Campus Behavior Plan 2015 - 2016

In order to provide students and parents clear expectations, the following rules and consequences are applied in every classroom and throughout the campus with all faculty and staff at KEYS Academy.

Student Behaviors

  • HALLWAY PROCEDURES- Students are to walk on the right side in the hallways with their hands behind their back, shirt tucked in properly and pants pulled up to the waist, and refrain from talking. Any type of physical contact/hand shaking with anyone is prohibited.
  • INAPPROPRIATE CONVERSATIONS– Students are to refrain from conversing on topics related to gangs, sex, drugs, partying and alcohol. Teachers may use the topics in character education lessons. During such lessons students are to keep conversations related to the lessons.
  • PROFANE, OFFENSIVE AND VULGAR LANGUAGE AND GESTURES – Students are never to use profanity or any language deemed offensive and/or vulgar. Included in this category are derogatory terms based on race and ethnicity.
  • SLEEPING IN CLASS – Students are not allowed to put their head down or sleep in class and are expected to be on task and ready to learn at all times.
  • DISRUPTING CLASS – Students are not to disrupt classroom procedures or instruction. If a student has a concern they are to wait until the end of the period or discuss the situation with the teacher privately when the teacher allows the conversation.
  • DESTROYING PROPERTY – All student materials are provided by the teacher and KEYS Academy. Materials and supplies are to be returned by the student in the same condition they are received.
  • GANG ACTIVITY AND DISCUSSIONS – Students are to refrain from any type of gang activity; it is strictly prohibited. All gang activity will be reported to SISD SRO staff and EPPD Gang Unit.

Severe behaviors will warrant an immediate office referral. Excessive referrals will result in administrative actions like all day parent shadowing, suspensions, progressive court sanctions, DAEP KEYS Extension, and possible expulsion and enrollment at Caesar Chavez Academy.


  • STEP 1 - Verbal warning.
  • STEP 2 - Parent contact (phone call, note and/or email)
  • STEP 3 - Detention and parent conference
  • STEP 4 –Three (3) hours of academic Saturday school with numerous make-up assignments.
  • STEP 5 –Office referral.

I have read the KEYS Academy Campus Behavior Plan and agree to abide by the rules set forth.


Parent SignatureStudent SignDate