Canton Parks and Recreation
Commission Meeting
August 17, 2009
Attendees: Christine Welcome, Rebecca Andrews (Vice Chair), Beverly Hammond, Andrea O’Neill, Todd Jacobs, Chris Eckert
The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm.
Public Forum: Five Canton teens attended the meeting with respect to the skateboard park at Mills Pond. John Bennett reiterated the issues and concerns from the previous public meeting on the skateboard park. Since the public meeting, the local teens have been instrumental in getting the word out to fellow skateboarders about the Commission’s concerns. With help from the teens, Commission members have been closely monitoring the park. The Commission has come to the conclusion that the skateboarders have done a good job policing themselves and therefore the park will remain open. However, this issue will continue to be closely monitored.
Director’s Report: John reviewed the monthly activities. Summer programs have done very well. Robin Lund has done a great job with the summer camps. Family Fun Day was a big success. Discussion about pool staff for next summer is already in motion. John also noted that the football field for the upcoming season is a go!
Other Business: Andrea O’Neill and Todd Jacobs nominated and seconded Vice Chair Rebecca Andrews to be Commission Chairwoman. This seat is currently empty due to the resignation of Christine Welcome. The motion passed unanimously. Andrea O’Neill was nominated and seconded by the Commission to be Vice-Chair. The motion passed unanimously. Darrien Lynn, Program Coordinator, has been busy planning the Fall Programs. The Fall Programs should be completed soon. In closing, the Commission would like to bid a fond farewell to Director John Bennett. John’s service was invaluable to the Town of Canton. We wish him the best of luck and will miss him greatly. See ya, John!
Adjournment: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Andrea O’Neill and seconded by Chris Eckert. The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.