Project Proposal Form

To be completed by all students regardless of project type.

About the Process

The HCT Professional MBA Capstone is a 10-week project completed during the final quarters of students’ program. All other PMBA courses must be completed before undertaking the Capstone course project.

Project proposals are submitted at the start and are reviewed before progressing. Project selection is a two-stage process: The Capstone course coordinator provides an initial assessment of project “fit” with the program; approved proposals are then developed into a draft plan and reviewed for final endorsement.

Purpose of the HCT PMBA Capstone Projects

The purpose of the PMBA Capstone Project is twofold:

  • To provide students in the Professional MBA program with an authentic business problem or opportunity for analysis and recommendations. This business consulting experience allows Professional MBA students to apply their skills and experience by identifying relevant issues, analyzing alternatives, and making recommendations.
  • To support local businesses by offering the outcomes of consultancy investigations by talented managers who combine their business experience with the lessons learned during their Professional MBA studies. This assistance benefits client organizations by contributing to improved strategies and enhanced operational effectiveness.

Capstone Project and Client Selection Criteria

Following are the criteria for selecting Capstone Projects for consideration:

  • The business problem or development opportunity described in the Capstone proposal must be challenging to an experienced manager and must also draw on the skills and knowledge acquired by students during the Professional MBA program.
  • The scope of the project must allow it to be realistically completed within the Capstone Project 10-week time frame and must match the skills and capabilities of the consulting student.
  • Where a client organization is engaged, the organization should:

a)Share internal operational, financial, and market data required for project completion,

b)Designate a professional-level project champion who can manage the Capstone client’s internal resources required to complete the project; and

c)Designate a key contact person who will serve as the primary day-to-day interface with the consulting team.

Selection of Project Type and Topic

Prior to the development of the project proposal, students select a topic for their project.The topic is submitted to the course faculty for approval.

Student Name: Click here to enter text.

ID Number: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.


☐ Business Client Project

☐Business Research Thesis

☐ Business Venture Plan

Brief Description of Project Topic:

In this section you should introduce the subject area, set the context for the proposed study and highlight the relevance of this project within the broader subject area. You should indicate why your project is important to an organization and why it is worthy of a capstone course project.

Typically you should try to address the following questions:

  • What is the main problem?
  • How is the problem of current interest to an organization?
  • Why is this issue important and worth investigating?

Project Rationale:

In this part you should indicate, clearly and concisely, the purpose of the study and outline the key business question(s) that needs to be addressed. This section should answer the following question: What are the aims and objectives of your work?

You should also indicate the scope and scale of the project: industry/sector, company/organization, division/function, period/region, etc.

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What is your business reason for pursuing this project? What outcome do you anticipate the organization to benefit from?

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How will completing this project better prepare you for performing in your work environment or the business venture?

Click here to enter text.

Does the project involve content in a paper that was written for another class?

☐ No

☐ Yes

If yes, please submit a copy of the project/paper with this form.

Proposal Feedback

Action by Faculty Project Advisor:

☐ Approved

☐ Not Approved


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