Farewell to Halloween

  1. Review previous lesson
  2. Skip for 7
  3. Freeze for 4
  4. Creep for 7, freeze for 4 (repeat)
  5. Shrink to the sound of the rattle
  6. Slither to 8 beats
  7. Dart to 8 beats
  8. Deflate to sound of the rattle
  9. for those students who were absent have a volunteer demonstrate what was done in previous lesson. Show the book and talk about key pictures.
  10. Partners
  11. Ask students to line-up just like they were heading to the library, and then assign each pair /A/ /B/.
  12. ½ & ½ Share time
  13. Match up partner sets
  14. “What was most interesting about their dance?”
  15. “What did you notice about the performers movements actions?”
  16. Connections/Compliments/Comments


Skip – 7 distinct beats

Freeze - 8th beat

Creep – slow 7 beats for each partner

Freeze - 8th beat

Shrink - loud to soft shake

Slither - 8 gentle shakes

Dart - very loud 8 beats – beating on wood end – accelerated

Deflate - loud to soft on wood end