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Camping Gaffes re Gen7:11, '17', '23', 722,500 & 2300 days
How Camping twists math in Bible's calendar, verses, numbers to HIDE his own past failures
(original post: click here. )
And I must be blunt. Like Camping, I do numbers for a living. My clients come to me looking for a specific DEDUCTION; it's my job to justify it. So notice: FIRST I get the NUMBER from them, THEN I back into how (if legal) it can be DEDUCTED. So I know what Camping's done. HE BACKED INTO his 'proofs', then claims they are from God!
He fails in 1988, so has to invent '23' to get to 2011.
He fails again in 1994, so has to invent '17' to get to 2011.
His Adam-When calendar is completely bogus (see my 'Chicanery' post, green text, 5th in this thread); resulting, in a wrong date for the Flood. So he has to MANUFACTURE a start and end point in 2011 to make the old material, look right. That results in his bogus 722,500 days, and his laughable misuse of Daniel 8's 2300 days.
Topping it off, he uses the modern Jewish Calendar to pick his 2011 date. As a result, all the previous number manipulations, are exposed.
Heh: he's not good at hiding his manipulation of numbers. What's really sad, is that people obviously supporting him didn't CHECK THE BIBLE against what he claimed, i.e., Daniel 8:14 says 'evenings and mornings', so it means LITERAL DAYS, never ever can mean anything else. Same construction as in Genesis 1.
This same no-homework among the sheeple is why King-James-Onlyism, SDA, JW, Mormonism, and all the other many apostate sects, are popular. People thump the Bible but don't really want to learn it!
SO IF YOU REJECT TESTING WITH BIBLE, YOUR FAITH IN SOMETHING (SOMEONE) ELSE WILL BE REJECTED, TOO, Philippians 3:18-19, 2Tim2:26-3:7, 4:3, Ephesians 4:14; Heb11:6, being refused. Lots of people hurting, now. Because they didn't want to do their Bible homework.
So this post will show how Camping gets caught in his above gaffes.. by God in BIBLE. Which you yourself, can proof yourself. Just use 1John1:9, and work through what follows...
For Camping to date the Rapture at all, is wrong. For Camping to date the Rapture using a mis-matched calendar, is even more wrong. You don't mix apples and oranges.Frankly, every one of his dates is wrong. It's embarrassing, all the more because good scholarship on Bible dates does exist. That good scholarship was mainstream, back in the 1950's. We all KNEW Exodus was 1440BC, that David became king of all Israel circa 1004 or 1000BC, Solomon in 970BC, that Isaiah taught starting about 754BC, etc.
The only argument was over how to fix the 4-year DELETION made by the RCC when they came up with their BC/AD dates. Because, you can't just add 3 years to AD, and get the right timeline balancing to all the BC dates. So, the good scholars finally reached a consensus to say Christ was born in 4BC.
Of course, since then the Bible is debated on every little point, so the alleged dates are all over the map, today. But in Camping's day, he had access to good dates. He clearly rejected them.
Had Camping actually followed the Bible's chronology from Adam forward, instead of inserting his own ideas, he'd have seen a convergence pattern far more elegant and Divine than what he derived. For God really does Orchestrate Time.
God's Word divulges a distinct numerical pattern with factors of 7, 5, 3, and 2: He uses these to tell you What Time It Is. First He TELLS you the time, whether past or future; then, if future, He brings it to PASS exactly as predicted.
* Genesis 15:13, He tells Abraham that his yet-to-be-born sons will be enslaved for 400 years. And, they are: 10 years for Joseph, plus 390 years for all Jacob's sons. So, in the fourth generation after that slavery began, they come out, just as foretold, in 1440BC, having entered in 1870BC -- 430 years, to the day Jacob entered the Land, Exodus 12:40-41.
* Christ dies on the 1470th anniversary of that exit, sarcastically explained by John in his Gospel's Greek (John 19), since the Real Passover was the day He died, not the day the Jews then had scheduled.
