AWWA Small Systems Pipe Repair Checklist, as published in July 2008 Opflow Question of the Month

Thanks to:

Mike Grahek, Los Angeles Department of Water, Los Angeles, California

Ahmad Havivian, Black & Veatch, Gaithersburg, Maryland

David Kroon, Corrpro, Houston, Texas

David Lippman, Las Virgenes Metropolitan Water District, Calabasas, California

Ken Morgan, Water Distribution Superintendant, Phoenix, Arizona


q  Employee training:

o  Confined spaces

o  Lockout/tagout of valves and hydrants

o  Traffic awareness

o  Proper excavation, trench work, and backfilling techniques

o  Handling and installing pipe material

o  Hand signals

o  Chemical safety and handling

o  First aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

o  Proper sampling, chain of custody and transport techniques for bacteriological tests

q  Additional training for project managers and supervisors:

o  Requirements for disinfection, dechlorination, and disposal after repairs that may vary by locality

o  Regulations pertaining to hydrostatic testing and bacteriological sampling

o  Required documentation and records retention

q  Distribute advance notification of repair (including scheduled periods of work, expected traffic disruptions or service interruptions, and expected public hazards) to:

o  Department of Public Works

o  Department of Transportation

o  Local law enforcement

o  Local government leader(s)

o  State Department of Health (if applicable)

o  Media (print, radio and television), in the form of a press release

o  Affected customers


q  GPS or other notation of the exact location of underground water mains, services, valves, hydrants, and other underground utility locations should be noted clearly on a system map.

q  Notation of OD, pipe material, manufacturer, date of manufacture, and supplier information should be included in the project file.

q  Determine (or estimate) whether repair is due to leak, break, beam, split, blowout, joint, corrosion, or other damage. If possible, estimate the date the pipe was installed, and the cost associated with the repair (materials, manpower, time, overtime, etc.) for use in future budgeting activities.

q  Fill out the “Main Break Evaluation” form.


q  Distribute notifications of repair work.

q  Place public warning and road hazard signs, traffic cones, and barriers.

q  Include night work lights (if applicable).

q  Check personnel protective equipment (gloves, reflective vests, hard hats, etc.)

q  Provide surface runoff diversionary equipment (sandbags, trench covers, and the like).

q  Provide dewatering pump and accoutrements.

q  Bring flow diversion equipment.

q  Include disinfection/dechlorination chemicals and equipment.

q  Bring pressure measurement gauges or devices.

q  Provide tapping equipment.

q  Include hand tools (saws, wrenches, buckets, shovels, pick axes, ladders, flashlights, and the like).

q  Provide biological sampling bottles, protective gloves, transport cooler, ice packs, and laboratory chain-of-custody sheets.

q  Notify appropriate parties of repair (in advance if possible).

q  Determine how groundwater levels, inclement weather, and other factors may affect the repair, and determine compensatory methods.

q  Call “dig safe” system (if available) to identify buried utilities in the area.

q  Locate, mark and protect existing underground utility lines (including water, sewer, phone, cable, gas and power lines) and valves in the vicinity of the repair.

q  Determine location of dewatering and runoff, and avoid or mitigate erosion and property damage.

q  Determine whether temporary service can be provided (if applicable).

q  Isolate the pipe section with valves, maintaining positive pressure to reduce backflow or runoff contamination.

q  Expose, thoroughly scrape and clean the area around the pipe section. Inspect breaks for rough or sharp edges and file smooth.

q  Determine the pipe material and its outside diameter (OD), fittings, joints, gaskets, clamps, and other repair equipment necessary to perform work. If work takes more than one day, store materials on-site in a secure area.

q  Disinfect hand tools and tapping machines used in the repair prior to use; clean and disinfect parts and materials before installation. Maintain protective caps, plugs and coverings on pipes and fittings until just prior to installation, to prevent contamination.

q  Perform repair.

q  Flush, clean and disinfect the repaired pipe.

q  Complete repair; tighten and/or secure installation.

q  Apply corrosion protection (if necessary).

q  Perform hydrostatic testing per applicable AWWA pipe standard, and bacteriological testing as according to AWWA C651: Disinfection of Water Mains. Obtain appropriate permission to return line to service.

q  Dispose of or dechlorinate chlorinated water according to regulations.

q  Flush hydrants to remove debris.

q  Sequence valve operations so that negative pressure in the system is avoided.

q  Backfill and compact pipe bedding per applicable AWWA pipe installation standard; repair ground surface to at least original condition.

Date of Break: / ______/ Time: ______/ c A.M. / c P.M.
Type of Main: / ______
Size (OD): / ______/ in. Joint: / ______/ Cover: / ____ ft ____in
Wall Thickness at Failure: / ______/ in.
Nature of Break:
c Circumferential / c Longitudinal / c Both
c Blowout / c Joint / c Sleeve / c Split at Corporation / c Other
Apparent Cause of Break:
c Water Hammer (Surge) / c Defective Pipe / c Deterioration
c Corrosion / c Improper Bedding / c Operating Pressure
c Temperature Change / c Differential Settlement / c Contractor
c Other: ______
Pipe Location Information:
c Paved / c Unpaved / Traffic: / c Heavy / c Medium / c Light
Type of Street Surface: ______/ Side of Street: / c Sunny / c Shady
Type of Soil: ______/ Resistivity: ______/ ohms/cm
Electrolysis? / c Yes / c No / Corrosion? / c Inside / c Outside
Other: / c Rocks / c Voids / Proximity to Other Utilities: ______
Depth of Frost: / ______in. / Depth of Snow: / ______in.
Comments: / ______
Weather Conditions During Previous Two Weeks: / ______
Sudden Change in Air Temp: / cYes cNo / Average Temp: ____ oF Rise: ____ oF Fall: ____ oF
Sudden Change in Water Temp: / cYes cNo / Average Temp: ____ oF Rise: ____ oF Fall: ____ oF
Historical Pipe Data:
Type of Main: / ______/ Class/Thickness: ______/ Laying Length: / ______ft
Date Laid: / ______/ Design Operating Pressure: / ______psi
Previous Break Reported? / cYes cNo / Pressure at Previous Break? / ______psi
Historical Installation Data:
Bedding: / c Gravel / c Sand / c Native Material ______
Backfill: / c Gravel / c Sand / c Bank Run Sand and Gravel / c Rock
c Native Material: ______
c Other: ______
Compaction: / c Natural / c Water / c Compactors / c Vibrators
c Other: ______
Comments: / ______
Location of Break: ______Map Number: ______
Reported By: / ______
Damage: / ______
Repairs (Equipment, Materials, Labor): ______
Repair Difficulties (if any): ______
Installing Contractor: ______

AWWA Small Systems Pipe Repair Checklist Copyright© 2008 American Water Works Association