Integrating ESEA-AYP District Improvement Plan Required Components and District-Level Expected Indicators in Indistar®


The requirements for ESEA-AYP District Improvement Plans align closely with a number of Expected Indicators that district teams already address in their District-Level Action Plan in Indistar. To reduce duplication of effort, leaders in OSPI’s Office of Student and School Success (OSSS) and Title I Division collaborated to develop a process for districts to integrate these two plans in Indistar. Our goal is to streamline the process so that district leaders can focus action-planning efforts on those high-leverage practices that will lead to improvements in educator practices and student learning.

Table 1 in this Appendix describes alignment between the requirements for ESEA-AYP District Improvement Plans (Column 1) and corresponding Indistar actions (Column 2). Specific details for integrating these two plans follow.

Expectations for Districts in Step 1 or 2 of Improvement Based on AYP

Districts in Step 1 or 2 that also have Title I Priority, Focus, SIG, and RAD schools are expected to use the process described below when addressing requirements for their ESEA-AYP plan.

Seven of the District-Level Expected Indicators (Principle 1-A, Principle 2-C, P Principle 3-A, Principles 4-A and B, and P Principles 7-A and B) address federal ESEA-AYP District Improvement Plan requirements.

District teams will assess each of these Indicators to determine the following:

  • The Indicator is fully implemented and satisfies ESEA-AYP requirements and OSSS requirements; the district will upload evidence showing both sets of requirements have been met.
  • The Indicator has not been fully implemented; the district will review its plan in Indistar to make sure it includes S.M.A.R.T. Goals, tasks, and timelines that will lead to the district meeting both sets of requirements.

Additional Expectations for Districts in Step 2 of Improvement

In addition to addressing the components in Table 1, districts in Step 2 must take at least one of the following corrective actions, as consistent with state law and ensure that the selected corrective action is communicated within the plan in Indistar:

  • Institute and fully implement a new curriculum based on state and local content and academic achievement standards that includes scientifically research-based professional development for all relevant staff.
  • Replace LEA personnel who are relevant to the inability of the LEA to make adequate progress. (This corrective action, if chosen, is to be addressed in District Expected Indicator P2-B, “The district has policies and practices in place that prevent ineffective teachers from transferring to schools that are required to implement turnaround plans.”)

Districts in Step 2 of Improvement will use the “ESEA-AYP Step 2 District Improvement Plan Checklist”on the main District dashboard under the “Complete forms” tab to designate the corrective action chosen by the team.When finished, teams will submit the form under “Submit Forms/Reports” tab. This can be done either prior to or after the district uploads evidence.

Submitting Action Plans in Indistar

Dates for submitting plans in Indistar follow*.

  • Current ESEA-AYP District Improvement Plan – By February 28, 2015: District teams upload their current ESEA-AYP plan in Indistar. There is a folder titled “ESEA-AYP District Improvement Plan 2.28.15” in Indistar districts will use when uploading their plan.
  • Integrated Action Plan – By May 30, 2015: District teams review their plan in Indistar to ensure it addresses all ESEA-AYP and OSSS requirements. Teams also upload relevant evidence in Indistar.

*Teams may submit plans earlier if they would like.

District-Level Indistar Account and Support

The Indistar® District-Level Account provides:

  • Access to the 14 District-Level Expected Indicators and “Wise Ways” research, examples, and resources associated with each Indicator
  • Access to the filing cabinet feature (“Document Upload” tab in Indistar) to upload supplemental evidence
  • Links to directions for integrating District ESEA-AYP plan on Indistar
  • Administrative features and reports to monitor school and district progress and provide feedback

Contact Information

District leaders are encouraged to contact leaders in OSSS and Title I with questions.

  • OSSS: Travis Campbell at or

Paul Wieneke at . You may also contact the Office of Student and School Success at (360) 725-4960.

  • Title I: Larry Fazzari at or

Nate Marciochi at . You may also contact the Title I Division at (360) 725-6100.