Many more examples like these, from Adam forward. Here's a brief recap of them: A much more comprehensive, see-how-God's-Time-numbers-balance, is here: All that information is from the Bible, and you can vet it. Just grab a Bible and a calculator.
The point? God orchestrates Time, tells you WHEN in advance, and then brings it to pass. So you know that He is God.
This pattern is communicated in many ways, for the Coming of Messiah was a TIMED PROMISE since Adam's Fall. Therefore, the 'job' is to find out HOW Bible tells you the numerical pattern, at which point you'll see God's Promise and Real Time converge so strikingly and at so many levels, you'll know This is The Word Of Real God.
Of course, to communicate this information cogently, much detail must be provided and analyzed. The sloppy reader will make mistakes, so when deriving the BIBLE's timeline, will run into 'contradictions'. Those 'contradictions' reflect the reader's own errors, so he is alerted to audit again.
For GOD's timeline, is self-auditing. So disputes and errors only come from sloppy Bible reading.
So the one who won't use God's Word PROPERLY to find the dates, will miss the pattern, end up confused. Or, worse: will blame God for keeping one's spiritual eyes, closed.
That's what Camping does. Frankly, that's what many so-called 'scholars' do, too; they deem Bible 'inscrutable' or 'we can't know'; when in fact, they won't crunch the numbers ONLY in BIBLE. Instead, like Camping they seek shortcuts and make estimates from dating schema OUTSIDE Bible, like Roman AUC, astrology, astronomy, archeology. Anything but Bible, is deemed more reliable.
So Camping is just one of a string of misreaders, since the Hasmoneans. That's when people stopped consulting Bible's dates, and instead came up with their own. That's why they didn't believe the Lord came On Time. And why, they still don't.
Thus the Family of God has remained in the dark and the Bible of course ends up looking false. So it's little wonder, then, that believers want some date to actually come to pass, since they don't realize EVERY DATE since Adam forward was PREDICTED and came to pass EXACTLY AS PREDICTED.
But you won't know that, if you don't use the Bible. If you don't pay close attention to HOW the Bible phrases its dates. If you don't pay close attention to WHY God chooses that phrasing. Camping didn't pay attention. So, here's how he went wrong...
Camping used the MODERN LUNAR Judaic Calendar to claim its 17 Iyyar was the '17th day of the second month' in Genesis 7:11. Then he claimed that date as the world's end.All Camping's calculations, are ARBITRARY. First, he CHOSE that date, based on misreading Matthew 24:37. Then he BACKED INTO his magical 'proofs'. Then he claims the numbers are from God and Biblical. Wowing people with Bible numbers is the frequent tactic of the false teacher. Its source is in pagan sacred numerology and geometry, the idea of numbers fitting together having a sacred, secret meaning knowable only to a few. So those few, will feel special.
*Camping's hermeneutic is dead wrong, because (inter alia) Matt24:37 is about the Second Advent, not the Rapture.
* Moreover, at the 2nd Advent, the world doesn't end. Rather, it's the Millennium, and the world will go on living for another 1050 years, ending (and beginning anew) in Revelation 21:1.
*'Son of Man' title is exclusive to Israel, not a Head-of-Church Title, so the 'Coming of the Son of Man' means the 2nd Advent (Daniel 7:13ff prophecy), NOT the Rapture. He has other Titles as Head of Church, like King of Kings, etc.
*The 2nd Advent is literal, real, and the Lord PHYSICALLY RETURNS on that day, with everyone able to see Him, per that verse and also Zechariah14:2-7; Revelation 19:11ff is when it actually occurs. In short, the whole world will SEE Him descend from heaven (with us riding behind Him) on that Day. So it's NOT, the Rapture.
* Noah entering the Ark and Christ RETURNING are not parallel events. Noah is a beneficiary. Christ is Ruler. Noah receives the action; Christ DOES the action. On earth. Visibly.
*Noah entering the Ark and Christ PAYING for sins, ARE parallel events, 1Pet3:18-22. All of humanity was in the Ark, positionally. All our sins were imputed to Christ, so we were in Him, on the Cross (theme of Romans 6-8 ). And, Christ died 57 days prior to the Flood's 2480th anniversary, which was the 1470th anniversary of the Exodus, the 1900th anniversary of Jacob's entry into Egypt, and the 3080th anniversary of Noah's birth. There are more convergences, but this gives you an idea of the Bible's parallelisms.
