Pre-operative Instructions for IV Sedation


1.  Nothing to eat 6 hours prior to surgery.

2.  Clear Liquids, including water or apple juice are permitted up to 4 hours prior to surgery.

3.  Small amounts of water are permitted up to 2 hours prior to surgery.

4.  Take regular medications prior to surgery with small amounts of water.

For Wisdom Teeth and Multiple Extractions

Take pre-meds (Amoxicillin and Medrol) starting 24 hours prior to surgery (at least 3 doses of the Medrol and 4 doses of the Amoxicillin). The Amoxicillin is to help prevent infection and the Medrol helps reduces swelling. If the pharmacy gives other instructions, please call Dr. Olsen prior to taking any other regimen at (435) 628-5496. Pain medications are for AFTER surgery if needed.

For Root Canal Treatment Procedures

Take Keflex starting 24-72 hours prior to your dental appointment. If the pharmacy gives other instructions, please call Dr. Olsen prior to taking any other regimen at (435) 628-5496. Pain medications are for AFTER surgery if needed.

For Implant Procedures

Take Ibuprofen 800 mg 3 times a day starting 24 hours prior to your dental appointment and continue for 5 days total. (You can get the Ibuprofen over-the-counter in 200 mg strength. You will take 4 tablets 3 times a day.)


1.  Wear a short-sleeved blouse or shirt on the day of surgery.


1.  A responsible adult must accompany the patient and remain at the dental office during the surgery time.

2.  Children under age 18 must have a parent or guardian legally authorized to sign consent.


1.  Please do not wear earrings, jewelry or contact lenses on the day of surgery.

2.  Diabetics, small children, pregnant or nursing mothers, and patients with any significant medical illnesses should contact us prior to surgery for special instructions.

3.  If you develop cold or flu symptoms prior to surgery, please contact our office.

4.  For any questions or concerns, please call our office at 435-628-5496.