Table 1. ESEA-AYP District Improvement Plan Required Component and Indistar®District-Level Expected Indicator Alignment

ESEA-AYP District Improvement Plan Requirement / Steps to address ESEA-AYP District Improvement Plan Requirement in your
Indistar® Action Plan
Provide for high-quality professional development for instructional staff that focuses primarily on improved instruction.
Ensure that the following Expected Indicator has been addressed:
-P2-C: Professional development is built into the school schedule by the district, but the school is allowed discretion in selecting training and consultation that fit the requirements of its Student and School Success Action Plan and evolving needs.
If this indicator has yet to be fully implemented:
-ensure your written objective identifies professional development opportunities focused on improved instruction.
If this indicator is fully implemented:
-ensure you provide evidence that the objective has been fully and effectively implemented as well as indicate what work will be necessary to sustain your efforts to continue to meet the objective.
-upload evidence to the Principle 2 folder on Indistar. Examples of supporting evidence include the Professional Development calendar, school year calendar with job-embedded PD opportunities, assignment of instructional coaches.
Include, as appropriate, student learning activities before school, after school, during the summer, and during any extension of the school year.
Ensure that the following Expected Indicator has been addressed:
-P3-A: The district allocates resources to support additional learning time for students and staff in schools required to implement turnaround principles.
If this indicator has yet to be fully implemented:
-ensure your written objective identifies student learning activities outside of the normal school day/year.
If this indicator is fully implemented:
-ensure you provide evidence that the objective has been fully and effectively implemented as well as indicate what work will be necessary to sustain your efforts to continue to meet the objective.
-upload evidence to the Principle 3 folder on Indistar. Examples of supporting evidence include the budget, school’s master schedule, CBAs, MOUs
Incorporate strategies grounded in scientifically-based research that will strengthen instruction in core academic subjects. /
Ensure that the following Expected Indicator has been addressed:
-P4-A: The district ensures that school improvement initiatives include rigorous research-based, field-proven instructional programs, practices, and models.
If this indicator has yet to be fully implemented:
-ensure your written objective identifies strategies grounded in scientifically-based research that will strengthen instruction.
If this indicator is fully implemented:
-ensure you provide evidence that the objective has been fully and effectively implemented as well as indicate what work will be necessary to sustain your efforts to continue to meet the objective.
-upload evidence to the Principle 4 folder on Indistar. Examples of supporting evidence include annotated literature review of research-based programs, e.g., Instructional Framework (Danielson, Marzano, CEL 5D) and CCSS.
ESEA-AYP District Improvement Plan Requirement / Steps to address ESEA-AYP District Improvement Plan Requirement in your Indistar Action Plan®
Address the fundamental teaching and learning needs of schools in the LEA, especially the academic problems of low-achieving students. / Ensure that the following Expected Indicator has been addressed:
-P4-B: The district works with the school to provide early and intensive intervention for students not making progress.
If this indicator has yet to be fully implemented:
-ensure your written objective identifies schools’ teaching and learning needs; particularly for low-achieving students.
If this indicator is fully implemented:
-ensure you provide evidence that the objective has been fully and effectively implemented as well as indicate what work will be necessary to sustain your efforts to continue to meet the objective.
-upload evidence to the Principle 4 folder on Indistar. Examples of supporting evidence include early warning data system, assignment of intervention specialists and instructional coaches, master schedule with intervention time.
Include a determination of why the LEA’s previous plan did not bring about increased student academic achievement. /
Ensure that the following Expected Indicator has been addressed:
-P7-A: The LEA (district)/School has announced changes and anticipated actions publicly; communicated urgency of rapid improvement, and signaled the need for rapid change.
If this indicator has yet to be fully implemented:
-ensure your written objective identifies why the previous plan did not increase student academic achievement. .
If this indicator is fully implemented:
-ensure you provide evidence that the objective has been fully and effectively implemented as well as indicate what work will be necessary to sustain your efforts to continue to meet the objective.
-upload evidence to the Principle 7 folder on Indistar. Examples of supporting evidence include family notification letter, family and community section of the website with relevant information for parents, families, and community; family involvement policy and procedure.
Include strategies to promote effective parental involvement in the schools served by the district. /
Ensure that the following Expected Indicator has been addressed:
-P7-B: The LEA (district)/School has engaged parents and community in the transformation process.
If this indicator has yet to be fully implemented:
-ensure your written objective identifies strategies to promote effective parental involvement.
If this indicator is fully implemented:
-ensure you provide evidence that the objective has been fully and effectively implemented as well as indicate what work will be necessary to sustain your efforts to continue to meet the objective.
-upload evidence to the Principle 7 folder on Indistar. Examples of supporting evidence include family and community section of the website with calendar of family and community meetings, agendas and minutes of family and community meetings.
The plan must also specify the fiscal responsibilities of the LEA and detail the required technical assistance that the SEA will provide. §1116(c)(7)(A); §200.52 /
Ensure that technical assistance offered by OSPI and district fiscal responsibilities are identified within the plan or evidence for each Expected Indicator.