts are cells that break down these specialized organs.
A joint is where two or more of these organs come together.
Ligaments are tough bands of tissue that hold the organs together at the joints.
The Haversiansystem has tiny connected channels through which blood vessels and nerve fibers pass.
These are organs that relax, contract and provide force to move your body parts.
These organs are striated and move bones.
These striated organs are found only in the heart.
These organs are called smooth and nonstriated and are found in the intestines, bladder, blood vessels and other internal organs.
These organs always come in pairs.
When this organ contracts, another organ relaxes.
Chemical energy is needed for this activity
There are 3 types of levers in this body system called 1st, 2nd and 3rd class.
A fulcrum is a pivot point in this body system.
You have 600 of these in your body.
This type of organ is called involuntary because you cannot consciously control them.

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