LCM Capability Maturity Model Pilot Project Proposal
General information and guidelinesThe following document will give us an overview of your company, objectives, strategies core products and its market. It will also guide us to evaluate the strengths, opportunities and competences of your company and capability to implement your proposed project of improvement and the feasibility of doing so.
Please provide realistic and accurate information. You may enclose any relevant documentation to help the review process. The information given will remain confidential and will be the UNEP project personnel. The proposal should not exceed 15 pages (excluding 1-2 page covering letter and financial report). Please include any additional information as an annex.
Name of the company:
Name and contact details of the general director:
Website / Country:
Name of the contact person for the project:
Background information about the company and products [maximum of 4 pages]
1)Please describe what your company does (type of business and the sector)
2)Indicate the size of your company in terms of number of employees
3)Describe the value chain you belong to and where you located in it
4)Describe your products (refer to both goodsand/or services) as simply as possible, defining key products
5)Does your company have an annual report available (e.g. from 2012), please provide a link
6)Indicate the geographical scope of your main markets and your production sites
7)Does your company have a quality (ISO 9001) or environmental (ISO 14001) management system in place? If yes, please provide the source of information (e.g. the annual report or weblink)
8)Does your company have any sustainability/environmental or CSR policy? Please enclose it together with your application. What are your company’s commitments to the environment and sustainability
9)Please state why you want to participate in this project
Financial Information
The aim of this section is to try to evaluate the overall financial condition of the company and to make sure the business has a financial stability to enable continued operationinto the future
1) Please include the latest publically available financial audits of your company.
Self Assessment
Using the Capability Maturity Model, please undertake the assessment of your company’s needs and opportunities for integration of life cycle management practices. The tool will enable you to identify your level of maturity, current gaps and opportunities for improvement project.
1)Please present the results of the assessment and your interpretation of the results [maximum of 3 pages]
2)Which life cycle based approaches[1] are currently used by your company?
Description of the proposed pilot project[maximum of 4 pages]
Outline theproposed project which you are seeking UNEP’s technical and financial support for.
1) Title of the pilot project
2) Overall objective of the pilot project
3) Expected main output(s)
4) Description of the proposed improvement plans
- Thematic area (e.g. agri-food chain, building, mineral and metal, tourism, fishery, etc.)
- Geographical scope (national, regional or global)
- Duration
Specific objective/s / Activities / Timeline / Specific outputs / Milestone / Indicator / Actors involved (internal departments, suppliers, buyers)
Internal / External
5) Provide the budget required as indicated in the table below:
Item / US$ / %
A. Contribution from UNEP to company [max US$ 12,000]
B. Contribution from your company
Total budget US$ / 100
Item / US$ / %
A.1 Technical Assistance (free from UNEP)
A.2 Travels
A.3 Training assistance
A.4 others (LCA tools, materials, software, etc.)
A. Contribution from UNEP to company [max US$ 12,000] / 100
Item / US$ / %
B.1 Technical Assistance
B.2 Travels
B.3 Training assistance
B.4 others (LCA tools, materials, software, etc.)
B. Contribution from your company / 100
6) What is the potential to replicate your project, for example through the value chain of your product, through Industry Associations or public-private partnerships?
7) Please indicate one or two references of projects or initiatives that would facilitate the implementation of the pilot project.
8) Please consider the following guiding questions in choosing and presenting your improvement plan as a pilot project. Please tick as appropriate. Does you project:
- Reinforce your long-term sustainability objectives? Is it complementary to existing ongoing improvement projects by your company?
- Have top management support?
- Consider, for example,a critical natural resource in the country of operation and location of the project?
- Propose innovative approaches to reduce the resource use and environmental impacts along the life cycle of your product?
- Consider the social aspects of direct and indirect stakeholders concerned by your product? Propose social co-benefits (e.g. employment creation) for the local communities?
- Propose a capacity building strategy for the company areas and, if possible, value chain actors including suppliers
- Propose a value chain actor (e.g. including suppliers) involvement and improvements of suppliers’ performance?
- Have the potential to be replicated by suppliers or other companies in your value chain?
- Propose an effective improvement of the capability maturity level in 8 months or at the end of the project?
- Have matching funds from your companyto support the project?
Date……………………………………. / Signature…………………………………………………..
[1]Life cycle analysis (LCA), eco-design, life cycle based eco-labelling, carbon and water footprint, green procurement, among others