Worksheet for Unit 5.

Canine & Feline Developmental Learning.

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1) Save this document into your computer so you can retrieve it and work on it regularly. Once you have completed all the activity questions in this worksheet, email it to: for assessment.

2) Type your answers to each activity question in the BLUEboxes ONLY. The boxes will expand as you type. Do not leave anyBLUE boxes empty. You can begin by typing your name and email address in the blue boxes above.

3) When you are considering your responses to the activity questions, keep in mind that the more information you can provide, from our text material, the higher your mark is likely to be. Unless otherwise specifically stated, expand your answers. Providing it is relevant to the activity question, give us more information than the question asks for and you will likely achieve a high mark. Note that with ‘True or False’ questions, if you think the answer is ‘False’ always explain why.

4) Though we do not discourage further reading, please respond to the course questions from our text material only. You will not receive any marks for answering a question using material you have gathered from an alternate source.

5) If you find yourself stuck on an activity question move on to the next activity question. You may find that what you learn further on in the Unit may help you to return and complete the activity question you were having trouble with. Don’t forget to email any questions you may have concerning the course to the education team at:

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7) You will receive access to the next Unit of the course immediately upon submitting this unit for assessment. While this worksheet is away being assessed, begin work on the next unit of the course, however do not submit it until you have achieved a passing grade (70% +) in this Unit. Submission can take up to 10 working days to be assessed and returned to you.

Read the text material entitled;

Unit 5… Canine & Feline Developmental Learning

… before commencing the activity questions.

Activity Questions:

1) True or False. It is advisable to handle newborn pups for a few minutes each day.

2) Why do mother cats eat the placenta of their young?

3) Is a dog’s behaviour influenced before birth? Explain.

4) This question requires a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response only. Within the first 12 days of life, are the following physiological functions active?





5) During what period will a pup begin to engage in play fighting?

6) Which of the above physiological functions is the most highly developed during the first 12 days of life? Explain.

7) Explain how learned patterns of social behaviour can affect biting in pups.

8) What is the critical socialization period for cats?

9) Though blind and deaf at birth, how does a kitten locate its mother’s nipple?

10) Is it beneficial for a newborn pup, in the first few weeks of life, to experience various forms of stress? If so, why? If not, why not?

11) Kittens learn by watching their mother. What is this type of learning called?

12) Explain how the social structure in multiple-cat households differs between inside only cats and those that roam freely outside (wild).

13) Why have cats gained a reputation for being less intelligent than dogs, and more difficult to train? Explain.

14) During what developmental period is it vital for pups to have adequate contact with other dogs? Why?

15) Does it matter how many cats live in a single household? Explain.

16) Explain how fighting differs between inside only cats and outdoor cats.

17) During what period do pups start to learn discipline?

18) Case Study:

One day Mrs Brady was doing her shopping at the local Supermarket when she saw a notice on the Community Board; “Pedigree Chinchilla (Persian) kittens for sale” and a local phone number. Mrs Brady had always wanted a kitten, so she contacted the phone number… or at least, she tried. She phoned three times that day and no one answered. The following day was no different. Finally, on Saturday morning, she spoke to a woman who told her that there were two kittens left. They were 3 months old and in perfect health. Mrs Brady went straight round and adopted Fluffy.

Because Mrs Brady was at home during the day, she had plenty of time to spend with Fluffy, grooming her long fur and nursing her on her lap, but there was a problem. Fluffy wanted none of it. Even after 6 weeks, Fluffy still didn’t like being nursed on Mrs Brady’s lap. And when Mrs Brady tried to groom her, Fluffy would hiss and scratch.

What is the problem here? Were there any warning signs that Mrs Brady should have watched out for before adopting Fluffy? Can the problem be rectified?

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Assessor’s Comments

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