211th Session
FBI National Academy
Quantico, VA
December 6th, 2002
Volume 5
This week’s wishesgo to:
Name / Date / Section
David Zielonka / Nov. 28 / 3
Phil Cholak / Nov. 29 / 3
Paul Workman / Nov. 30 / 3
Johnny Hirst / Nov. 30 / 3
Bryan Jeter / Dec. 6 / 5
Guy Turner / Dec. 8 / 3
Craig Colman / Dec. 9 / 5
Beth Boggess / Dec. 10 / 4
Speaking for all students of the 211th Session of the FBINA this is a once in a lifetime experience, on the other hand WE ALL MISS OUR LOVED ONES. WE’LL BE HOME SOON!!!
Section 5 member Roy Derby would like to wish his wife Eileen a Happy 34th Birthday!! “I love you and I’m sorry I missed it. I owe you a dinner.”
Roy: you owe her two dinners!
Derby would Anniversary to will mark their Congratulations!
Section 2 member James Quintana welcomes his family to Virginia. His wife Denise and children (Sierra,
Julianna, Charisse and Wesley) will be in town for the duration of his stay at Quantico. James would like to thank his family for their love, patience and commitment to the family.
Section 5 member, Tom Smith would like to congratulate his son Zachary on totaling the car. It removes the guessing game on what Zach needs for Christmas. “Glad you’re OK, don’t worry there’s another car somewhere with your name on it! By the way, Happy Birthday on December 9th!! Sorry I won’t be there, but we’ll make it up. Love, Dad.”
Section 5 member Tom Smith relays his pride in daughter Jackie. She made the AB Honor Roll. This is an excellent accomplishment. “I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU! I’d also like to say thanks for helping Andrew with his homework while I have been gone. I love you and miss you both.”
Section 5 member Tom Smith and FBI Leadership Fellow Scott Salley would like to extend their condolences and prayer to the family and friends of one of our Collier County Sheriff’s Office Captains. Captain Pat Mullen died on November 22nd Pat was a true example of leadership, fellowship and friendship. He rose through the ranks after starting with the agency at 19 and was last
assigned as the Uniform Patrol Division Commander. Pat’s very short struggle with cancer took him from our good graces too quickly. He will be missed by all.
Section 4 member Kenny Dunlap advises that his 6 year old son Cameron broke his nose on Nov. 30th while his dad flew back to Quantico. Luckily the break was clean and will not require surgery.
“Praise God.”
Section 1 member Rey Carrasco would like to thank his wife Valerie for allowing him to attend the FBI NA 211. He would also like to thank her for taking care of ‘everything’ back home. Valerie is a Grand Rapids Domestic Assault Detective. Rey relays “hugs and kisses” to Valerie.
Section 1 member Rey Carrasco extends congratulations to his daughter Alyssa Rae. Alyssa turned 10 on November 24th Rey wrote that it will be the first time he won’t be with her on her birthday. “Daddy loves and misses you everyday!”
Section 1 member Rey Carrasco extends congratulations to his son Daniel Nicholas. Daniel scored 4 goals for his soccer team on Nov. 12th. Daniels team won 8 to 1. Rey relates that Daniel is turning into a great athlete. “Daddy loves and misses you everyday!”
Section 5 member John Davenport wishes a Happy Birthday to his son Michael, who turns 18 on December 7th. “Wish I were there to celebrate with you. Dad is proud of you. Hello to Daniel and Lindsay also, see you soon.”
Section 3 member Trevor Jones would like to extend belated birthday wishes to his daughter, Maddie. Maddie turned 4 on November 18th. “Happy birthday to dad’s precious angel!” He would also like to thank his wife, Wendy, for the
stupendous job she’s done with the kids while he’s been at the N/A.
Section 1 member Paul Hosler provided the following information about the latest in ballistic vest technology:
Seco Safety Equipment in Redding, CA is manufacturing ballistic vests that are absolutely awesome. They are lightweight and utilize the latest materials and technology. For those in warm climates, you have to see this... .there is an optional liner that actually cools the wearer. The easiest way for me to describe the liner is that it’s a mesh-type ‘stuff’. I put the vest on and walked outside in 115 degree heat and was honestly cooler than I was in a t-shirt. My department has purchased these vests for all our officers and I am aware of a number of agencies doing the same. They are certified and authorized for purchase through B.J.A. Ballistic Vest Program. I have a sample vest and flyers for anyone who is interested in viewing. Contact Paul at Jefferson 1009, ext. 2203.
Section 2 member Douglas Kane would like to share a thank you note (see attached) from his son, Adam. Adam received flowers from fellow section 2 members, after Adam broke his arm. The break unfortunately required surgery.