*And of course, the Flood is never to happen again, Isa54:9ff. So the commonality referenced in Matt24:37, has to do with the SURPRISE ARRIVAL, which obviously means it's physical, never 'spiritual'.
In short, a false hermeneutic gives rise to false numbers, so the prediction based on those numbers, inevitably fails to occur.
But if one wants to use certain numbers, he must craft an artificial hermeneutic to make those numbers seem Biblical. That's what happened, here.
Even so, let's pretend Camping's hermeneutic were valid. HE STILL GETS THE DATE WRONG. Here's why.
1. The Noahic calendar was based on the autumnal equinox, and is solar. But Genesis 7 isn't.
2. The Bible's calendar for Israel, is based on the vernal equinox, and is solar (Exodus 12). But Genesis 7, isn't.
3. Genesis 7 is based on Noah's BIRTHDAY, so is solar. The modern Judaic calendar, is lunar. So it cannot be used. Today's modern Judaic calendar's '17 Iyyar' is actually TWO WEEKS SLOW. Using the Bible's calendar for Israel, '17 Iyyar' occurred on May 6 or 7 (depending on timezone).
4.So to properly date Genesis 7, you have to know Noah's Birthday. This, Camping did not have.
5.Noah's birthday is NOT directly given in the passage.
6. But God keyed Israel's birthday to Noah's, in Exodus 12.
7.Moreover, the Hebrew text in Genesis 7-8 has three errors. That's why the translations are unclear, and don't balance. They were easy mistakes to make, for the right words are very similar in Hebrew, to the wrong ones. Thus it would be easy to miscopy. These errors were corrected by the LXX text for the same verses. So the correct dates are:
*Genesis 7:11, should read the 27th day of the second month (after Noah's birthday);
*Genesis 8:4, should read the 27th day of the seventh month;
*Genesis 8:5, should read the ELEVENTH month.
8.Hence, to get the right date, you must either convert from the autumnal equinox, or have Noah's Birthday. Camping ignored both.
9.Noah's birthday would become Passover, since a) he's the TYPE (Christ being the anti-type), carrying humanity, as it were; b) the death of the firstborn in Egypt, was the anti-type for the TYPE, the death of the unbelievers in the Flood. (Nerd note: in prophecy theology, 'type' denotes the metaphorical depiction 'near', and 'anti-type' means the ultimate 'far' fulfillment. All prophecy is dual-event in nature, hence the need to classify 'type' and 'anti-type'. The word 'anti' here has no negative connotation.)
So Israel's birthday, was the 1610th anniversary of Noah's, so she was born 1010 years after the Flood began; her deadline to enter the Land was the 1050th year, which year Moses pens Psalm 90, just before he dies.
(See links in the black text at bottom, for sample of Bible Hebrew Meter: dateline use of meter, 63 as 'sevens', shows he's writing 1050 years after the Flood. Paul will repeat this meter, in Eph1:3-14.) That's why she had a 40-year wandering (versus some other amount). She enters it just before Passover, Joshua 5:10 (see prior context).
10.So Noah entered the ark, on what would have been Pentecost; for the 57th day after Passover begins, is Pentecost. Numbers 28:26 says to begin counting the Omer, when the LAST day of Passover week, ends. (Jews today instead miscount the Omer from the 15th of Nisan.)
The crazy Book of Jubilees, vi.17, claims both Firstfruits and Weeks date from when Noah exited the Ark, and the covenant God then made with him.
11.Since the Bible's calendar for Israel is based on the vernal equinox, Exodus 12, and since Noah entered the Ark on what would be Pentecost, it's easy to CONVERT Genesis 7:11 to the right date. In 2011, the vernal equinox occurred on March 21, Israel's time.
