Thursday October 18, 2012

1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

The WELL Terrace Suite

Meeting Summary

# / Name / Title / Member / Present
1.  / Dr. Ming-Tung "Mike" Lee / Vice President for Administration/CFO / Chair / YES
2.  / Dr. Don Taylor / Asst. VP (Interim) for Academic Programs & Global Engagement / Provost designee / YES
3.  / Dr. Larry Gilbert / Vice President for Information Resources & Technology/CIO / IRT representative / YES
4.  / Dr. Lori Varlotta / Vice President for Student Affairs / Student Affairs representative / NO
5.  / Dr. Ali Izadian / Associate Vice President for Facilities Services / Facilities Services representative / YES
6.  / Dr. Jill Trainer / Dean, Natural Sciences and Math / Academic Affairs representative / YES
7.  / Ms. Brigett Reilly / Director of Property Services, UEI / UEI representative / YES
8.  / Ms. Leslie Davis / Executive Director, University Union and The WELL / University Union representative / YES
9.  / Mr. Phil Garcia / Vice President of Public Affairs & Advocacy / Public Affairs representative / YES
10.  / Dr. Janet Hecsh / Faculty Senate Chair / Faculty representative / YES
11.  / Ms. Carlyn Ster / USA President / Staff representative / YES
12.  / Ms. Monica Cortez / ASI President / Student representative / YES
13.  / Mr. Tom Pace / Principal Planner / City of Sacramento representative / YES
14.  / Mr. Scott Maxwell / Vice President, Unger Construction Co. / Community Leader representative / YES
15.  / Mr. Dan Cole / Partner, Evergreen Company / Community Leader representative / YES
16.  / Mr. Gilbert Angeja / Principal Distribution System Engineer / SMUD representative / YES
17.  / Mr. Mike Speros / Director of Housing & Residential Life / Housing representative / YES
18.  / Victor Takahashi / Director, Planning, Design and Construction / Technical Advisor / YES
19.  / David Rhodes / Architect/Project Manager / Technical Advisor / YES
20.  / John R. Smith / Assistant Athletics Director / Technical Advisor / YES
21.  / David Kwong / City of Sacramento / Guest of Tom Pace / YES
22.  / Bena Arao / Director, Administrative Services, Facilities Services / Technical Advisor / YES
23.  / Abbi Stone / Associate VP Business & Administrative Services / Technical Advisor / YES
24.  / Jabari Holloway / Associate University Planner / Chancellor’s Office / YES
25.  / Tom Kennedy / Chief, Architecture & Engineering / Chancellor’s Office / NO

1.  Opening/Introductions - Dr. Mike Lee

M. Lee welcomed everyone and thanked them for participating.

·  The reason for the task force:

§  Every ten years CSU campuses go through a master planning process to identify the future features, physical aspects, functions and mission of the University to try to develop a physical plan of the University.

·  Process explained:

§  CSU campuses form a task force and draft a Master Plan with technical detail.

§  The draft Master Plan is submitted to the Chancellor’s Office. The staff reviews it, gives feedback, and suggests changes, improvements and adjustments.

§  The draft Master Plan is then submitted to the CSU Board of Trustees (BOT) for review and final approval.

§  Once approved by the BOT – the campus plan becomes the base for future university capital planning and projects.

§  From that plan the campus can propose projects and changes to the infrastructure.

§  If the campus wants to do something different than what was approved by the BOT, then the plan will have to be amended.

·  This meeting is the beginning step of renewing the Sacramento State Master Plan. The task force was put together to include campus representatives, partners from SMUD, the City of Sacramento, and community members, who are experts and have tremendous experience. We should look not only at the outcome of the plan but the process so we put forth something we can be proud of. If a task member isn’t clear on their role - let M. Lee know.

2.  Presentation - Dr. Ali Izadian

·  A. Izadian gave a PowerPoint presentation titled “Master Plan Update”. *Note - PowerPoint handouts and a list titled “Components of Master Plan” were distributed to the task force.

3.  Discussion

·  The task force discussed the following topics:

a.  What is your vision of the campus Master Plan?

b.  What issues do you think should be included in the campus Master Plan?

·  Input given by the committee will be taken into consideration in the development of the Request for Quote (RFQ) for the Master Plan architect.

4.  Next Steps/Closing – Dr. Mike Lee

·  The job of this task force requires a delicate balance. We are a state agency and have to do things according to rules and procedures, which doesn’t always happen quickly. It’s important we bring all views to together and take some time with this process.

·  It will be difficult for 25 people to work up a draft plan so M. Lee will work with a smaller group of people in A. Izadian’s office to look into some basic design menus for the University. They will put together a group with expertise to look at some possibilities so the next time the task force meets they’ll be able to look at something to critique. In the mean time, if members have any concept ideas – feel free to share them.

·  M. Lee also wanted to make it clear that as part of state regulations, once we get involved in this Master Plan process, we need to be extremely careful about “conflict of interest” issues. Participating in this process, particularly when we get into more detail, would potentially exclude task force members from direct contracting with the University, as an outcome of this Master Plan.

M. Lee wants to make sure that if any task members see themselves as being put into that situation, they should let him know. We want to make sure we follow procedures and there might be a way that members could recuse themselves.

·  How often will the group meet?

§  The plan is to have one additional large group task force meeting by the end of the year to review a concept if possible.

§  Anything can be touched except Science II. This is the time to use imagination.

M. Lee hopes we run a process that has integrity, meets all the requirements and regulations but at the same time takes advantage of all the experience and expertise on the task force. It’s important for task force members to consult with people they work with.

5.  Meeting Adjourned at 3:10 p.m.

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