Course Title: 130.4 Small Animal Management

Lesson Title: Developmental Phases in Canines Lab

TEKS Addressed in Lesson: 130.4(c) 3D, 4B, 2B

Lesson Objectives. The student will be able to:

  1. diagnose three specific dog behaviors.
  2. list 4 different social behaviors related to canines.
  3. complete worksheet on phases of canine behavior.
  4. list three ways dogs “communicate” with humans.

Tools and Equipment

Power Point

Worksheet “Developmental Phases Analysis/Diagnosis”

No. 2 pencils

Video clips:

Bad Dog Behaviors-


Key Terms / Vocabulary


Developmental growth

Active submission




Dominant personality


Alpha male

Alpha female



Flight instincts

Interest Approach/Anticipatory Set

Students will discuss both good and bad “habits” found in their canines/pets. Emphasis will be placed on changes the student/owner observed in their pooch over a puppy/juvenile/ adult period of life. Students will then watch video clips of dog behavior and discuss/analyze “why”?

Teaching Plan and Strategy / Presentation of New Material

  1. Students are given handouts with common terms associated with phases of development in dogs.
  2. Students will participate in a class discussion of what these definitions mean in term of dog development and behaviors
  3. Students will research common age/developmental stages in canines.

Activity/Application/ Student Engagement /Laboratory

Students will be given handout illustrating various behaviors. The students will be an analyst/diagnose what developmental conditions/lack of proper development might have contributed to behaviors illustrated.

Students will complete worksheet.

Students will discuss, as a class, common developmental behaviors found in juvenile age canines.

Evaluation / Summary


Diagnosis handout - 30 points

Class interaction -20 points

Completeness-explanation of behavior -50 points


-100 points

References/Additional Materials / Extended Learning Opportunities/ Enrichment

Continental Kennel Club, YouTube, AK Stewart

College & Career Readiness Standard

English/LA- IV, B, 3

Science- I, C, 1, a

CDS- I, B, 2, a

©Texas Education Agency, 2011