12.So, 14+57=the day Noah entered the Ark, which is May 30th (today). Adjusting to Jewish time, since the NEW Jewish day begins piggybacked on the old, and the vernal equinox began after sundown, that means May 31 is the end of that 'day', ASSUMING our current dating of the vernal equinox is correctly the SAME as measured in Noah's day. It might not be.
So if Camping were filled with the Holy Spirit, he'd a) know that Israel's current calendar is NOT the right one to use, and b) would know how to adjust it to God's Calendar for Genesis 7, including a correction for c) Israel's miscounting of the Omer, and d) the correct text in Genesis 7's LXX. For, even this brainout, knew how to do that.
13.Notice the parallels: harvesting means cutting off. Harvesting also means SAVING. So Noah's family was saved from the deluge by being cut off from the world. The world was cut off by a LITERAL REAL DISASTER. Same, for the Exodus, which also was a year long.
14.The total time in the boat was ONE YEAR of 365 days. Not, 370.
15.The numbers in Genesis 7 DO form a pattern of TIME factors God repeats in Scripture, but Camping ignored them; so Camping's timeline flunks on Bible audit. Bible Hebrew Meter and other explict-even-in-translation periods in the Bible, repeat these factors; they are hard-coded into the Mosaic Law and in Israel's actual history. See links in the black text at bottom, for sample of Bible Hebrew Meter. Here, we'll just classify some major factors, so you can see the connection between number, Mosaic Law, and Bible's own accounting of history.
57 days (most common Hebrew meter pattern, Paul even uses it in Eph1:3-14's Greek), based on Gen 7:11, 8:14. Notice it's PAIRED at the beginning when he enters, and when he exits. That same PAIRING pattern is used in prophetic Bible Hebrew Meter (Psalm 90 uses it the most, followed by Isaiah 53, Daniel 9, other passages). It is explicitly shown in the Mosaic Law by Passover plus Pentecost, and by Jubilee plus Tribulation, Daniel 9:27.
Historically, 57 is a much-stressed number, for its root definition is the number of years between Messiah's scheduled DEATH and the Millennium. Because He died 7 years earlier than Scheduled owing to Israel's rejection of Him, the Tribulation must yet occur. There were prior periods, such as the 49 missed sabbatical years, with Daniel praying in that 49th year; added to, the seven total years spent rebuilding the second Temple, all of which Isaiah prophetically SCHEDULED in the meter of Isaiah 53, as had Moses in Psalm 90:16-17 -- this is why Daniel 9:25 reads as it does, a REIMBURSEMENT for that lost time.
If your eyes are glazing over, take a break and watch a 2- minute video I made showing the SYMBOLIC use meter pattern, here:
I know it won't make much sense to you right now. Even so, you did notice, that the Hebrew 'paragraphs' are metrically patterned.
But its pattern is not merely symbolic. Using those same numbers, Isaiah plots out Israel's REAL FUTURE history metrically, 'underneath' the text about Messiah; every clause in that text ALSO characterises the period Isaiah meters to, i.e., Isaiah 53:1-2 meters to evil King Manasseh's actual history, so notice how the TEXT about growing-up and rejecting, has a dual-entendre.
So, I made similar short video showing that Real Future History Per Syllable=year pattern, here:
Daniel 9 is based on the Isaiah 53 pattern: that's why '490' is mentioned. What you can't see is that Daniel's Hebrew prayer, meters off Isaiah 53, also recounting (but from the past), Israel's history from David forward. So you know EXACTLY why the '490' is used in Daniel 9:24-25. In English, it's confusing.
Moses in Psalm 90 started that patterning, and also plotted out real future history (i.e., 350 syllables=350 years, so Judges was written to show how that 350 got 'met').
It's a rhetorical style, since Jews had to memorize Scripture orally. I'm still making videos on this topic.
Now you've a sense of how tightly God Orchestrates Time in Bible; and it's FAR superior to anything you've seen from Camping or anyone else. Blows you away when you see it.
So the timing stated for Noah in the Flood, became the timing of all history, with '57' ('56' between), forming how history begins, and ends. Which, is hard-coded in the Mosaic Law, as just mentioned.