The government’s strategy for addressing social exclusion is to focus on:

·  Preventing social exclusion in the first place, by reducing the number of people whose experiences put them at risk, or targeting support to compensate for the impact of those experiences

·  Reintegrating those who become excluded back into society by providing clear pathways to those who have missed out for example, on housing, jobs, health

·  Getting the basics right by delivering good basic public services to everyone

This approach is being delivered in three ways:

·  Core improvements to public services including through Best Value, NHS modernisation, public/private partnerships

·  Focus on specific groups vulnerable to social exclusion, including children and young people, long term unemployed, elderly, those with mental and physical health problems, black and ethnic minority communities

·  Addressing deprivation and social exclusion in identified localities where the issues inter-relate, through the strategy for neighbourhood renewal; the aim is to achieve socially cohesive and self-sustaining communities, recognising that the impact of deprivation can affects almost everyone living or working in the neighbourhood.

Mechanisms/opportunities available for Canada Water to facilitate the above objectives:

·  Understanding better the needs and interests of all sectors of the community

·  Ensuring social and leisure facilities are created to reflect the interests of the whole community, maybe subsidised access if commercially operated

·  Encouraging commercial developments reflect the range of incomes in the area

·  Seeking to adopt a local residents employment policy

·  Seeking multi-purpose uses for major facilities so they become a focal point for the whole community

·  Seeking ways to give the local people ownership

·  Arrangements for the public realm which create safe and user friendly spaces

·  Opportunity for a centre where people live and work

·  Low rental units for start-up businesses or social enterprises and promotion of life-long learning

·  Reinforcement of the local voluntary and community sector

Canada Water Transport Topic Paper – David Brunskill, draft 1.0, 27 Nov 01

Bullet Point Constraints and opportunities 1