CAMRA Sussex Branches Beer & Cider Festival 2015
Tuesday 17th March – Monday 23rdMarch
Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday / MondaySet-up / Set-up / Set/up; Festival / Festival / Festival / Take-down / Take-down
8-5 / 9-5 / 9-11; 11-3, 5-11 / 10:30-3, 5-11 / 10:30-10 / 9-12 / 9-2
Please note that transport and meals will be provided only to people who return a 2015 festival form to the email address below.
If you wish to just turn up on the day you can but, unfortunately, there will be no provision made for you. T-shirts are ordered in advance and will be distributed with preference to people who sent back their form.
Please circle/complete as applicable:
Vegetarian Meal?YesNo
Size of T-shirt: M L XL XXL
Transport home needed on any of the following evenings? Thursday Friday Saturday
Phone number: ...... …...... e-mail: …......
CAMRA Membership number:......
CAMRA Branch (if known):......
Have you worked at a CAMRA Beer Festival before?Yes No
Once complete, please E-Mail to:
CAMRA Sussex Branches Beer & Cider Festival
March 2015
Please fill in the table, writing the duties you wish to do in the slot that corresponds to your arrival time and noting your finishing time if you are intending to leave before the end of a session. Reasonable travelling expenses will be reimbursed on production of tickets or receipts. Coaches and/or taxis (if necessary) will be provided for volunteers who stay on after the end of the evening public sessions and who indicate on the form that they will be requiring transport. For those completing the form, food will be provided on set-up days; meal vouchers will be provided during the public days; tea & coffee will be available at all times.
(Write "Bar", "Front", "Tokens", "Stalls" or "ANY" – see below for the list of jobs. For Set-up and Take-down, just tick the time-slots.)
NB: If need be, you may be asked to work on the bar.
Festival Jobs
- SET-UP: Putting up scaffolding for the casks, helping move the casks into place, preparing glasses and programmes, putting signs up and generally arranging the rooms as needed.
- BAR: Filling people's glasses with the beer requested and marking token sheets – you'll be shown what to do – and generally being pleasant and helpful to the public!
- FRONT DESK: Welcoming people on arrival, taking tickets, handing out glasses and directing people to where they need to go.
- TOKENS: Selling token sheets to festival-goers.
- STALLS: Staffing the membership or merchandise stalls respectively – signing up new members or selling CAMRA goods. Full training will be provided for membership stall volunteers.
- STEWARDING: Helping to keep everyone safe and happy.
- TAKE-DOWN: Clearing up after the event. Helping return casks etc. to suppliers; breaking down the scaffolding, etc.
Once complete, please E-Mail to: