Today's Date

Members of the Board of Directors are approved by the Board of Directors for a three year term. They perform the following functions:

·  Attend 6 to 8 meetings a year

·  Review financials and approve budget

·  Participate in discussion for the growth of CRF

·  Attend CRF fundraising events.

·  Serve on a CRF Committee

Yes I would like to be on the CRF Board of Directors. _____

Would you like to serve on a CRF Committee? ___ Yes or ___ No

What committee would you be willing to serve on?

Housing Hustle 5K Run ______

REALTOR® Night at the Avalanche _____

Colorado Gives Day ______

Escrow Growth Committee ______

Grant Committee ______

Candidate’s Name

Firm Name

Firm Address City State Zip

Phone Email Address

In your own words briefly tell us why you want to serve on the Colorado REALTOR® Foundation

Submit your application to Brandi Moore, at by Friday, September 2, 2016.

Candidate Signature:


Candidate Application Page 2 of 2